General Discussion

General DiscussionLooking to play support arc warden

Looking to play support arc warden in General Discussion

    ive been wanting to try this for a long time and with all the new changes and "nerfs" on arc warden, ive been dying to play him as a support. however, i am completely clueless as to what i should do as support arc warden. should i be lane supporting or roaming, or something in between both? i think arc warden is supposed to be roaming with a smoke in the map especially middle because of how strong flux can be, but then if i roam all the time i'd have really crappy xpm. how do i get passable gold and exp as arc warden?

    also with the item builds, especially starting items. last game i just bought a courier and a single ward, but then i had no idea what else to spend my remaining gold on, so i just bought a tango, 2x branch, salve, and a clarity. is this optimal? also, after those, i just rushed arc boots into midas, and tried building sheep into lens. idk if that's correct tho.

    anyway just another normy skill player looking for some tips on how to play a hero. thanks in advance.


      bump, anyone?