General Discussion

General DiscussionPlaying heroes that are just just so bad farmers

Playing heroes that are just just so bad farmers in General Discussion
lm ao

    Is there hope for carry heroes like Bristleback/CK/WK/Razor etc (awkward battlefury wielders/no flash farm capabilities/has nukes but mana probs hold them back) to be able to farm quite faster than usual? I've been playing Juggernaut/Ember/QoP and I'm so amazed how I can reach amazing cs/min rates on them, like its super fast because I bought blink on them (except QOP/AM ofc).

    Are there novel builds that I dont know? I think I'd like to play these heroes if they werent just bad at economy.


      Those heroes don't need much farm to do something, team up and teamfight or push towers

      lm ao

        Yeah but imagine if I bought blink+midas on razor, it would be nice i think

        Waiting for more insight

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            its like aimstrong said. also i made razor as pos 5 and make glaive boots, seemsgud

            Vladimir Putin

              Bristle should farm stacked ancients with quills, just like Tidehunter.

              CK needs hero kills, pick him with another stun or slow to get early kills. Midas is something to consider on him.

              Wraith King is a bit like CK, but fewer kills and more midases. At least they doubled his crit versus creeps.

              Razor is supposed to win mid and you can also use your ult to farm. And he can group and push early, like a Viper. Underpowered hero at the moment.

              There's no getting around it, you're pretty much right these guys are not good at farming.


                yea bliink+midas real strong on hero that just wants to go 5 and rape.

                Your hero is superstrong with very small cheap stat items, why would u go anything but useless no stat item.

                What bliink midas razor do? :D:D

                Same with Bristle and CK. You get your one core item and you go rape everyone (Bristle vanguard, CK Drums/Armlet).

                btw vanguard mb legit CK item now, but ive not tried it yet

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                lm ao


                  This point I'm supposed to imply is that if cores who exchange economy for tankiness are garbage because farming is superior

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                    When you are in a higher skill bracket you will understand why you sometimes just can't farm 24/7

                    lm ao

                      I think I do know that crepeps dont just yield gold but also experience points

                      I'm not implying dota is a 24/7 farming game, although I do admit playing Juggernaut at 12 cs/min was ecstatic at first


                        Now I don't think bristle and razor are very normal "position one" heros which I feel u refer to.

                        CK is like huskar in some games. You can't lose in right games

                        lm ao

                          Alright I get your point

                          What can make those guys viable again? Another meta regression?


                            Wk's best way to build is the burning radiance blademail blink build. Razor is not that horrible of a farmer depsite people saying so. He can use his Q to some extent to flash farm since it has a large radius and gives vision so you can hit jungle creeps you dont have vision on. CK farms heroes instead of creeps. Bristle is a good flash farmer.


                              The unexpected pick makes them viable


                                does anyone play razor in high mmrs

                                Your Wife's Boyfriend

                                  battlefury wk? just get radi, heres your flash farm, razor aghs, borstollbockt spray and ck armlet and go fight

                                  Este comentário foi editado

                                    as far as i remembered, sumail spammed razor from 7.1-7.3k


                                      Midas => Radiance => Octarine => Manta

                                      Turns any hero into farm-monster.


                                        They're called snowball carries, you're not supposed to stand in jungle and hit creeps one by one for long.

                                        You get like 2-3 low/medium cost items and fight.

                                        House Cat

                                          Yeah i notice that. I don't farm a lot when I'm CK.

                                          Mao Xina

                                            razor is a super strong teamfight carry and all he needs are tankiness and sufficient mana.
                                            check FATA-'s razor play. i think his razor is the best razor play out there maybe.

                                            Mao Xina

                                              btw drum of endurance and aquila can solve his early game problems.

                                              Livin' Real Good

                                                Radiance on anymore turns them into a farmer. Keepo


                                                  And you're wasting 4 slots just for being a "farm-monster"


                                                    Every time I have gone early fighting items on CK recently I have lost. Almost every game I have gone helm into battlefury and then got 6 slotted I have won.

                                                    Gazz   ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

                                                      Razor is strong, but Krobelus is better.

                                                      How come bristleback is bad? He's one of my strongest tank hero. Difficult to chase coz of his warpath and the auto quill spray from his 3rd his very strong.


                                                        Problem is those heroes are not really focused on late game cuz you can kill then pretty easily in late game and main thing about razor/wk/bb/ck is staying alive in teamfights. But strong part of those heroes are small stat items like blademail mek armlet can make them really tanky and good damage dealer in early/mid game