General Discussion

General DiscussionWraith King build

Wraith King build in General Discussion
Crimson Sky

    So I've been having a bit of success with this hero lately and I really enjoy using him. At my scrub level I haven't come across anyone who knows how to deal with him too well so far.

    My build is based a little bit on slahser's way WK. Usually I'll go treads into armlet which I really value because it gives a lot of jungling capability in the early mid game and it makes pushing towers quickly a possibility, somtimes I buy a wand if I'm against PA or Bristle etc. Blademail I buy nearly every game I find the item synergises really well with his high HP, it gives that vital extra bit of int and can often be used twice if ulti pops during the fight.

    Often times I've had to buy MKB as I've been up against PA's, without this I would go straight into a radiance. I really like echosabre because it gives the regen as well as 1 hitting a lot of squishy supports or low hp int heroes if I get a lucky crit, also gives a really insane amount of lifesteal against a melee core.

    My talent build is a bit strange and I get a lot of flame for it early game. 1 point usually goes into stun for rune contesting and chance of early kill, then I max crit aura and lifesteal aura with points at 6 and 11 for ult incase I overdive. then stats all the way to 23 with final 3 points maxxing stun.

    I think this works at my level because often after armlet I can go farm jungle for a bit while rest of team is sitting around mid, the extra lifesteal means with armlet I am never low HP and always rady to TP to a fight if need be. I can often get an item ahead in the mid game doing this and means I am usually well ahead.

    Anyway, I never tried theorycrafting a hero this detailed before but I really love WK at the moment and I think you will too! I am happy to hear comments and criticisms and any advice to improve my gameplay. Feel free to check out my recent WK games on my profile.



      Buy basher

      rice cake

        You could always go dagger for initiation and extra maneuverability (at least in higher skills it worked that way)

        Crimson Sky

          Why basher? I always thought MKB seemed better all round alternative late game or against evasion heroes.

          Dagger is a possibility I've considered, I think it is better for getting picks but even afterward you can still be kited quite badly and items slots are at a premium. It's not that I don't think it works but I just feel like I should play to his strengths which are his tankiness, survivability and good damage output.

          Story Time

            so what do you do versus AM or Lancer with diffusal blade?


              deso ac dagger armlet rosh rapier ez win :)


                refresher aegis profit

                rice cake

                  Against any mana burner, u cant really do much if your mana is really depleted. Maybe soul ring + mango combo before you die for successful reincarnation lol.

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                    D the Superior
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                      disgusting weebs

                        Почему блинк? АЙСФРОГ ПОФИКСИ ЭТУ ХУЙНЮ! Почему ты блинкаешься из-под радика, сын дерьма? Айсфрог, сделай что-нибудь с этой дотой ебаной, ты мне надоел, айсфрог. Умри, куда ты там? О чем речь, куда, блинк из-под радика, что это такое, ЧТО ОН ДЕЛАЕТ? Прекрати, айсфрог! НА!


                          Buy dagger for mobility

                          Dire Wolf

                            I would't flame you for skipping points in wraithfire, all more points do is add dmg, similar to svens stun. I don't think I've ever neglected it totally for stats but I often leave it at 2 pts and level other stuff. Early the extra burst it provides is nice though if your blink initiating on people. I've gotten kills from the ticks many times so it seems worth it.

                            Leveling aura vs crit is your own preference I guess. Both help you farm and sustain in jungle either with more lifesteal or more dmg which translates to more lifesteal. It probably doesn't matter either way and if you wish to not push wave out then you don't want more than 1 in your aura anyway.

                            There's basically two wk builds, the blade mail + radiance one or right clicker wk with stuff like ac, deso maybe, abyssal blade though it gives a lot less dmg now. Either works, I'm just not sure of the radiance timing. If you go armlet + echo first I feel like you might as well go blink and be a burst initiator and then the radiance timing seems too slow. If you rush radiance after treads you're too ineffective early and farm too slow. Maybe just go armlet then radiance, then blink? Not really sure. Mjollnir is ok on occasion too especially if your team lacks wave clear.

                            WK is one of those heroes who every item seems legit on so it's really hard to stick to a one size fits all build. There's cases where s&y is a good choice, halberd is the right move, bkb is often needed, heart can be good sometimes, ac is always good on str carries, daedulus is less built on him but can give you a shitload of dmg especially since abyssal is far less raw dmg now. It's more about item timings and how you play I think. If none of the usually wk counters are present he is a pretty easy win. Invoker, am and lion are the most popular big ones so I try to ban out one of those. PL is a huge pita but not as popular, spectre can be bad if he manta + diffusal focuses you.

                            Este comentário foi editado
                            Crimson Sky

                              PL is definitely my worst enemy, I came up against one in the last game. Luckily he didn't seem to realise how good he could be against me so I didn't have a problem. Obviously against more skilled opposition, heroes like Lion and Invoker will be a huge problem if they chain disable me.

                              I think with a decent team mate vs an AM, my early game strength can probably nullify his threat if we finish early and gank him while he is weak but this can also be a problem if it goes very late or team ignore him.

                              I think potentially maelstrom / mjollnir is a solution for waveclear or if you are vs NP buy BoT and you have a very effective way of stopping his split push.

                              As Dire Wolf said he is very versatile and really many builds can work which is why I like him. He is good for learning which items work in different situations.

                              I'm tempted to say Blademail is core since I haven't really found a situation whre it isn't useful - at least in early-mid game.


                                Wraith King is very versatile.

                                Items that he could build:

                                Deso / Armlet / Blink / Basher / Radiance / Blademail / Echo Sabre

                                He's really versatile.

                                IF you face mana drain hero, just buy a fucking soul ring.

                                IF you face illusion hero, get Mjollnr.

                                Blademail is core in normal skill games where noobs dont know how to deal with it. against good players they will just kill your team when u turn it on. then kill you.

                                The whole point of WK depends on the match.

                                1. Some matches his role is to get in ur face , kill you, and that's it. Armlet Blink Deso Echo sabre works well for this

                                2. Other matches he has to create space in team fights for ur team to win, that's when radiance comes in.

                                Este comentário foi editado

                                  how is aura vs crit preference. crit is just better because it helps you farm quicker, especially now that the crit bonus is doubled vs creeps, and like you said, more damage = more lifesteal anyway.

                                  also aura can be toggled to not affect creeps so pushing the lane is irrelevant.

                                  fyi you should only get mkb when you're against evasion. if you want raw damage you're much better getting a daedelus, even on heroes that have critical strike passives, because it still gives much more damage on average compared to mkb's proc damage. like this game for example


                                  having raw damage doesn't help you if you can't get into range to hit people. having blink lets you get on top of someone, and having basher/abyssal lets you stay on top and keep hitting them, so while they don't give as much DPS as an mkb in a vaccuum, in realistic situations both items indirectly increase your DPS compared to the alternative situation which is where the enemy uses their escape abilities / ghost scepters / whatever because only have damage items. wk doesn't lack damage, wk's weakness is how easily he gets kited because of his low mobility, which is why blink is core on him.


                                    boring hero that gets fucked exclusively by lancer and quas wex invoker, but also by most carries (both strength - eg. sven as well as agility - troll, jugger, etc.

                                    Why do u like to play him? He's boring as fuck.


                                      ^^^^^^ you are wrong .

                                      Invoker / PL take all ur mana? Use soul ring as u are dying,

                                      Sven counters WK?????????

                                      Sven kills WK (if hes lucky) gets kited by WK ult, WK comes back full health, rapes sven, stfu


                                        anti mage maaaan AM

                                        Crimson Sky

                                          @Game of Throws

                                          I don't find him boring. I mean sure he is one button right clicker, he doesn't require the mechanical skill that Meepo, Chen or Invoker do. I like him because he's got decent farm, good kill potential and I think he's useful to the team in that he can take a lot of aggression and soak up a lot of spells / focus allowing your team time to do shit.

                                          Never had a problem with any Svens. Invoker is annoying but if your team is kind enough to buy detection you can normally kill him pretty quick if you land the stun.

                                          Thanks for advice @ Androgynous, actually the match you posted I bought the MKB as I saw morph had Eaglesong and it was to cover aginst potentially his and/or weaver butterfly.

                                          To cleaer up as well I always max Crit aura first, never lifesteal, so at level 7 it's 1-1-4-1

                                          Dire Wolf

                                            I forgot you could toggle his aura off. Still good if you want to push as a team early. And yeah wk does get boring eventually but hey lots of heroes are that way.


                                              1 point of lifesteal is usually enough in the early game if youre not jungling, the extra points in the stun will really help a lot securing kills since your damage isnt really that high early


                                                @yoloswag who cares if ur wk can get his mana back for ulti - he's just gna die a second time to lancer. I mean, even stacking mjolnirs and battlefurys duzn't help him deal with pl. Seriously, a pl with diffusal, manta, helm and abyssal shud be enuf to rape the shit out of even a more farmed wk.

                                                As for sven, warcry grants him shit tons of armor. Good luck manfighting sven in that. And we're talking one-on-one's ofcourse

                                                Crimson Sky

                                                  My only loss so far was against a Sven but unfortunately it was because he got fed 5-6 kills in lane by Drow. By the time I got into any fights he was miles ahead. Plus I think he was in a stack with Io whereas my team were flaming from minute 1. The game was over by 20mins lol.

                                                  Definitely agree that a PL who knows what he is doing will completely annihilate a WK.


                                                    Valve please bring Skeleton King back! Since he became Wraith King I just don't enjoy playing him as much..


                                                      Lul 1 skill hero


                                                        Max your stun first. It helps a lot.


                                                          max stun for important kill secures