Diffusal is a pretty great damage item, for agility heroes at least, dunno what you mean;
Manta illusions get AS boosted inside chrono, especially strong with Diffusal blade;
Linkens to assure that you can actually pull it all off, also good stats?
And u call yourself vhs
i'd say this is very a situational build.
it lacks positioning and dps, not to mention linkens is very very situational.
so you'd have to give me an example to tell you why they built it.
Safe lane hard carry with shitty damage, no thank you. Spectre could do more damage with one ultimate.
I'm randomly looking at some of the top void players and they use this build very seldomly.
Diffusal Manta Linkens, maybe less than 15%
Diffusal Manta, maybe 30-40%
i was really hoping the op was european but time and time again im proven that us west players are huge retards
hey guys, can solo kill any hero in a chronosphere, super tanky, good for farming, great for chsaing, purges silences in multiple ways and for enemies and purge is just broken in general. Shitty build, a 200 damage spectre haunt does more lol.
Hey i can time walk press diffusal on any support press manta and hit them and theyre dead, bad item build lol
you don't have to buy linkens everytime, it's just a nice item for surviveabilty. Also void does most of his damge through attack speed until mid-late game where his bash becomes less relevant.
Based on memory, almost every time my hard carry safe lane void goes diffusal/manta/linkens, we lose.
Yes, void has survivability, but my team dies before void deals significant damage
then you or your void suck because the item won wings gaming ti6
it permits void to move freely and solves his mana regen issues
manta diffusals overrated in my opinion but linkens is the right item in 70-80% of void games minimum
70-80%? look at the top 20 void players. They make these 3 items less than 15%. Show me one player on that list that does 70-80%. . Watch one Ti6 and think you know everything.
you are contradicting yourself. First you say it is a great build, then you say it is over rated.
ultra trash meta build. only tilted retards play it. http://www.dotabuff.com/matches/2586083629
thata good void build if has some physical jungler or offlaner he dont need at starr battle fury monkey ?with that so called shitty dmg build he can rape both suports in 7 seconds and catch even more ...retardssssa
How old are you KR, 10?
How old are you KR, 10?
How old are you KR, 10?
i laughed hard, nba guy get rekt by skrub
If you have diffusal+manta the only way you die is if you get chainstunned from 100-0 without being able to cast time walk. If you have linkens doing that shit to a void with more than two brain cells is basically impossible because as soon as linkens pops he will time walk much like a weaver/morph.
Don't know what you guys are on about tbh, MoM is clearly the best build for him, gives him tonnes of dps for bashes and 0 survivability while making you squishier at pretty much all stages of the game.
Even I as a normal skill scrub know these items are fine.
But this build is for an offlane void not a hard carry void.
Can I just ask if I usually get vlads manta diffusal why would I get linkens before those? Seems overkill have manta and linkens that's a lot of money on an offlaner. Like I played vs an AM and Invoker so I got bkb after those items and then AC.
Diffusal is a great agility item. Void since the rework is more of utility hero than a hard carry,m you can play him in the safe lane but there is no point really when he can play in the offlane and you can give another hero higher priority on farm.
Void even before the rework really has always been a hero that dont really need that many items to make shit happen. before people were fine with building maelstrom mom and treads, that was only items he needed to make plays and get kills, etc.
Thats why people build Diff and Vlads, great utility items with a DPS focus, vlads not so much but they do give some damage,lifesteal, armor, hp regen. Diff gives lots of agility, massive slow, mana drain, etc.
Manta makes diff better even, defensive dps item for void that synergizes with diff. You can break silences ore any debuffs of the sort put on you except, of course, hex
The linkens active is very situational but it also givees mana, hp regen and some somewhat decent stats. I rather build a bkb depending on the situation.
take notes lads I will give you the best hard carry void build treads-battlefury-maelstrom-HoT-AC-daedalus-butterfly [maybe moonshard late game]
seriously though linkens on void isn't bad, like people are saying it depends on what you are up against, this seems like a build more for offlane void where his job is to take damage, waste spells and delay the cooldows and then reverse all the damage (just waste peoples time basically), plus he was built like this in ti6 finals so I think people are coping that build when really they should just build according to what they need from game to game.
linkens is a great alternative to bkb though, better stats, a little bit of damage, and some regen, it's good stuff, especially now it's slightly cheaper than it used to be.
sure. just buy MoM and and maelstorm, until axe or legion commander pops out with blademail and lock you down, and oh tresdin doesn't need skill 2 to kill you, thanks to your damage and mask of madness' active. really cool ways to feed legion commander. have you seen my LC winrate? thanks to those MoM Sven and Void.
Half the people here cannot read....
If a sole hard carry safe lane void builds diffusal, manta, I am fine with that.
The problem is that their third core item is linken!
If it was the void on your team earlier, i dont think he's going hard carry. U and SF gets so much last hits than he does and seeing your opponent(scythe, e-blade and dagon), i think its reasonable since bkb has a long cooldown
And as a fellow LC spammer i have a question, do u jungle often? And if yes, why? As legion commander i don't see any benefit in jungling compared to midlane or even solo offlane, as a VHS player, please enlighten this player from the dark ages :D
Eblade invoker is a joke, invoker didn't do much, he only bought it to counter me.
My hard carry safe lane Void had less GPM than all of us except the one support.
I'm sure BKB would have done much more than linkens, it did not protect him from Veno.
My hard carry safe lane Void had less GPM than all of us except the one support.
In other words, all your argument about the item choices is invalid...
Void had low GPM because of his lack of damage: slow farming and difficulty in killing the target.
As my safe HC, your role is to annihilate the other team.
Look at waifu above, he only built diffusal, manta, linken twice in the last 20+ matches as void
So according to you what is a legitimate Void build (I'm ready to lul the shit out this).
Diffusal Manta FV can farm jungle and lane simultaneously, etc, must have just been his lack of skill reflected in low gpm.
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What is up with this build? I don't get it at all.
Hard carry deals no damage. WTF?
Please explain why I keep seeing this shit