General Discussion

General Discussionhow to make sniper relevant again

how to make sniper relevant again in General Discussion

    That old fat fella has slow ms for a reason.

    Pale Mannie

      +25 shrapnel damage HOHO HAHA

      D the Superior
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          wrong question. WHY do you want to make sniper relevant again?

          pls be patient very noob ...

            Because HOHO HAHA


              Sniper is almost a good support now. Shrapnel deals 825 magic damage in aoe (if you stay there for 10 seconds, ofc). High damage, long range and low cooldown ult is welcome too.

              D the Superior
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                pls be patient very noob ...

                  I mean, in my opinion each and every hero in the hero pool deserves a degree of relevance, and this last patch almost hit the spot well


                    Ministun on headshot again

                    Story Time

                      he has an insane range with dragon lance, that is good enough. The problem is bad players who overestimate their talents and feed


                        Make assassinate have several charges like the current bloodseeker ult


                          Give him vision equal or even greater than his overall range+ dragonlance..... I dont understand why call him sniper when he cant see his maximum attack range??wtf?

                          Millicent of Scarlet Aeonia

                            Actually there is no problem with sniper. The real problem is that there are a lot of counter pick of him in this meta. most of them are initiators with blink dagger. Beastmaster, DragonKnight, Invoker, Lion, Sven, Jugg, slardar, between others

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                            Best Treant EU

                              + 4 base dmg

                              Swap Commend (Il Separatio)

                                Aghanim's Scepter upgrade! xd


                                  He needs a slight base movement speed increase.

                                  M o a n a

                                    make it sound HOHO HIHI HEADSHOT LALALA

                                    Johnny Rico

                                      Ministun every hit, lul

                                      sin blyadi

                                        Passive should give true-strike. Thats all. Fits the hero-design and story


                                          What if he had a lifestealer-esque Magic immunity ability? Replace take aim with something like that and give him increased attack range.

                                          Johnny Rico

                                            when he is near trees he can attack without breaking invis, he has a passive that gives him, true strike if he is in high ground, more range and comeback with ministun.


                                              invis if no enemy hero is within 400 units of him


                                                please no

                                                pls be patient very noob ...

                                                  Guys i said relevant, not OP. No need to squeeze your creative juices out dry to fit his lore because that would just break the balance again. Geez if sometimes i think icefrog has off-point patches with the game, everyone else have 180 degrees turnaround aim of the goal.



                                                      Buff his starting range oo


                                                        Honestly though I'll take plus 6 starting damage .


                                                          Increase his base damage +15 and attack speed +10

                                                          Legend 4/5 forever

                                                            Give him range cleave for easy farming, stacks with battlefury. Also nerf tinker kappa lul

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                                                            ✪ BATSSS

                                                              Its possible if you rework headshot...
                                                              Or maybe sharpnel... Damage buildings... (Like a long while ago)
                                                              But still uses charges...
                                                              If headshot grants either a definite stun and/or true strike/accuracy he'll be relevant as a situational hero... To counter evasion


                                                                Everyone keeps bringing up the old headshot that mini stunned and had true strike. I think sniper needs stronger kiting ability, which is his strong suit. replace headshot with an ability that stacks on hit for heroes, fury swipe mechanic but not damage, but maybe a ranged cripple that lets him keep placing shots out of harm's way.


                                                                  For example call it suppressive fire.

                                                                  Sniper's attacks proc a debuff on enemy heroes slowing their movement with each hit. Max slow reached by 9/7/5/3? Attacks. Something along this line. Maybe enemies take 15% more right click from snooper when max slow but that might be too much


                                                                    You just build Windlane, SnY and phase boots than you can kite a slark


                                                                      Movement speed or starting damage
                                                                      His farming speed is not that fast and he can't really farm heroes as well as viper does (or any other hero harasser but can't flash farm cores)
                                                                      More kiting abilities will give him more hero killing potential,and more starting damage can make him farm faster and become more relevant


                                                                        That's why you max Q and wipe a stack or easily last hit in lane


                                                                          assasinate becomes global (within vision) , increase str gain, introduce aghs. could be done

                                                                          D the Superior
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                                                                            Dire Wolf

                                                                              Dude just reduce shrapnel cd and activation time, bam, fixed. That's why he was op on 683 or whatever cus instant shrapnel with low cd, they just over nerfed it.


                                                                                just give back true strike to his 3rd passive skill and give some base movement speed& nerf attack speed to balance

                                                                                Potato Marshal

                                                                                  Nerf headshot and take aim, merge them into one ability, then add a new ability for more utility?


                                                                                    turn rate changed to 1.0

                                                                                    we lol now

                                                                                    sniper good now

                                                                                    Trust the plan

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