General Discussion

General Discussionhow do i beat huskar

how do i beat huskar in General Discussion

    we missed the huskar kill at lvl 1 because of our out of position hero who was bottom, instead of top.

    we missed the husakr kill at lvl 2 because a certain hero with an oov didn't click the huskar.

    after many missed chances, i left lane to just go farm jungle. i didn't get much out of jungle needless to say.

    how do i come back from this? what could i have done differently? i know we had awful picks, but if a top tier player were in my position, what would they have done?


      Actual in early game huskar is a winner
      If u wan 1 vs 1 u gona die atleast u carry atleast 2 faerie fire in rarly game is save ur life




          i am having fun destroying NS noobs even my team flamed me when i bought abyssal blade on him


            would appreciate some help from players who know how to play dota 2

            one syllable anglo-saxon

              huscar not strong versus pure damages
              pick pure damages and ez win huscar


                i by no mean a good player but i have done well vs husker with raindrop so i guess it may help.

                i also think that morph is quite bad vs husker cause he cant stop him from raxing early and your linkun don't help much vs life break,
                may be PA / slark / lifestealer / lycan are better carries vs husker (lycan is really niche pick that patch).


                  also timberking is destroy husker :)


                    You really didn't have heroes who can counter husk... Especially since you say you left him to farm.
                    You need heroes like Ursa/timber/sb/bristle to beat that fucker, he's only "op" early game, then he gets owned. I personally think he's one of the worst heroes in dota. Just my opinion.
                    ^^ Example of one of those games, it was single draft and I had bristle. I was 0-4 If I recall correctly, because oracle/husk is a strong lane, but once I roamed a little to get my items, he became nothing, he basically suicided everytime he went for me lol


                      Armor, reduce it.


                        Can I just say your Invoker player went 0-11 and he has played 1400 invoker games.

                        Cheap Laugh Guy

                          Blitzkrieg reminded me some of my Bot matches.
                          BRISTLEBACK is the hardest counter to Huskar
                          Lina with Agh's can do too.

                          PMS Mantra

                            Blade Mail. STR gain. 4 second stun.


                              I use ta kill him on every early game

                              Girth Spirit

                                Any hero can counter huskar in the easiest way. Buy silver edge, attack out of invis, watch berserkers blood break and confusion follow as his attack speed disappears in a instant.


                                  Lifebreak purges silver edge so you will be the one standing there confused


                                    offlane pa is my go to huskar counter


                                      It's axe time! :D


                                        that's a problem of execution that you failed 2 kills

                                        but you still could've stayed in lane and farmed using aggro creep seperation tricks

                                        you didn't have to fight but you'd get at least something

                                        morph can't early jungle, you'd be gaining more in an impossibly shitty lane than jungle with him

                                        anyways, there's no way you can deal with ANYTHING, not just huskar, on the enemy team after you fed them a 20k networth lead in the first 20 min.

                                        going afk won't solve your problems magically, enemy will just take the chance to push out and get more advantage.

                                        Este comentário foi editado

                                          Alright kid, do not post on an open forum asking for help then a ns player comments and you get bitchy. You are the reason you can not deal with husk not him.
                                          Your bounty, support bounty almost outfarmed you, terrible kda. Be a better player and then you will be able to handle a husk, or if you think there will be a husk in your lane dont pick morph or go to another lane. Learn the game first before saying dumb shit


                                            Quas Exort voker can 1v1 huskar , release forge spirit, ready cold snap and sunstrike. But I assume you got the injoker thing.


                                              And you got good heroes to deal huskar , lmfao. It's not an awful pick. Voker/Fv/Morp/Tusk . You just lack game knowledge and objectives in dealing a greedy heroes like huskar/bs/bc . If your voker was good it was ez game, bone clinks got bkb and bs( ice wall must be used) You got fv too for setting up a good clash,voker should get level 1 wex for meteor. Thats the best way to kill your enemies. Fv sets,forge released, ready ice wall and meteor/sunstrike.