General Discussion

General DiscussionWhere to get advice to get better?

Where to get advice to get better? in General Discussion

    Hi folks,

    i wonder if this is the right forum to ask what can be better in the game performance.
    when i read other threads related to that kind of topic i always just read stuff like "git gud" or some other comments.

    is there a more serious place to ask for help or improvement then this?
    just let me know if i am in the wrong place :)

    i just want to get some helpful tips what i can do better, cause since i calibrated, i stuck in the 2kmmr bracket.

    i want to get out there, and i would like to know, what i can improve.
    and maybe someone who did it out of 2k can tell me, how much work it took. cause i just have so less fun these days in this bracket, much less fun when i started.

    so maybe someone has a good advice :)

    have a nice evening!


      -watch streams of decent players who actually play seriously and not fool around/colete quests/just suck dicks at low mmr

      -find and read (or watch) good explicit guides for the heroes you are pkaying

      -try not to stick to few heroes or just one role untill u hit 5-6k; you learn a lot by playing heroes you are not familiar with. its easier to fight against somethig well-known for you rather than heroes that u dont quite play urself. u know, understanding how the enemy players' "see" the game kinda helps.

      -try to analyze ur own games, may be even watch ur replays. find ur weak points and work on them.

      -never make urself believe that ur teammates/bad matchmaking system/any other external factors keep u at low mmr level while u deserve to be higher. its not only never true, but it also negatively affects ur improvement.

      -dont waste ur time and emotions flaming, even if u clearly have a right to do it. flaming didnt ever help anyone. keep calm and enjoy the game.

      -play every game of yours like ur last one, do your best. do not give up b4 the throne falls: its not even about having a chance to win the game, but more about getting a unique opportunity to play in unusual circumstances and learn more about dota 2.

      -diversify not only ur picks, but also the items you get. there is no one-and-only way to build your hero, but you need to understand how the items interact with the heroes (your one, ur teammates' ones, and ur enemies' ones), in order to be efficient deviating from the default path of itemization.

      -last but not least, dont forget: git gud.


        @ TripleSteal:

        thank you for that nice written hints and tips.
        i like to read them and i am looking forward to act after them.


        < blank >

          you learn a lot by playing heroes you are not familiar with.

          Clinkz using ult when he is low hp and frostbitten FailFish NotLikeThis


            ^do u want to limit my personal right to kms?

            < blank >

              I couldn't believe my eyes when I read your post. Rights?! Cyka idi kukhnya


                i actually forgot to feed my cat, no jk. thanks, omw to the kitchen.


                  chto zahujne?

                  < blank >

                    fukin kek eksdee


                      There is one thing that you should be aware of, if you want to be honest with yourself. There is such a thing as forced winrate, all u need to do to understand this is do the following:
                      1.When you are on a loosing streak (more than 2 games lost in a row) check the profiles of all your teammates and all your enemyes
                      2.You will discover a pattern where the enemyes have wining spree (or similar), and all or most of your teammates also have loosing spree.
                      3.When you are on a wining spree, check the same things, just that this time the opposite happened.
                      This is the games way of blocking tryhards from advancing with their mmr too quickly.

                      Other than this, the above tips are good.

                      Este comentário foi editado

                        Man i know its Hard to understand. sometimes reality Hits like a truck... But 2k bracket is so unbelivabel easy to rape, if your stuck in this NOOB bracket ure missing to many basics to get any serious Tips. Just keep playing until l u gathered your own expereance.

                        Este comentário foi editado

                          Thx for further comments and hints.

                          @hartzfear: yeah, maybe i am just not good enough to progress :) i will try to improve.

                          have a nice day everyone


                            or add me and watch my slark games... I think its most suitable for the bracket amd its easy to do.. im not even bragging but just tryin to help


                              my am games on the bracket is not so basic so its not suitable.. I abuse their positioning and mechanical skills which would not be so natural if u dont have that much knowledge on the game


                                ^ nice normal skill you got there pal lmao


                                  If you want to believe me... Smurfing is another way of learning... sure you are gonna stomp new players... then later you'll be placed in a higher bracket... when you reach there you will find the game play a bit different... cuz the skill level is higher... i smurf a lot... i was 2k in my main... then i smurfed and reached 3k... after reaching 3k i played there for a while and quit my smurf then got back to my main... was easier to climb... cuz regularly playing with people having higher skills improved mine as well... then i started another smurf and got 4k now stopped and working on my main... it's easier to climb again... ;p Sure people abuse a lot... but instead of raging i try to see my mistakes and learn from it... otherwise queue with friends from higher skill bracket... and support them well... if your friend is much better than you then you will also learn faster and pick up things easily... watching and learning takes time while playing regularly with higher skill bracket people helps you improve faster and it's more fun, unless you get disturbed when people rage on you... :) GL...

                                  Free 2 Play Scootz

                                    Well I started at 2.1k and 10 months later I'm at 3.7k. I'd say if you play regularly and you're decent you should get out in like 5ish months or so.

                                    King of Low Prio

                                      flame the shit outta your awful teammates, works wonders for me


                                        @fully trihard thats y im showing him this account cause it is 2k bracket... im winning ranked terribly great to be suited on that bracket.. lol thought you knew better since ur vhs too


                                          lmao what i find useful for getting outa 2k is just playing like slark jugg and pa. 2k players (and the 3k I'm in right now) don't really know how to farm, so constantly i would have like a 300 lh lead. my advice would just be to outcarry their team :P in terms of net worth. Thats basically how Miracle- plays :/


                                            Watch Professor fierce's old videos. THey were very clear and informative even til today.
                                            RIP Prof. Fierce and thank you for teaching fundamentals
                                            Sure do visit his youtube page and I can tell you that you will improve a lot.

                                            Player 215168758

                                              calibrated at low 2k and I was stuck. I'm learning the whole game by playing unranked, random hero until I got 50%+ winrate. Learn the game, how to farm, split push, teamfight, defend, jungle efficiently,etc, then find your best heroes, climb. I went to 3k with insane winstreaks and stuck again. Learning how to farm is the best way to get out of 2k.

                                              Player 215168758

                                                Its bad but trashtalking makes games easier, normal skill bracket players has weak mindset, exploit it.


                                                  good thing some people consistently post shit and spread false info

                                                  yeah, forced winrate, sure


                                                  ASSESS Product

                                                    pick timber in 2k ez +25 mmr. Once you got ulti go hero hunt.


                                                      i wanna thank you for the good adivce and hints.

                                                      but today i think its time for a time out in this game. i cant improve much last days and weeks and i do not have longer fun in this solo que mmr range.

                                                      i dont even think i am better and i dont say i stuck there cause my teammates suck. i just tried to improve gameplay and do it better. and the only thing i critizise is this toxic behaviour and ppl who dont wanna fight until the game is over.
                                                      when i start to communicate and try to counter pick or stuff i get flamed.

                                                      time for a break i think, i will deinstall later this evening.

                                                      sad though i bought the compendium and lost my fun in gaming.

                                                      so thx for all your infos and maybe see you later one day ;) peace out

                                                      Dire Wolf

                                                        Watch the majors and qualifiers and all you can. Try to ignore stuff like how they'll rotate a crucial support mid to hit lvl 6 for an ult, or how much farm carries get cus their camps are all stacked, cus that shit will never happen in a pub. But do notice their mechanics and awareness. There's a lot you can learn from watching them.


                                                          yeah that sounds like another good tip.
                                                          i will watch instead of playing myself and then i decide about coming back or not :)

                                                          good hint thx dire wolf


                                                            Dont argue with your team, or ever whiner. Be positiv and great things will follow!
                                                            If youre negative when youresupozed to be Poz, youre going to havea a bad time.

                                                            A Great tip perhaps the best tip imo is to get really good at Lasthitting!
                                                            Download Lasthit arcade and do all heroes 1-10 times. Then you will get Extremly good!
                                                            Working on dual tasks is a great way to get out of that "tunnelvision" literally everybody gets stuck in.

                                                            Get 1 hero thats your Best.
                                                            Learn all heroes atleast a bit.
                                                            Dont focus on what youre doing wrong.
                                                            Farm more!
                                                            Do the quests they are great for learning and getting out of safezone.
                                                            Dont just play heroes that youre good with.
                                                            Dont think to much about picks. They dont matter untill 5k.
                                                            Dont think about mmr untill you hit 5k.
                                                            Download Shadowplay and save your deaths with a 15 sec Timeframe So you can watch then while quing.

                                                            talk with others about dota! debate! Do the math


                                                              go on and watch the shit outta the vods, and watch livestreams then play and watch your replays

                                                              House Cat

                                                                Party with people 1k mmr higher than you. I swear you will get exposed to new gameplay, new techniques you haven't thought of. You will also notice the sudden change in skill, that these people you play with are indeed better. I am now in the process of that, slowly going to high skill :)


                                                                  i tried to get better, i tried to play less games with higher motivation or more intense play.
                                                                  first it worked good so far, i climbed a bit.
                                                                  now i am on a terrible lose streak again, so i stopped playing atm.

                                                                  looks like its ha hard journey....


                                                                    just post in ayy lmao or wherever when you have questions
                                                                    at least that's what i'm doing :horse:


                                                                      hehe sounds like an good idea ;)


                                                                        "never make urself believe that ur teammates/bad matchmaking system/any other external factors keep u at low mmr level while u deserve to be higher. its not only never true, but it also negatively affects ur improvement."
                                                                        I kept prioritizing this shit ever since I play DOTA2
                                                                        Even though I lost when "doing well" against these 1-2k dorks,I always knew I did some mistake that I can't carry 1v9 the entire game (come on,low brackets are pretty much easy to 1v9 with the right picks) I always try to do less and less mistake every game,and slowly I just feel that I'm playing better gamesense wise and mechanical wise (not that much,but still noticeable)

                                                                        Professor Dog

                                                                          People trying to put shit on Triple SeemsGood


                                                                            Asking dotabuff guys how to git gud is like asking icefrog how to Balance doto.


                                                                              One more advice, try to plan in ranked match. Like counters, heroes, builds and lane. it's easier to win if you know what "will happen". Of course you can't control almost anything in a game. But at least you have control of one thing, and that is you playing, sometimes it influence your teammates too having a goal. No matter what your role is. And last, don't be too much "toxic" on winning the game. I mean if you didn't go as you planned, then make another plan and be challenged to that. Most games that i win, i am just having fun. That's it i think, just have fun. Dota players now a days just concentrate on being the next miracle.

                                                                              Swap Commends

                                                                                Not here