General Discussion

General Discussioncan someone teach me how to offlane.

can someone teach me how to offlane. in General Discussion

    this is literally the only role i can't play.

    with all the gold i don't have, i can't get items and be useful.

    i keep getting ganked, they deward my ward and they just burn all my hp/regen at the first 2 waves for coming close.

    i never actually played solo offlane *-* this is the first time i do it.

    im trying sk solo off, but i just can't get a fast dagger nor survive.

    idk, i always played sk roam/jungle. but current meta is offlane

    i can't do this useless shit... if we're behind i get no items *-*

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      Can't help u man. Solo offlane is the easiest shit in normal skill


        well in normal skill the supports don't do anything. the higher you go the more annoying they get


          Can't help fam
          Offlane is like the role I'm most comfortable with next to pos 1 but yeah NS ez shit whatever I'll just tell you what I usually do
          Suck xp
          Maintain lain equilibrium
          Gank mid after lvl 6
          Teamfight and farm if you're not
          Easier said than done :(


            sk is not a solo offlaner from what i saw pros playing, its rly situational depending on the other side heroes (sk is bad against ranged ones, and trilanes)

            if they do have a dedicated trilane to secure farm to their safe, u better go jungle, or gank ohter lane

            i think he is pretty similar to slardar offlane in terms of early laning, very situational depending on the other team composition, cuz their "scape" mechanism is not the most reliable, also they are not tank ones, like tide or timber

            ye im a nb, if u dont want to consider my opinion :)

            casual gamer

              block wave (range fwd) kill camp take creeps under tower kill camp. walk into lane when supprots rotate or gtfo jungle and hold tp if support is mega pulling/zoning

              when u have levels you can make shit happen. priority 1 is not dying

              ofc if u see jungle lc + support sd or smth there is some potential to win lane 1v2 especially if ur hero is strong

              shoutout to imbasaw who at lvl 5/7 can tank an entire trilane and walk away

              but thats all obvious shit u already know


                Have u tried waiting before the enemy tier 1 to pull the wave? Iron talon SK sounds like it would work too. Hide in trees to leech xp? Never have to do any of this in NS


                  But if you play too passively, enemy supports will start to gank your mid...


                    Iron talon + xp gain = ez profit


                      leech xp and don't die. Pick what will
                      Work best to sustain their safe lane. Sk could be good in some situations but not in all.


                        fuck this game, i go talon for 00 and their support just ganks me before i could clear a camp

                        N!nj@ [A§§]@$[§¡n]

                          always pull and playsafe.their creep will come near to ur tower & u hv a chance to do last hit


                            Offlane is actually pretty easy to play in lower ranks because the supps mostly don't know how to zone out an offlaner.
                            There are offlaner who you can't just zone out like that, i prefer clock and tide, in the last few patches bristle was good at this.

                            If the supp is trying to zone you out very aggresively you can put him into a position where you can actually go for the kill if he does a mistake.
                            If you are in a trilane you have mainly no other option but to go jungle instead.

                            It depends on your lineup and the enemie lineup.


                              sadly i don't play in 1k, i play in 5k

                              and i don't care about other alternatives, i want to learn to actually offlane

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                                Practice makes perfect.


                                  what to practice

                                  easy to say practice makes perfect if i don't know what to practice.

                                  practicing iron talon jungling isn't practicing offlane.

                                  nor is dying over and over again

                                  i'd love to hear some 5k+ offlane mainers to give some advice, as much as i love you NS players. you probably never in your life got ganked in the offlane.

                                  most ns games, the offlaner gets more farm than the carry.

                                  i actually in my 3-4k games almost never played solo offlane, if ever went offlane it was dual off aggressive combo.

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                                    NOt much hope for the offlane, if theyre agro tri nothing u can do but going jungle sadly

                                    if you're dying in the first two waves then you need to block harder the creeps so its closer to you i fu dont get that first wave youll be so behind amnd probvably die.

                                    And aboutthe ward where are you warding normally? is it hidden or are you trying to get vision for yourself too

                                    what timing are you aiming for the blink? cause if youre offlane i domnt think that's the play, maybe just fast drums first then farm heroes for blink

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                                      Hey bro, first you should try "real" offlaners, im not saying sk is wrong but, i really recommend you to try tidehunter, he is one of the easiest and really good one he cant be compared with sk on solo offlane its just way easier, timber is very good on ns as well its not suprise you win offlane agaist dual lane...


                                        smh asking for advice on a forum open to all but getting angry when "ns" players giving him what he asked for.
                                        Work on your attitude a bit buddy then open a forum again


                                          them just watch ixmike playing, he goes only offlane, mostly i said is waching him playing there, im not a offlane player, but i was trying to figure the offlane to play better against it, cuz i mostly play the safe lane.

                                          there is a reason to why a lot of offlaners go jungle, is because they know they cannot find farm or contest the safe lane enemy.

                                          u said u want to know how to offlane, but u pick sk, sk is not a reliable offlaner, is a situational one, real offlaners are ones that can contest the enemy safe laner, tide, timber, dark seer, void in this patch is a strong one,this kind of... np is a good one also, but never saw a good player commited 100% to the laning (got a universe one replay, but was mostly farming the hard camp, just coming to lane when the creeps are at tower...

                                          the way u write doesnt like u love ns players, as u speak of, sry to say that :)

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                                          milk that tastes like rea...

                                            block range creep first. if you can't/not going to help at rune skirmish then start blocking from base.
                                            buy items asap and place your ward asap (i normally buy the ward myself because supports normally take too long to buy and pool)
                                            if you eat the middle tree in the top lane tree patch at the entrance to secret shop and go in to the bottom gap, fog covers you from every angle and enemies can only see you with fly vision/if they walk directly inside

                                            i watched your recent game (where wd contested your camp at lvl 1)
                                            bear in mind i haven't played sk offlane much
                                            unless they deward my ward, i never go to the offlane camp immediately. show up to lane, check their items to see if they have sentry/obs/empty slots (meaning they placed a ward). as sk, if no sight i would skill sandstorm lvl 1 and just leech.
                                            both of your first deaths could have been avoided, not sure why you turned back to fight first time, and didn't use stun second time
                                            once you see that one support has left i.e. pudge, you should be able to deal decently 1v2. esp against range heroes, sit in the fog in a way so that when they break fog and walk out to hit you, they're in melee range so you can trade.

                                            rice cake

                                              think like this: their supports keep harassing you, u still lvl 2 though not dying, but u get your safelane carry and midlaner ez free farm, u can catch up your levels at later stage.


                                                It looks like you gathered the worst advisors here... Do you really need any? You always told that you play as aggressively as possible without crossing your limit. Well... to me it sounds like description of a perfect offlaner.

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                                                  sometimes its better to iron talon from lv 1 up to lv 2-3 then go back to contest the lane though. tide and dark seer are some examples.

                                                  let your ranged creep go first and block everything else if the enemy supports don't usually tank the ranged creep in ur bracket. if they don't then u pretty much get 2 creep waves of xp near your tower. if they do tank it, then ur block would be the same as if u didn't let the ranged creep go.

                                                  although if it pushes into ur tower, don't be greedy and just get xp if they can dive u.

                                                  what do i know though

                                                  Corvus Corax

                                                    well solo offlane requires good pick, you shouldn't go timber into kotol or tide into drow i.e.

                                                    after you get a good pick your first priority is not dying. assess their spells and damage output and put your distance, if their support tries to right click you with range, you gotta retreat 80% of the time.

                                                    your 2. priority is to leach exp. hide in trees, use fog, somehow get xp but don't take risks and be patient.

                                                    exchanging blows is rather complicated, you shouldn't do it unless it creates some kill potential for you.

                                                    i recommend bristleback for hero, try not to die until lvl4-5 and use spray for only creep kill(preserve mana).then at 6 lvl when you have 3 spray and 2 passive lvls bait them onto you, turn back and run while spraying. watch them die


                                                      well i'm not an offlane player, i play every role except solo offlane.

                                                      you can check any of my acc, you'l lfind almost no games on offlane heroes

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                                                        so then accept it you're not a good offlane player. Tell your team to not put you offlane then

                                                        coco crunch

                                                          That's my problem too. But when i play offlane i always want to pick burst damage offlaners like timber cause its very easy to use. Lol


                                                            iron talon, get ur first 1-2 items fast and gank / group up / make space

                                                            for example, u go solo offlane, u get zoned out instantly vs 3 heroes, u go farm now with iron talon.. atleast you have exp and gold coming.

                                                            just be effective on the map and make good decisions.. your timings are slower than mid or safe lane carry but you can still be effective,

                                                            tide , axe , slardar, these kind of heroes can do that.

                                                            Aside from that, hide behind trees to sap exp, trade hits effectively, contest enemy carry farm,

                                                            try to get a good ward to spot rotations, that way if 1-2 supports leave lane to gank or stack, u can go to lane and have easier time getting EXP, just careful not to die.

                                                            dying is the #1 worst thing that hsould be avoided at all costs

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                                                              from what i saw from many pros played offlane. IF THEY CANT SURVIVE LANE , they will go jungle first after completing some items (U said to me yesterday that u played sk jungle) which is good to go jungle rather than feeding their carry or u can go roam to help mid. If u want to at least know what to do as an offlaner watch some pro played offlane . ixmike88 (he played a lot sk offlane)


                                                                Just try not to die bro. Thats all you need to do. You can hide behind tree to take some exp. If enemy carry is melee hero pick daek seer and put ion shield on 2 creeps.

                                                                par73 KB24 | GTUBE

                                                                  well i am crap 1k player but heres thoughts for you for offlane 101

                                                                  focus more on denying your team's creeps, not dying, and maintaining good vision for other players to help you gank the opponents safe lane core (and more importantly not dying), than actually getting last hits in the lane.
                                                                  placing a ward on the neutral creeps can help keep the lane pushed so you can farm safely in front of your tower.
                                                                  more often than not you're aiming to have the 3rd or 4th most gold on your team, playing safe and supporting the mid and bottom lane when needed.
                                                                  picking heroes with tanky abilities like timber and tidehunter helps.
                                                                  picking a hero who needs farm is tough to do when the lane is not controlled with vision, creep blocks, supportive/rotating teammates. don't forget: the side shop, don't forget: opportunity to contest top rune.
                                                                  don't forget: your lane easiest for enemy to pick off ! you are in the dangerzone, always !

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                                                                    also use creep aggro

                                                                    milk that tastes like rea...

                                                                      aggro low hp creeps near you before last hitting
                                                                      aggro and reaggro after the cooldown (2.5s) to draw the melee creeps completely away and into your tower (if u having trouble staying near the wave for too long)
                                                                      aggro melee creeps into your range creep, deny the range creep asap (depush, but often causes your melee creeps to kill their ranged creep too)
                                                                      stand with a range creep in between you and the enemy support, so that if they harrass without triggering aggro cooldown, they will get hit and also push the lane
                                                                      also consider suicide to neutrals to heal up

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                                                                        Feed 2 deaths go into jungle , farm like an asian , come back ,fuck bitches

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                                                                              JZ no Fear

                                                                                can anyone tell 🍩🍪Cookie🍪🍩 this man just has won 91 games and have 4770 mmr.... how :@@@@

                                                                                JZ no Fear

                                                                                  🍩🍪Cookie🍪🍩 can u tell me how did u get this mmr???? just played aprox 140 mathces


                                                                                    There is literally nothing you can do against a KOTL who skills Mana Leak


                                                                                      Just deleye dotA

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                                                                                        casual gamer

                                                                                          all u do in offlane vs a trilane is use ur obs so u don't get ganked or you block early large camp pull, then you spam block the creepwaves and get xp/cs under tower

                                                                                          I don't really understand the confusion besides 5ks more often gank w/ wraparound and kill u/ward at ur large camp


                                                                                            btw guys, like i said i don't mind NS comments and tips

                                                                                            but the stuff that you say is very obvious and the same tip gets translated into 20 different ways of saying it.

                                                                                            i know sk isn't a reliable offlaner but a higher mmr player should be able to win a lane in 4-5k regardless of the picks IMO.

                                                                                            these guys i face against aren't really good, it's just that i've almost never played solo off.

                                                                                            and the reason for that is that i kept dying and i couldn't get enough gold or levels to be effective so i put it aside, now i need to have at least basic knowlege of that role imo. i want to get to at least a modest 60% wr in these 4-5k matches


                                                                                            aggro low hp creeps near you before last hitting
                                                                                            aggro and reaggro after the cooldown (2.5s) to draw the melee creeps completely away and into your tower (if u having trouble staying near the wave for too long)

                                                                                            i try constant re-aggro trick but support keeps chasing me down. i lose all my hp to seperate 2-3 creeps.

                                                                                            if you eat the middle tree in the top lane tree patch at the entrance to secret shop and go in to the bottom gap, fog covers you from every angle and enemies can only see you with fly vision/if they walk directly inside

                                                                                            can you give a picture or something about these hiding spots, i know only 1 under the top t1 tower.


                                                                                            solosup can't zone sk, because it's sk who's zoning enemy sup, because it's impossible to trade hits with 70 dmg per hit + 30% slow, considering you will always win the trades thanks to shield + mang oregen and if enemy sup will trade hits for too long these 2-4 tangoes will go faster than your regen => and you win the lane afterwards, since for 30-45 seconds there will be no venge/oracle/sd/ etcw

                                                                                            i have this issue where if i hide behind a corner to get the enemy support to trade, he either backs off or the carry just joins in to kill me and i juts can't get in range to get a single hit off because they keep backing off.

                                                                                            @MR. Ass i calibrated at 4.4-4.5 if i remember

                                                                                            only grinded 300 mmr, i could continue grinding but i really wanna learn to solo offlane first, i don't care if i lose mmr on this acc atm i just wanna learn

                                                                                            p.s the games i played yesterday were like 4 in teh morning, so i did underperform a lot. i was sleepy.

                                                                                            but on the bright side you can see flaws in my most flawful gameplay, when i can't concentrate

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                                                                                              i mean these games like my last 2 aren't hard at all

                                                                                              1 game solo sk vs morph just beat him 1v1 and free win(well i tried diving him 2 times he survives both with 10 hp and i die, but he still got shit no farm)

                                                                                              2nd game sk + lich vs morph + treant

                                                                                              easy dual lane, this isn't hard at all, and this is something i know how to play.

                                                                                              btw anyone wanna practice 1v2 against me?

                                                                                              casual gamer

                                                                                                I can be 1/2

                                                                                                authentic 4k experience @_@




                                                                                                    lul all u want, i know that i'm shit at offlane +_+

                                                                                                    tipplecuck, your best heroes are offlaners. give some tips

                                                                                                    p.s whoever wants to go practice add me

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                                                                                                      everytime i get manaleaked i want to abandon the game