General Discussion

General Discussiongame-losing builds on heroes that people still build?

game-losing builds on heroes that people still build? in General Discussion

    pretty much sure there's still a lot of them like:

    aghs refresher zeus

    mom slark

    rush bloodthorn (!!! #triggered) clinkz



      Mom void

      doc joferlyn simp

        running pudge as mid then bottle --> tranqs

        pudge should be ran as a roamer with urn + arc tbh, gives more to the team while doing everything bottle + tranqs does, maybe even better since runes arent always a guaranteed resource

        doc joferlyn simp


          ks everything

          blame teammates for not maximizing space

          live on happy with Dunning and Kruger

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            AM with Vlads.


              LS rush echosabre



                enlighten me why

                because i DO build vlads on AM xD


                  @haffy yeah pudge is a bad mid now, best roaming. Or even in a trilane. However I still go bottle, tranqs, and now infused raindrop.


                    midas on a jungler(except maybe cm)


                      people that play storm spirit and dont buy orchid like nubs

                      M U R D E R

                        aghs refresher zeus isnt bad just not rushing these items ofc, after veil and blink mb


                          its bad

                          M U R D E R

                            Well its situational, as you only lose overall dps from using it (oc dagon much better??), but in a way yoi can do some good things like with spectre in team or other combo. Ofc you must use thr other spells fast enough for refresther to be highly effective so it takes skill

                            Something like blink q w dagon r q refresher blink w q dagon r q w

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                              Linkens dusa


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                                  It's a game-losing build. Vanguard is better.

                                  Dire Wolf

                                    ursa vlads? wtf are u kidding? mask of madness is the game loser on ursa.

                                    Really mask of madness anything except medusa. Generally it's limited to ursa, sniper and void, with an occasional spirit breaker and riki.

                                    Midas on anyone besides lone druid, arc and invoker. No one else needs it. Especially fucking alch. Instant lose, although my lpq alch yesterday won us a match with it. Lifestealer and wk build it a lot too and it's bad.

                                    Medusa's and weavers who rush linkens first item.

                                    Radiance rush spectre. You have to make so much goddamn space for that build.

                                    Battlefury PA. Same as above.

                                    Deso, maelstrom or shadowblade rush sniper. Dude needs hp so badly, dragon lance, s&y seems like only possible build right now, maybe dominator.

                                    casual gamer

                                      ^lul soultrap

                                      Professor Dog

                                        Sb deso sniper, aghs jugg, mom void, vlads ursa, i think ref. Is fine on Z but aghs is lackluster. I also can't stand carry riki or drums sven/ember/jugg/most heroes but not all/but most


                                          BF on PA...
                                          You are supposed to snowball not to fucking farm and fall off before you even come online, holy shit ppl.

                                          casual gamer

                                            i buy vlads every single game and SHIT on people as am rofl

                                            Sei la

                                              Jungle Nature's Prophet building midas -> shadow blade -> blademail


                                                deso, bfury on bh
                                                Bfury, PA
                                                bfury, jug
                                                rightclick on veno

                                                But above all

                                                Radiance rush spectre

                                                Everytime i see it, they die 2-3-4-5x before they finish it, and they would have been faster just building a few early game items and farming/killing/not dying. which will inturn give him a faster radiance.

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                                                  any build on shadow fiend


                                                    vlads on am is still okay btw

                                                    Potato Marshal

                                                      Can't believe phase and deso is still the most popular bh build. Even after they lowered track cooldown to 4 seconds at all level, even after they made shuriken bounce between enemies, even after they raised shadow walk mana cost by 33%.

                                                      {Mid}dle of your Heart

                                                        Arcanes Dagon 5 on Nyx Assassin. How stupid must one be to not get Ags on this hero?
                                                        Midas Radiance on jungling Doom. I mean, how greedy can u be
                                                        Euls Octarine Core rush on Deaht Prophet
                                                        Any Sven build without BKB against lineups with stuns

                                                        Volvo has to change the suggested items for some heroes, would prevent some heavy cancer in pubs

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                                                        bot hard mute

                                                          midas on every core except invoker, arc. u invest 2k gold for so little dps. its nearly an armlet, which lets u farm much faster -> special mention here is bloodseeker -> i know he can farm this item pretty fast in jungle, but blood seeker is a snowball hero, so midas is ur worst choice. its like building midas on a legion commander lul..
                                                          bf on every hero except am, kunkka, ember -> especially mega fail on pa and jugger.


                                                            ^i luld way too hard at some

                                                            {Mid}dle of your Heart

                                                              How is BF legit on Kunkka. Explain.

                                                              bot hard mute

                                                                im no big kunkka player at all, but despite his very nice early roaming skills, kunkka should be able to hit hard in the end game with daedalus, daedalus, daedalus, daedalus, bf, and at somr point rapier. x mark, dagger, hit and back. bf iis for the extra lulz, cause 3 daedalus or more get a little bit ineffective with the reduced crit proc chances

                                                                {Mid}dle of your Heart

                                                                  Rofl. BF 100% useless on Kunkka, even if you face Megas. EVERYTHING is about the one Tidebringer hit, BF splash radius is way too worse to be even considered

                                                                  Fee Too Pee

                                                                    Juggernaut bf is bad? Why? I can underatand pa but on jugg is not that bad i think


                                                                      Juggernaut aghanim
                                                                      Void MoM
                                                                      BOUNTY HUNTER DAGON OMG I REPORT ANYONE WHO GOES FOR THIS SHIT
                                                                      Not to mention these pricks ruins alot of my MMR games especially if the rest of the team already told the bounty to go support

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                                                                        Agh refresher zeus is only tolerable for a 8 slotted zeus
                                                                        Which plebs will never get a chance to get their hands on

                                                                        Boi Danny

                                                                          ^ pleb

                                                                          Livin' Real Good

                                                                            Euls Blink shadow fiend, they end up not executing the build properly, and have zero damage + HP/armor cause the game goes late anyways.

                                                                            Mask of madness juggernaut

                                                                            Mid pudge

                                                                            Not making radiance on alchemist (as scrubby as that sounds, almost EVERYTIME I get a "battle build" or "roaming build" alchemist it's instaloss. I'm probably wrong, but this is just from my experiences)

                                                                            NOT making shadow blade on Slark everytime as of 6.87, Blink isn't even an option anymore, Silver edge is basically core on him now, especially after the change. There's zero reason he should not have one, there's no "maybe blinks good in this game" it's just GET shadow blade.

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                                                                              linkens first on weaver is totally legit. It makes you nigh unkillable and lets you dive much harder

                                                                              casual gamer

                                                                                MASK OF MADNESS -> MAELSTROM FV HOLY SHIT


                                                                                  can u fucking ppl who copy paste builds from pro players or whatever explain why the fuck vlads is a bad item on ursa in solo games? i bet noone can give a good explanation because most just jump on the bandwagon , fucking MoM might be good especially when you have the line up for it , but in no fucking way vlads ursa is a game losing item u fucking dweebs

                                                                                  casual gamer

                                                                                    1200 gold for shit you don't need on a snowball dependant hero

                                                                                    why does delaying blink by 3-4 minutes give ursa players such a fucking boner

                                                                                    PMS Mantra

                                                                                      Midas can nearly out farm any early game item at the same price. It just doesn't build into anything and doesn't bring much else aside from farm and a little attack speed to the table.

                                                                                      Any build of Lycan's that doesn't implement Necro book.


                                                                                        Aether Lens Oracle.
                                                                                        i dont understand that couldve been a glimmer. a ghost scpeter. half of a pipe.


                                                                                        Dr. Banana

                                                                                          Pa battlefury.

                                                                                          Jugg agh's


                                                                                            no one mentioned fucking midas battlefury UNDERLORD? That thing is the real cancer

                                                                                            casual gamer

                                                                                              ^^ I have never seen this lul


                                                                                                  This thread sucks


                                                                                                    Early euls on techies is best I can think of

                                                                                                    Pale Mannie

                                                                                                      Aghs bfury deso Jugg
                                                                                                      Bloodstone rush Leshrac
                                                                                                      Shadowblade DP, Lesh
                                                                                                      Every Slark/Zeus/Axe thats not me

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                                                                                                        @danny said the failed smurf