General Discussion

General DiscussionShit said by your teammate today

Shit said by your teammate today in General Discussion

    me :
    "i died because you are jungling all the time" said my teammate who dead for being ganked


      Nothing cus I mute all right off the bat


        Team: GG Silencer mid, Nice build, Are you really 4k3

        -18kills 1death and 20 assists that game

        Megu Rum

          If you afk jungled for the first 10 minutes and did not contribute, you are the problem

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              Shit Timber
              -"Tide, its you're fault we are losing. You are building carry when we needed another support."

              -"Tide, why would you want to build a Manta Style? Even if you are carrying as a Tide that item is shit."

              I explained why it would be useful, and he just didn't want to accept it. "Sigh" Game ended before I got it though.

              Lets do Science

                Why was the manta style a good choice exactly? Just curious cuz i'm not really seeing anything other than blowing up techies mines


                  1. Techies mines, as you already said.
                  2. Dispels Clinkz's and BS's silence > in each teamfight Clinkz would silence and go for me first.
                  3. LC would have a much harder time dueling me.

                  Couldn't recall if illusions gave true sight anymore, but if they did, that would be another reason.

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                    dispelling the silence would also work with your kraken shell, that's the reason that tide is not totally shit


                      ^Other team also had silver edge = passives gone.
                      Dunno if Silver Edge can get purged by his Kraken Shell? Anyone have insight on that?


                        "i died because you are jungling all the time" said my teammate who dead for being ganked

                        and he was probably right, you dumbass

                        Swap Commends

                          My slark says "I have 100% win rate with slark"
                          I checked his dotabuff and he was 28%



                            M u r d e r

                              "i died because you are jungling all the time" said my teammate who dead for being ganked

                              and he was probably right, you dumbass


                                played with shitstain voker : My main is 4k u just play like trash plz report" also this was in NMM

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                                  "i dont trust any of you to carry" - sub-1k slark player


                                    1k mmr: "pick hard carry. Pick pa" (when we already have 4 carry)

                                    1k mmr pudge: "me mid. Crystal maiden is support". Rest of 1k mmr team agrees pudge is a mid hero.

                                    In response to being called a noob, "noob? 0 10"

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                                      Dude picked a sniper into (!) void, balanar, kunkka, nyx
                                      Gets killed under the tower all the freaking game
                                      "Well no hero can survive a nyx diving the tower"
                                      Fuck you sniper


                                        You picked jungler, Nuff said


                                          I had this one slark with me on the offlane (I was playing WK and this is the shit tier). We were laning against Tiny and Undying. He dived 6 times into Avalanche, Decay and Tombstone. He died 5 times, and the one time he did not die, I bailed him out with my stun. And he was raging at me for not going in there to feed them too... And he rage quit after the fifth death. This was in less than 10 minutes to top it all off.

                                          He did question our support Lich picking up sacrifice on lvl1 too... Saying you don't need mana for anything on lvl1. He was probably quite green at the game, but if you dive 3 times and die 3 times without getting almost anything done, try something else. What was the definition of insanity again???


                                            miracles too fucking good for me

                                            Mode : TOPSON

                                              killed 2 times in mid as invoker. lc jungle says "noob mid"

                                              win the game with the most impactful heroes in replay. lul


                                                Wazsnu you are freaking noob building manta on tidehunter. There are reasons why you are braidead trash:
                                                1.manta to counter mines? Really? Maybe until level 5 techies. Otherwise you won't do anything.
                                                2. To counter silver edge? Do you even need to hit as tidehunter? Your role is to disable, initiate, use spells basically
                                                3.silences? Just buy bkb. Much cheaper than Manta. As strength hero you dont gain stats as agility carry by buying manta
                                                4. To counter ult of LC. Just freaking get your positioning right. Later Linken if you are doing well.
                                                At the end of a day you are normal skill...not just because you suck at the game. You can't even use your brain and itemize your hero properly. Hands down and accept it.

                                                ~Vince ^

                                                  Yeah if you pick some shitty jungle hero like wk or ls and afk farm for 20 min, no wonder your team flames you and you are loosing... Try bringing some impact into the game with decent junglers who can help in gangs and become active on 10 or so minute. That is the proper way and junglers below 4k rarely understand this concept - sad :/


                                                    ^ this. And also pick jungler when you have weak lanes is suicide. Also the best part is when some scrub is farming jungle even tho team makes space and he has like three lanes to farm. Jungle is not what you want to farm unless you have bf anti mage which is taking everything.



                                                      A randomed Shadow Shaman playing carry (I bought all the wards), ran into my mid lane about 10 minutes in when I was winning the lane, forced me away and fed a lot. "ez mid, noob medusa," he said.

                                                      Eternal Meow

                                                        "This happens every time I pick a jungler! I jungle for the first 30 mins and then I see my team already lost us the game!"

                                                        I said, "Maybe you should leave the jungle sooner than 30 mins into the game?"

                                                        No response.

                                                        After a while he points out that he didn't die as much as the rest of us, so he didn't contribute to the loss since he was in the jungle the whole time.


                                                          Having a jungler in team is the fucking worst thing ever at any MMR level excepting pro-games maybe. We don't count here Chen and Enchantress these 2 are good junglers.
                                                          For the rest if the enemy team has a minimum of brain will win the game within 25 easily. I just hate all the junglers in my team. I just want valve ban their accounts for 30 days.

                                                          I wonder how you people don't understand how basically all lanes will be lost if you pick jungler? The offlaner will probably die at cd vs 2 supports or support and roamer. They can then gang mid. The carry will probably split farm with the opposite offlaner which will have an easy lane vs 2.

                                                          And after all of this the mamifer going jungler don t even realize how he fucked the all team and he keeps blaming team.

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                                                          Giff me Wingman

                                                            "omg meepo pick, ez -25mmr"


                                                              i was playing this one time, omniknight as a safelane babysitter and this WK is playing the suicide lane (top lane for radiant). All im doing is keeping my shitstain carry alive (Sven), warding the rune spots and checking for missing heroes and reporting my lane and the mid. Then this fucking WK got gank twice. And here iam always pinging the map and reporting for missing heroes and shit. Then this fucking WK had the balls to call me out and said "bobo support omni, no report". Fucking SEA trashes, always grinding my fucking gears. If he only reads and has map awareness he couldve avoided shit like that. I hate SEA server

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                                                                Hahahaha ^ this. Bro. 1k SEA shit stains love to say this. Ping repeatedly, "no report". Rofl. 10 min into game with a roaming pudge. I mean ok I get u r bad. But pls look at the mini map yourself thx.


                                                                  Also, "gg no courier". Gets me every time.

                                                                  KUKULAMIN KA BUT THE K IS...

                                                                    1st pick invoker mid -

                                                                    "Me mid, 2 tango obs pls"

                                                                    "Why vlads on void wtf?"


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                                                                      They also love to say "GG no wards" while all my fucking gold went to buying obs and sentries.. I could've had a fucking agha and shiva's guard if I didnt ward... fucking idiots...


                                                                        Sven lvl 1 Stun Noob~lion 1 2 1



                                                                          "Report cm S n Y"

                                                                          Eternal Meow

                                                                            In a game where I placed 24 obs wards and 30 sentries, one player kept repeatedly typing, "GG NO WARDS! NO SUPPORT!"

                                                                            I don't think he knew what a mini map was. He was so bad at utilizing the ward vision I couldn't tell if he was serious or trolling.


                                                                              ":V I AM BOOSTER GIVE ME MID"


                                                                                I fucking kid you not, This kid in my game said . Guys im lagging to hard let me buy the wards and stuff...15 minutes later , who wants an aghanims i will buy it for you. He was on windranger :'D

                                                                                Bad Intentions

                                                                                  Yo cat profile lic guy, im not up to date with dem sea terms, wat is "bobo support"? :O

                                                                                  KUKULAMIN KA BUT THE K IS...

                                                                                    Same thing as being called out like "lul 50% winrate in 3000+ games"


                                                                                      Bobo is similar to noob I believe. Basically they blame anyone n everyone. "Bobo mid" "bobo carry slow farm" "bobo support no ward no courier"


                                                                                        When SEA fucks say "wew". I usually get triggered. Don't even know what it means.

                                                                                        Bad Intentions

                                                                                          ^maybe is "whew" man?, ya know, shortcut txt thing :O


                                                                                            I've never seen it used in that context though? It's more like an annoying exclamation of some sort.


                                                                                              "Bobo" means stupid.. Fucking SEA c*nts hahahaha


                                                                                                For all i know wew means kinda like "jeez" for americans, usually used when they are frustrated or something like that

                                                                                                no dota in dubai

                                                                                                  me :
                                                                                                  "i died because you are jungling all the time" said my teammate who dead for being ganked

                                                                                                  he was probably right.

                                                                                                  Miyamura Izumi

                                                                                                    shadow shaman: 2 tango pls. Sven give me 2 tango.


                                                                                                      Rubbick: I'm not supporting, voker and tiny buy wards... -_-he was clearly a deadweight witg kda 4/13 while he kept blaming others and pinging everything and in the end of game, he writes "commend me" ... xD I'm sure we all reported him instead