General Discussion

General Discussionlosing streak

losing streak in General Discussion

    I'm so fucking tilted right now, i can't even remember when was the last game I won. I even abandoned one game, where bloke instalockes sven, keeps shouting need support, skills cleave 1st and then goes to feed batrider first blood.

    Does anyone have better lose streak?


      Same here, its obvious the compendium foult. I lost like 400 mmr in games where for example sven first item was athem lens. YEa normal skills, but please... little bit of knowledge.
      Best way is to make some break from playign or picking core hero. I suggest you sven, naix, riki - with those hero u can nuke enemies and have alot of fun.

      lm ao

        bloke, u mean that weaboo kid who made a silly diary about NA matchmaking?


          won as naix :) but this time the retards were on the other team


            the problem about getting tilted is when you cant even know you are. but sometimes i do know but i just cant stop playing loooool!!!!

            Nervous Bakedown

              J0s3e you play alot of carry heroes and fighting heroes to have such a low kda. Try playing support and offlane.


                Had a 14 game losing spree a few weeks ago. It beats out yours in terms of raw number of games lost in a row since you had that one single win after about 6 losses and then another 11, but if you exclude that win then you lost a lot more. I can only say I know how you feel.