General Discussion

General DiscussionHow can i know my hidden mmr in dota2 ?

How can i know my hidden mmr in dota2 ? in General Discussion
ⓞ_ⓞ Shaky Shaky

    is there any website or software where i can know my hidden mmr...

    f9 is almost 90% correct base on my experience

      Johnny Rico

        the same way you see your behavior score, there are some variables there that show your current mmr.
        type into console developer 1
        then dota_game_account_debug


          Johnny Rico

            yasp current mmr is garbage, if you play with a party and only one guy shows the mmr and he is 7k, you will be considered 7k that game.


              ^ true

              Luminuos Adra

                I played with a party of 5k mmr before. Is that mean I might hit 5k mmr after TBD?

                Johnny Rico

                  no, only on yasp, the game has a diferent mmr for anyone, and party doesnt change it, even on party mmr.


                    I will only say 1 thing, been 2k fucking sucks

                    Class [S] Rank [7]

                      how come this guy doesnt reach vhs? i mean he got good kda's


                        Kda isn't imply how good a player is. You can afk at base with zues,wait enemy about to die ulti. Ez kda. Rofl. Gameplay is the key to achieve your drolled vhs bracket


                          APM is important to get vhs

                          ⓞ_ⓞ Shaky Shaky

                            what is APM Sir


                              Action Per Minute


                                apm is not just not important; it is not even considered as a factor at all


                                  stop baby siting on mid and rorate to help your team mate , vhs will come


                                    2 kappas


                                      my apm is on the level of a 2k


                                        Gameplay mechanics will lead you to vhs, this is why some 3k spam their best hero to get vhs. Those were the smurf who manage to get vhs after 20 or more games.


                                          Ill give you a hint. Play only your best heroes ,if will not lead you to vhs ,accept the fact that you still need lot of rooms for improvements..

                                          ⓞ_ⓞ Shaky Shaky

                                            ty sir for your kindly hint


                                              @Hook And Roll

                                              Which one is my hidden mmr?

                                              ] developer 1
                                              change callback spew threshold 0.100000 msecs
                                              ] dota_game_account_debug
                                              account_id: 301250201
                                              wins: 139
                                              losses: 114
                                              xp: 0
                                              level: 1
                                              initial_skill: 106
                                              leaver_count: 12
                                              low_priority_until_date: 0
                                              prevent_text_chat_until_date: 0
                                              prevent_voice_until_date: 0
                                              last_abandoned_game_date: 1473564488
                                              leaver_penalty_count: 3
                                              completed_game_streak: 20
                                              teaching: 4
                                              leadership: 3
                                              friendly: 9
                                              forgiving: 2
                                              account_disabled_until_date: 0
                                              account_disabled_count: 0
                                              showcase_hero_id: 0
                                              match_disabled_until_date: 1474106534
                                              match_disabled_count: 19
                                              partner_account_type: PARTNER_NONE
                                              low_priority_games_remaining: 0
                                              solo_calibration_games_remaining: 5
                                              recruitment_level: 0
                                              has_new_notifications: false
                                              is_league_admin: false
                                              secondary_leaver_count: 0
                                              last_secondary_abandoned_game_date: 0
                                              casual_games_played: 240
                                              solo_competitive_games_played: 5
                                              party_competitive_games_played: 0
                                              casual_1v1_games_played: 0
                                              competitive_team_games_played: 0
                                              curr_all_hero_challenge_id: 28
                                              play_time_points: 74
                                              account_flags: 1
                                              play_time_level: 74
                                              player_behavior_seq_num_last_report: 256
                                              player_behavior_score_last_report: 7093
                                              player_behavior_report_old_data: true
                                              solo_seasonal_ranked_games_played: 0
                                              general_seasonal_ranked_games_played: 0
                                              general_seasonal_rank_transferred: false
                                              solo_seasonal_rank_transferred: false
                                              prevent_public_text_chat_until_date: 0

                                              doc joferlyn simp

                                                your initial skill


                                                  yasp is as close as it gets.

                                                  it's not very accurate if your under level 20, calibrate your mmr and you'll know your hidden mmr

                                                  Este comentário foi editado
                                                  doc joferlyn simp

                                                    tell me your statistics and i will do math shit with my mind and give you your calib


                                                      unless of course you have some unnatural performance in calibration


                                                        yasp is bollocks. it is just the average of the known mmrs of people you've played with and against for the last 20 games.


                                                          Side note, is now
                                                          Typing into the URL bar redirects you to so you can use either one.

                                                          Johnny Rico

                                                            your initial skill it varies from 0-1k you are on 100 so maybe 1k mmr yet, the climb is a slown process.


                                                              Wut happens if i got 1k initial skill?