General Discussion

General DiscussionIs it possible that I bought this account?

Is it possible that I bought this account? in General Discussion

    What makes people think that I did?


      Why people should think you bought this account?


        IDK why. They do.


          And why do you care? If you didn't buy this account, you don't have anything to worry about.

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            They triggered my curiosity. =)


              Imagine a person who creates multiple accounts, raises MMR by playing supports and sells them. How likely that such person exists?


                From what I know, usually MMR boosters used to play solo mid. Now I don't know if they changed. Anyway, you can suspect that one player has bought the account, but I don't know if you can have concrete proofs.

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                  y sup picker its gud but gameplay kinda suck, leech xp on carry lane lack of rotating mostly feed, its so obvious ur an acc buyer


                    Imagine a person who creates multiple accounts, raises MMR by playing supports and sells them. How likely that such person exists?

                    that person doesn't exist, no one is crazy enough to do that >->

                    nothing suspicious here

                    move along

                    me, government hooker

                      they dont care enough to check ur acc and see u play supp
                      in their eyes u played bad or smth and called u a boosted animal
                      thats what toxic players say whys it so curious


                        yeah, I mean, rude people will always be rude. Just like kind people will always be kind. Nothing much to add here.

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                        Dune, the Desert Planet

                          Maxing Shackles over Fork on Rhasta is suspicious...

                          one syllable anglo-saxon

                            fork in glaz or in ass raz?


                              So I just ran into extremely rude people in this game:
                              ...or there was something else?


                                Excuse me. If you meet rude people, why don't you mute them?


                                  I already had conversation about fork vs shackles. I think everybody agreed that lvl 2 fork is maximum you may need.


                                    I have very low standards. You need to do something really outstanding to get my mute.
                                    E.G. last time I muted someone long time ago. I think he was on drugs, he permanently screamed "A-a-a!" and "O-o-o!" in microphone, nothing cohesive.


                                      All right then. Everyone has his / her own standards. By the way, my personal suggestion is to not care too much about what rude people say. Their mindset is pretty like this one: I wanna win, I flame every team mate who does mistake according to my point of view, I'm always right whatever and whenever and if someone says I'm not I'm just gonna insult hi mto death because I am right no matter what. Pretty much that's it.


                                        i just destroy all their self-confidance so that they have to sh.ut up :3

                                        if you ignore them you just give them free space to ignore the game and do their stupid sht, bring their ego's down to earth

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                                          You're pretty shit for your mmr but somehow you keep it stable...

                                          Dune, the Desert Planet

                                            You need maxed Fork on Shaman. Either 4-0-2-1 or 4-1-1-1. Ask any 5/6/7k and you will get the same answer.

                                            Max Fork. Honest and friendly advice.


                                              You almost never get kills with omni even by accident you could get 5+kills It looks a bit suspicious but that means you're a good support player at the same time.
                                              Funny thing is you have really low assists as well I have no idea how you win that much with omni

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                                                Shadow Shaman is much like Skywrath Mage. You just spam fork to harass enemy offlaner => die to jungle creeps => tp back => repeat. Lvl 1 fork is best for this task, because you don't want to hit nearby creeps and push the lane. Lvl 2 fork is mana efficient too, so you can take it and use carefully, but lvl 3 is a disaster. Best build for lvl 8 is 2-4-1-1 or 2-1-4-1.

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                                                one syllable anglo-saxon

                                                  soultrap u didn't answer my question


                                                    @mi respekt
                                                    I thought it was an offer for some kind of sadomasochistic play. So I decided to stay out of this.

                                                    Dune, the Desert Planet

                                                      And how efficient is level 1/2 Fork for farming and pushing? Please don't say supports don't farm and push, especially Rhasta. Again ask any higher rated player... Where is Kitrak when you need him?


                                                        I take your words as compliment. =)


                                                          lmao is kitrak some 1k mmr PLEB


                                                            Sorry, but I have to say it: "supports don't farm or push". Not in my world of ward bitch at least. For me, it's better to use smoke and find somebody to kill with snakes+shackles.

                                                            Este comentário foi editado
                                                            Dune, the Desert Planet

                                                              I give up. Hope you come to your senses.


                                                                You actually need skill to do that so yeah, it kinda was?


                                                                  Master, please, call your obedient ward bitch "stable shit" again!!!


                                                                    because u suck at support and die 15 times in half ur games and u think being support is a license to feed

                                                                    Dune, the Desert Planet

                                                                      Kitrak, what about Rhasta skill build?


                                                                        4-1-1-1 into 4-4-1-1 usually, ur q is ur farming mechanis, its not like u ever get to use ur w or e in any situation because of how slow and squishy the hero is so ur better off just using q to farm out and zone offlaners

                                                                        if you suicide more than once in lane to zone ur stupid, on rhasta u dont even have to suicide in many situations

                                                                          Dune, the Desert Planet

                                                                            Yiiiisssss confirmation

                                                                            Like everyone didn't know this :}


                                                                              "Lvl 1 fork is best for this task, because you don't want to hit nearby creeps and push the lane. Lvl 2 fork is mana efficient too, so you can take it and use carefully, but lvl 3 is a disaster. Best build for lvl 8 is 2-4-1-1 or 2-1-4-1."

                                                                              if this is how u look at zoning offlaners u seriously need to learn ur safelane mechanics. if ur playing rhasta correctly in the first few minutes u just hit the guy from the treeline without drawing creep aggro (takes practice 2 learn this) and once they exit the creep area either to hit u or retreat u press q on their way out.

                                                                              this hero is a hero that u want items on because hes a steaming pile of shit without them. hes insanely blink and level reliant because of how squishy and slow he is and if u dont have blink he usually just does nothing. if u want to play some weird ward bitch role which is basically an excuse to be useless then dont pick rhasta.


                                                                                I report every rhasta that doesn't max the nuke, it is very rare that going the other 2 skills is a better option

                                                                                Este comentário foi editado
                                                                                lm ao

                                                                                  nice tips, now ill feed less on this stupid hero


                                                                                    You said what you think is right, I said what I think is right. That's just it. Don't act like you are the incantation of ultimate knowledge. Sorry, but I have more experience of "trench survival" as solo support than you or Chuan. I'm sure that my opinion has some "weight" too.


                                                                                      Honestly you die far too much for a support. Consider that lets say early game, every time you die (depending on your team) securing a kill for you mid but dying in return can be more detrimental then beneficial. I find supports linger too long in fight long after their usefulness has expired.

                                                                                      1. Dying to zone people or carelessly gank is unacceptable
                                                                                      2. If you've done your part in a team fight back off, or TP out, regardless of your yelling carry you CANNOT do more. Hanging around with 50 hp and no mana isn't going to do shit for anyone. Just back off.
                                                                                      3. This is something I talked with you about previously on my main. A good support can read the map, enemies, and your team well. Don't rush into something if you're not sure your team is ready to do so. A good play that you see may be something that only you see.

                                                                                      In a perfect world the supports call the ganks and the cores play along. But this isn't a perfect world is it.

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                                                                                        I have 6.61 deaths on average. Is that a lot?

                                                                                        P.S. Who is you main?

                                                                                        Este comentário foi editado
                                                                                        Dune, the Desert Planet

                                                                                          Dude maxing Fork is objectively better, it's not a matter of opinion.


                                                                                            Being objectively better is too mainstream. Fuck off.


                                                                                              Havoc Badger is my main.


                                                                                              7.2, and last 15 games was 8.smth. It's going up. Think about what it is that is causing you to die more.

                                                                                              Have you become more aggresive but need to rethink your boundaries? Is there some change in the meta that is weakening your support mains causing you to die more? I dunno, everyone has really bad games. But it's infrequent for me to die so much while playing a hero where I am confident I shouldn't.

                                                                                              I have always thought well of your perseverance on support which is something I don't do (I play void/mirana now) but that should never be a license to accept that dying is just part of being a support cause that's not the case.

                                                                                              Speaking of mirana/void have you considered practicing smth new. I am trying out offlane/support underlord on this burner account and will take it to my main once I am more comfortable.


                                                                                                if this is how u look at zoning offlaners u seriously need to learn ur safelane mechanics. if ur playing rhasta correctly in the first few minutes u just hit the guy from the treeline without drawing creep aggro (takes practice 2 learn this) and once they exit the creep area either to hit u or retreat u press q on their way out.

                                                                                                do you have some advices to this or games to see it
                                                                                                ii always get stuck somewhere in between the trees, tank creeps or get out of position while trying to harass and die
                                                                                                basically moving really non-efficiently when it comes to harassing an offlaner who isn't a complete idiot


                                                                                                  "Objectively better" doesn't exist in such complex game. So, you can keep your opinion, I'll keep mine.

                                                                                                  Btw, this topic is not about Shadow Shaman. =)


                                                                                                    "Think about what it is that is causing you to die more."
                                                                                                    It's my experiments as support Clockwerk. =)

                                                                                                    I don't care about my deaths counter. This game is about win or lose, not "who has the least deaths - wins".

                                                                                                    Este comentário foi editado


                                                                                                      IS IT POSSIBLE THAT I BOUGHT THIS ACCOUNT?
                                                                                                      What makes people think that I did?
                                                                                                      SOLO MMR 4569

                                                                                                      everything seems perfectly fine in your case imo, considering that anyone on 4k including me is a massive retard

                                                                                                      Dune, the Desert Planet

                                                                                                        IDK why is it so hard for you to understand that you are wrong and that your build is shit. Just embrace it and say "thanks for the tip!"

                                                                                                        Havoc please cooperate on this topic.