General Discussion

General Discussionbest solo supports in low level mmr

best solo supports in low level mmr in General Discussion

    cookie acts like a pro in the forums, however, is a average vhs player. most of the info you give lower skilled players however is bullshit lol ive read too many of your comments that sound like youre some trash 1k. glhf though


      what exactly did i say that is indeed so bullshit?


        many examples, thread where you insisted that you can have 600 last hits and end game is such amount of time while playing with bots, however, when asked to share a vid you said no lul. and also youre a smurf, so most likely your norm acc is just hs. Just not as good of a player as you pretend to be lol. and jungling sk in vhs smh lmao xD come on fam


          600 LH is a kid's game in a empty lobby. the reason i didn't share a video is because it's a challenge. some people could just copy paste what i'm doing without understanding it themselves.

          how would my main acc have HS if this acc has 66% wr in 4.5k+ mmr

          i'm as good as i player as i am. i'm a top 100 sk player, i've been jungling SK for hundreds of games and winning games like a boss...

          here you go, real game(on a 2-3k smurf acc) 1.2k LH, 1.3k GPM in 50 min:

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              you act like vhs games are hard, ive smurfed to vhs and hs and tbh they are all the same, braindead, and if you were actually a one of the best sk players youd have better than a 66 wr in 4.5k games. I cant believe youre the player you think you are lol. just like the kitrak guy or however his name goes. forums act like a god but face a real player and youll get trashed lul


                yasp/dotabuff ranks me in top 100, i don't claim that myself only...

                ok how about this, if you were souch a good player your main wouldnt be NS, it would be VHS; if VHS games were so easy for you then you should be teaching me, i'm always interested in getting better.

                man, you're projecting hard.

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                  Jesus you commemnt back fast.
                  Never said I was a good player, smurfed and came back to this acc after some time and from 1.2k to 2.8 and just playing casually for right now in pubs. however, youre driving away from my main point. You keep acting like youre some pro player, but you just aren't lol. anyway when I get to vhs maybe ill run into one of your smurfs bb have some fun


                    yup, just like the thousands of other people who ran into my smurfs and given me free mmr ;)

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                      Imo winter wyvern is one of the best supports in low mmr since her power level is quite high and the enemy usually won't expect it, especially since low mmr players usually 5 man since the 20 min mark, and also because low skill player aren't good at ending the game so you have good comeback potential as well, the stronger the enemy the stronger you are


                        or youll just abandon games when shit goes south lol


                          Roaming invis heroes are awesome in low MMR, enemy mid will never know how to play vs it