General Discussion

General Discussionwhat to do if getting dived

what to do if getting dived in General Discussion

    like you are solo offlane and in early game 2-3 ppl constantly dive and dive you under the tower if you show yourself to get xp?

    dont say "have your teammates tp" cause that is just outrageous.

    sure i can 2-man-shackle them under tower and almost kill, but that doesnt save me nor does it net a kill


      If there is only 1 hero on the enemy offlane then u go and push it as 3 or 4 heroes to exchange towers. If ur levels at least 4-5

      Este comentário foi editado
      This is fucking terrible

        Happened to me once as kotl solo offlane cause my LC wouldn't give up jungle. I died thrice before 6 mins i think. But there's very little you can do. Ask your team to dominate the safe lane, get as XP as u can, forget cs cause that'll get u killed. Put more points into windrun (escape skill) and wait patiently to get a kill or two.

        Dire Wolf

          you leave, go jungle if you can at all, even most supports can burn all their mana and spells to take down the hard camps, then just walk back to base, it's better than nothing

          Coffee Bean~

            We fight smart, be patient and pray (c)charlie kenton, real steel


              You put a defensive ward and position yourself accordingly?!

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                you die
                but never give up and try to juke around trees and do plays

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                  ^^basically if u think ur death is inevitable just juke around and delay ur death as long as u can.

                  I want to say u could ask other lanes to counter gank/push, but unfortunately in our skill bracket they just act like nothing happened, and worse, "omg sand king dont feed", "gg sand king". U know what i mean.

                  PMS Mantra

                    Ping your tower. No, it isn't any guarantee that your team will tp, but it will at least make 1-2 people who aren't hardcore farming look at the situation; and if they like what they see, they might tp for a free kill.

                    Dire Wolf

                      They do the same shit to carries too, I was on sniper, picked him pretty early, underlord, riki and storm kept diving me under tower. Nothing I could do except leave lane. Our whole team was like gg sniper all game, but seriously they picked pudge, clinkz and timber after me into a riki, underlord, storm. Zero lockdown, who is pudge going to gank, timber into a riki?!?! It was very dumb.


                        go offlane weaver phase lance deso shpere/bkb gg