General Discussion

General DiscussionLegion commander balanced

Legion commander balanced in General Discussion
Final Boss

    secondly, the fact that you think ember can carry harder than lc shows your game knowledge.

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    Final Boss

      Ember is only really good late game when the enemy is pushing uphill towards your rax. He cant outfight my shit.

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      Final Boss

        When its difficult to push uphill a heart is better than satanic, and bkb is core on any hero that is countered by disables especially if your omni is incompetent.


          i highly suggest everybody not to argue with this guy.
          his stupidity is beyond insane
          Arguing with idiots is near impossible.

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          Final Boss

            "i highly suggest everybody to not argue with this guy cause i'm butthurt that i cant prove him wrong" inx4c 2016.

            A. Snatcher

              This thread reminds me of Phantom Riki and his first attempt at soliciting advice on his revolutionary build.

              LC isn't OP and rapier rush + ksing your teammates isn't how to play Riki.

              Final Boss

                Time and time again, I come here starting an intelligent conversation and time and time again someone calls me insane. I might just be up there with galileo who was called insane for saying the earth is not the center of the universe just as these tards that try to counter argue me with ad hominem are not the center of the universe but they are delusional enough to believe so just because they got a platform where they are allowed to say anything, be it related to the topic or nay. You got one thing right tho, inx4c, arguing with your kind is near impossible.

                Final Boss

                  "This thread reminds me of Phantom Riki and his first attempt at soliciting advice on his revolutionary build.
                  LC isn't OP and rapier rush + ksing your teammates isn't how to play Riki."
                  Another one comes out of the closet.

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                    intelligent conversation
                    stating that lc is op is not intelligent
                    but the brighter side is stupid ppl make me laugh xd

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                    Final Boss

                      stating that lc is op is not intelligent
                      but the brighter side is stupid ppl make me laugh xd"

                      Try harder.

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                        no point

                        Dire Wolf

                          Lc is fucking fine. She had like a 5 minute window right after blade mail were she's a huge pita and can solo your carry but once you see her building bm Rush some armor and then you are fine. Like lifestealer with armlet and echo will lose to lc with blink and blade mail but if you build a casual plate mail for ac later then you're good to go.

                          Final Boss

                            "no point" -in you being here since you brought nothing to the table except ignorance.

                            A. Snatcher

                              You have twice as many abandons as I have total games played.

                              Phantom Riki also said he was a misunderstood genius. . .
                              Wait, is this. . . ?

                              Final Boss

                                "Lc is fucking fine. She had like a 5 minute window right after blade mail were she's a huge pita and can solo your carry but once you see her building bm Rush some armor and then you are fine. Like lifestealer with armlet and echo will lose to lc with blink and blade mail but if you build a casual plate mail for ac later then you're good to go."

                                ^3k mmr

                                Final Boss

                                  "You have twice as many abandons as I have total games played."
                                  Google something called load shedding. Not everyone lives an easy life princess.

                                  "Phantom Riki also said he was a misunderstood genius. . .
                                  Wait, is this. . . ?"

                                  You sound more and more like a kid I knew here, makin' new accounts once you humiliated him and he left only to come back with a new identity.
                                  Wait, is this. . . ?


                                    HE IS PHANTOM RIKI!

                                    Final Boss

                                      "HE IS PHANTOM RIKI!"

                                      ^HE IS STILL TRYING!

                                      Dire Wolf

                                        Isolated lamentation you last played ranked 8 months ago and got normal skill so tell me why it matters that I'm in 3k? Does lc magically get more op at 1k that she needs nerfs?


                                          If LC snowballs she can be incredibly difficult to stop. She's one of the best snowball heroes in the game. So if youre playing from behind against LC, she can seem unkillable and indeed OP. Even when she's equally as farmed as most of your team she can be difficult to deal with if your team has little coordination or has one guy always going out alone and feeding duels. When shes behind however she relies a lot on her team to help her catch up. Without sufficient items and levels an LC cant go off and solo gank; she'll just feed away duel damage.

                                          So yes she can seem OP if she gets an advantage but she's very risky and can be countered with some team coordination. I'd just like to see buffs to her which push her out of the jungle into a particular lane.

                                          Also Load Shedding usually has set timetables which the government should stick to. So as long as they stick to those schedules you shouldn't be getting abandons. If your government has no idea what they're doing and keep turning the power off at the wrong time (like mine did while we had load shedding) then I suggest getting a UPS for your PC and router. They're not too expensive in most countries and can last 4 hours no problem. I got one a couple of years ago and haven't had any problems with abandons since. (3 of my 4 abandons were from when we were getting random power cuts and the 4th was when the internet in the area bombed out completely because the company screwed up during some basic maintenance thing.)

                                          Try to be open to peoples opinions. Sure, some people here will just reply like assholes but ignoring them and responding nicely to the people who actually are taking the topic seriously (even if they disagree with you) is the only way to get some form of respect here.

                                          A. Snatcher


                                            ". . .one guy always going out alone and feeding duels."

                                            There's always that one guy lol. No matter how many times he gets picked off, he still refuses to stay near a teammate(s).

                                            Final Boss

                                              Finally someone who makes sense. Of course you'd need to get her out of the jungle but BUFFS are not required for that. Just a decent player who is not retarded. I've never seen a jungle lc in dubai server, only in eu/america where they stay in the jungle and dont duel when they should and then just suck. Maybe that's why people want her to be buffed and I get that but when you get a good player on legion, she can practically win you the game then and there. Ez katka
                                              Coming back to our load shedding issue. Yes your suggestion is great. I had a UPS, but the power outages were about 18 hours long without any schedule so how the fuck would I charge it? I changed to generator only recently but that only helps if I have it on BEFORE the power goes out as starting a generator to starting a pc and then connecting to your game can easily take the 5 minutes it takes you to get an abandon.
                                              In winter there used to be zero load shedding and it has gotten significantly better as the years have progressed but now there persists a low voltage problem causing my pc to shut down again and again and NO a stabilizer doesn't help, the voltage is so low that even a stabilizer can't bring it back up in time to a level that would prevent the PC from shutting off. Who the hell rage quits so many times? I can't believe these people would actually go there without prior using their underdeveloped brains.
                                              Yes I know that is the only way to get some form of respect here but I tried that in a thread before and you know what happened? I got called a puss-y. Woop di fucking doo.

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                                              Final Boss

                                                Dire Wolf with this typical 3k reply. I'm not 1k son. I just don't play ranked anymore cuz of abandons but I get 6k+ enemies more times than you ever will.


                                                  ( console ) : LuL


                                                    This is the same asshole who thought tinker is OP. Haven't you guys learned by now he's just an attention seeking nub.

                                                    The bait is real, but you can't master bait people like I do.



                                                      349 abandons lol wtf
                                                      internet or rage seems to be very intense

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                                                      Visita Hari Danta

                                                        Legion OP ROFL


                                                          Recent games



                                                            Even if lc is op she is easily outplayed

                                                            Slav McGopnik

                                                              Weren't you that guy who was claiming that tinker was super OP and instantly won games? why don't you pick him against lc, i mean, he ruins her unless she can land a duel.

                                                              >tfw no gamer girl peeing gf

                                                                Losing to a jungle LC???? That doesn't sound right.

                                                                Her Q is the best.

                                                                Your Wife's Boyfriend

                                                                  naga is not even op right now, if you want a radi hero you can just pick alche, higher early teamfight contribution + gives aghs. The only problem bout alch is that he gets easily countered and naga farms a bit safer with song up and early ill+rip tide, also net is a very good spell in all stages of the game but saying she s op is a bit of an exaggeration

                                                                  Final Boss



                                                                      OP ok lc is op
                                                                      youre fine now??


                                                                        May i add something?
                                                                        Im not nearly a competent Player, but i can use statistics. And i think the argumentation can be easily settled by a look right here at dotabuff.
                                                                        LC has a winrate lower than 50% in all skill Brackets. Her beeing in the junlge results in a 47% winrate, two percent lower than her beeing in a lane.

                                                                        Counters to her as seen in dotabuff: Oracle, WW, SD, Bat, Tide; heroes who can disrupt her duel easily. I personally like SD cause of his Q, and if i ever get a scepter her passive is gone for a while.

                                                                        Your argument is, that LC can rip a team 1v5 apart after a while. Surely she can, but every carry can. Especially your favorite hero, Terrorblade, as seen in the secret games earlier this day (or yesterday?) against DB.

                                                                        I dont really understand your point Isolated Lamentation. When a carry is able to rip you apart you a) fed him or b) you did not disrupt him enough or c) the enemy team enabled him in doing so. But this goes for every carry.

                                                                        I think everyone has a hero he hates, i hate Tinker, but i dont lamentate all day about that, i search ways to win against him.

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                                                                          Do not disgrace phantom Riki by comparing him with this guy . May he rest in peace .


                                                                            i hate windranger. she's op and needs nerf

                                                                            Final Boss

                                                                              The difference is lc can rip a team 1v5 when they are as farmed as she is but tb can only rip them apart if they underfarmed compared to him.


                                                                                Isolated Lamentation, kinda no.

                                                                                LC runs around searching for pickoffs to get her duel damage up. This is an investment in time, time she cant use farming creeps. She farms heroes, and is really good at it.

                                                                                To stop her doing so you can pick heroes who are good against her, heroes like SD, Tide, Bat or Bane . It never hurts to have a hero who can save allies. And yes, a lot of control against LC can come from supports (a little accusation for the "only hard-carry" players could be played here ;) )

                                                                                Every carry can be hard to deal with if you have noone to counter them. Ever tried to deal with PL without Shaker or AoE-Dmg? If you see LC beeing picked, you should pick someone good against her, like we all said. If you dont do, its not LC beeing OP but you (or your team) beeing incompetent.

                                                                                We told you what to do against your problem. If you refuse, you are just blinded. If you think we have no arguments, check them again. Numbers are on our side, a Hero with <50% winrate is hardly OP.

                                                                                My last post here, have a nice day.

                                                                                Este comentário foi editado

                                                                                  Yeah LC is op, that's why she's countered by a large number of heroes right?

                                                                                  You're just a fool who can't play the game at all so you find reasons what makes you look good.

                                                                                  I can sit here and bitch about how people playing PA and instant gibbing me is OP, but I just do the smart thing, buy blade mail or ghost scepter instead of being that guy who goes, "OMG TEAM, PA IS SO OP. GG INSTANT LOSE" then abandon like a fuckboy.

                                                                                  Ступор Мозговины

                                                                                    i want valve to delete desolator from recomended items, pls T_T
                                                                                    LC's damage useless if you disabled during the fight, or die in few seconds
                                                                                    LC has a lot of pretty good item build's, i wish midless dudes stop using only one

                                                                                    Final Boss

                                                                             watch the replay, then tell me again exactly how balanced legion commander is.

                                                                                      Final Boss

                                                                                        Start from around 5 min before the end.


                                                                                          We get it Dubai OP, everyone else sucks and is stupid.

                                                                                          Volvo pls nerf Dubai, too opie!!!!!111

                                                                                          Final Boss

                                                                                            ^ You mean Lc.