General Discussion

General DiscussionGive me your insight on this game

Give me your insight on this game in General Discussion
    I just played this game as slardar on my brothers account and the entire time I was playing I was just like wtf is this game. Now I just need other peoples opinions, pls it will help my sanity.


      >urn on bh in 2k

      yeah it's just a match full of 2k shitters


        Thats not even 2k thats like 500 im pretty sure that if i calibrated id be like 2k. bounty and me are the only ones even close to 2k. Gyrocopter built a battlefury

        Also I probably wouldnt have posted this if it wasnt for the fact that this game lasted 65 minutes and was stressful

        MID OR ALL MID

          that gyro report pls

          ✪ BATSSS

            LOL Bf in gyro (In sea there is a CM daedalus, And Maybe a BF drow... Also a domi, Skadi, Deso PA... Never met one in this acc)


              Lol, this is definitely 400-800 mmr. I have many friends play like this in my hometown. The most popular build is maelstrom+desolator. Hahahahaha

              Este comentário foi editado
              ✪ BATSSS

                Maelstrom Deso still works on paper...
                As maelstrom stacks with other orbs...
                But when proc then deso is overriden


                  ^Oh damn i dont know that. The shame is mine. Just read about it just now.

                  Este comentário foi editado

                    I now know that if I ever need a game to make myself feel better I should just play on my brothers account. Because ill probably just rape the other team with my surperior 2k skills.

                    MID OR ALL MID

                      ^ but u lost on that game as slardar for sure hahahahah


                        except their ancient is dead not mine. They just had a ton of burst damage


                          It's single draft guys, those aren't even players they bots. I bet they had weird names and jungled from the get go. I played against many of them in low prio and they die to creeps and shit.

                          ✪ BATSSS

                            So true Lol


                              aghs on sniper, bloodstone on gyro... even my girlfriend who doesn't play dota and knows few things when when she askes what I'm just doing thinks it's stupid...

                              ✪ BATSSS

                                Cool u have a GF... Most dota players in SEA plays dota since they are single

                                ✪ BATSSS

                                  Not pointing your SEA