General Discussion

General DiscussionSome websites for making teams

Some websites for making teams in General Discussion

    so i want a team i cant say that i am the best dota player of smthing like that but i think that i can finnaly make a team
    ok so here is what u can do to help me a little bit cuz its a forum :P

    1.send me some team-finding websites some desingned for becoming a carry in a team joining of finding players that want to join
    2. maybe if u are around 2k mmr and 2.5k mmr u can acctually join too. just add me on skype here dascalu_dragos1 and we will talk

    PS. i am the captain of the team that role cannot be changed and we play cap mode most of the times and with the lord gaben that sayd who has biggest mmr is the cap its retarded so if u have highest mmr u are just bassicly going to do what i say when drafting :P


      help .............................................................................................


        ROFL.... "I need a team, I will be the Captn, I will carry,do as I say or go to hell" attitude.... Are you a <10yr old kid? ... "Its my football, I'll be the striker or else I take the football and go home"

        And, 2-2.5k mmr, what are you going to do with a team? Arrange an Amateur tournament and participate in it?

        Better try to improve your skills and your shitty attitude.

        Edit: Just saw your MMR, 1.3k........You Sir, have some special talent at SUCKING.

        Este comentário foi editado
        Class [S] Rank [7]

          Wtf? I just saw his rmm, this guy is delusional af.

          Autism nowadays


            Dude with that kind of attitude, you're not going to get anywhere.


              OP, let's team up, with your MMR rating, for sure we can be the champion of TI7.


                Is this a suicidal post?

                PSE.NSA, CHAT = YOU LOSE ...

                  Ok everyone i am sorry i did not mean to be rude what i meant is that the player with the highest mmr is the cap valve just Did that ...... So bassicaly i need to do the picks and shit im sorry that was not like Meant to be like that and for an 1.3 K mmr player i have good skill So stop insulting me beacuse i cant get higher mmr since i only get matched with "Bad Teammates" and in this mmr u will be expecting bad players yeah So i didint mean to be rude ..... I need to learn to talk god dammit

                  Este comentário foi editado

                    I clocked at 1000 mmr flat and i can get to 2.3k in 150ish match, ur argument is invalid.

                    PSE.NSA, CHAT = YOU LOSE ...

                      Come on wtf MAN this post is not fuckig Meant for insults as i sayd i need to fucking talk better S-o im sorry can i get like some Actual comments


                        Remember to keep your post friendly and within the Dotabuff Code of Conduct: No vulgar word please.

                        Este comentário foi editado
                        PSE.NSA, CHAT = YOU LOSE ...

                          Ok sorry i guess



                            1. As far as i know, only tier 1 teams got an open selection for their players, and the last time i check their carry has 8k mmr or something. Your best bet is to create a team with ur friends.

                            2.don't have friends? With ur "noob teammates", "i'm the captain and carry whatever happens" attitude, even 2ks like me wont accept u. AND it explains why u don't have a friend.

                            3. Even amateur league has 3k/4k in it, enter it with 2/2.5 k and they will crush u.

                            P.S. climb ur mmr


                              for an 1.3 K mmr player i have good skill So stop insulting me beacuse i cant get higher mmr since i only get matched with "Bad Teammates" and in this mmr u will be expecting bad players
                              RIP attitude


                                You seems to be quite decent in drafting for a 1k tho


                                  Try playing with your 5k (or at least 4k) mmr that are willing to teach you how to play no matter what kind of shit you did.

                                  You are assuming you are good enough in 1.3k since you only play with same level. After playing at higher level, your usual 1k is a joke. You can win game solo with CM, just force staff caught teammate, ethereal your friend, euls, timely mekans, whatever shit support can pull

                                  "normal skillz scrub" comment incoming


                                    ''i have good skill So stop insulting me beacuse i cant get higher mmr since i only get matched with "Bad Teammates" and in this mmr u will be expecting bad players ''
                                    if you think yr so good and better than everyone in yr tier, why can't you play like this the last 15 games on the account above? lmao


                             their forum, lpf/lft section
                             forum, lfr/lfp section
                             and their steam group
                                      dota athletes steam group
                                      ad2l forum

                                      you wont enjoy having a team though, and it will remain this way for the next 3-4 years, at least. i dont mean u wont win shit (u actually wont but lmao who cares); the main point is that it wont be fun for you for a number of reasons.

                                      regarding the leagues u might want to consider, either rd2l or ad2l got mmr restricted divisions, jdl has a starter division but i think there are no teams with <3k av mmr there, UGC has a pretty decent sections for newbies, and DA has an Intermediate skill group (im not sure who plays there rn, and their website is a mess). faceit and starladder fastcups is the pnly place i saw 1-2ks cnsistently participating in, but they require you to play for several hours straight. esl might have smthng like that as well, but im not really sure.
                                      most of these leagues are eu/na or eu only. if you come from sea/china, all this text is useless for you.

                                      keep in mind tho that most teams u gonna face even in the lower tier divisions of these leagues are gonna be 2-3-4ks.

                                      Este comentário foi editado
                                      Riguma Borusu

                                        51% winrate and normal skill, lives in denial


                                          If you live here in Ph you can find teams easily by joining local tournaments and making a name for yourself, also dude you should at least raise your mmr (not trying to insult you but) I wouldn't want a captain who is 1k mmr.


                                            i'd recommend to get to AT LEAST 6.5k before making a team, it's pointless to work on teamplay when your soloplay is shit



                                              u can make a team at mid 4ks and completely forget about solo q after 6.0.

                                              yung griphook

                                                whats your region OP


                                                  you can make a team at 1-4k mmr but you won't go pro tier 1 team ever

                                                  Este comentário foi editado

                                                    i was talking about the most efficient way to learn the game, and not how to become the next miracle

                                                    yung griphook

                                                      well i can tell just from battlecup, being in situation where its more competitive, forcing you to try your best, is a good thing and can help you improve, regardless of how good or bad you do. It can be hard to get the same effect from pubs where you get cancer teammates or your team comp is shit.


                                                        Serious note

                                                        1) low mmr doesn't matter, go play team/captains mode if you want, it's a lot of fun to play with a team.

                                                        2) highest mmr doesn't need to be captain. not everyone is meant to be a drafter. that said, if someone is a large mmr gap above they should be captain anyways. they might lack the talent to be a good captain, but the mmr disparity more than makes up for it.

                                                        3) you'll never go pro if you're 1k, just go play and have fun.

                                                        4) saying your "role of captain" can't be changed is simply goofy. The captain is whoever everyone in your team wants to be captain. That's just how it works. Generally whoever builds an amateur team is the "Captain" though not necessarily the drafter, but that can very easily change if the people in your team decide to kick you because you have a childish attitude.

                                                        What's stopping them from deciding you're a retard and making their own team without you?