General Discussion

General Discussioncan someone just teach me how to survive in the offlane

can someone just teach me how to survive in the offlane in General Discussion

    anyone here, i don't want tips

    i just want someone high mmr to add me and to just teach me how to survive in the offlane.

    anyone blue star or more who plays offlane

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      I commended you for that game. In fairness your mid failed hard.

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        oh come the fuck on, now i know who banned my sk




            yo, you play offlane? ik u rekt me, i cant deal with offlaning team annoying ''y u feed'', i didn't want to feed

            come add me, teach me how to survive

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              I actually commit to dying a few times. I dunno play like SK, look long term dw about short term deaths.

              I think you could have done better as you did have the team to do so, all you needed to do was....not die. Guess perma jungle, I am a shit farmer so if you hadn't let me get those couple on you it might have been different.

              That tinker was ace though, commended him as well. I tend to mute my team who moan about feeding cause well it happens.

     Got FB running at heroes, then just literally committed to being the team player to win otherwise we would have lost that one.

              I also stick to active players, or good ones as the offlaner. Will commit to winning their game if I am playing a bit aids.


                Actually shouldn't discredit myself my Wk is actually beast

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                      you should actually die offlane but also make sure you deplete their inventory and if possible also their mana and hp ;) Also you win if you make them run around, don't worry about feed.

                      edit: i actually report offlaners that afk and are not on par with levels or let the safelane + supports freefarm and freeroam. like ez report!

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                        Fuck you guys


                          1 death would let them buy more items to fuck me over harder

                          yo anyone wanna add me come on, birthdayzium?


                            cmooon som1 teach me 2 survive


                              No stout, as starter item. Start with PMS save for iron talon.

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                                Dire Wolf

                                  I mean not really, especially if the supports get the kill and you aren't feeding the carry. A hero kill at early levels is like 250g, that's 5 creeps. If you can deny them 5 cs it's almost even trade. Actually a lot of games I'll be safelane vs something hard to kill like a slardar or windranger and my supports will keep insisting we go for kills, lots of time wasted, missed cs and your farm suffers a lot.


                                    no offense but this is a very stupid question

                                    if enemy has 3 SUPPORTS CONSTANTLY dedicated to pulling / stacking / zøning you out, there is practically nothing you can do. Too much dmg coming your way, too much control over the creeps.

                                    They can even go as far as block both camps the offlaner can use to pull, so he gets absolutely nothing,

                                    Offlaners do best if 1 support is roaming / ganking anotgher lane, or if the enemy t eam has a jungler so its only you vs the hard carry and 1 support, this is much easier to deal with.

                                    When pro offlane players are buying iron talon n going to jungle, it means they are prepared to get harassed out of lane because it is expected.

                                    you can go back n forth between jungle n lane if u see 1 support in another lane or if hes been missing for a long time, but if it's 3 heroes, u cannot stay in that lane. It's 3 heroes.

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                                      bot hard mute

                                        isn'T sk offlane a beast? especially vs morph, slark, pa and some other meta carries. if u have a trilane against u skill 1 point in sandstorm, if its ez lane skill caustic finale and u shold dominate ur lane. sk is bad vs ranged carries.

                                        fairly safe offlane heroes are lich, tide, ds, underlord, mirana. try them. i thought ur main is 6k+? u should know to play offlane

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                                          bot hard mute

                                            cause he is in caustic finale + stun range, and when he is dumb he has switched to massive agi, which is insta kill for good sk players