General Discussion

General DiscussionAll i want for my birthday is to be healthy again

All i want for my birthday is to be healthy again in General Discussion

    Happy Birthday! I hope you have/had a good day. My prayers are with you, or if you don't believe in that, my best wishes are for you. I'm sorry you're in such a terrible situation. I'm glad to see you've gotten so much support here and I hope something good comes from this. Keep us posted, get well soon!


      OP, dang your illness is hard to figure out. I originally thought it had something to do with your sugar and diabetes. I doubt you're a hypochondriac, those results with high pancreatic enzymes are interestng though. Appendicitis is no joke been there, kidney pain:worse. I assume you already had your appendix taken out already, were there any other symptoms after the operation? It could spell infections if not taken care of properly. Happy birthday OP, wish you all the best.


        Do cardio 30 min per day and drink more water. Yoga and meditation also does wonders. Actually try it! Sleep well!


          Going to neurologist this moment, wish me good luck guys! All i want is that they properly do their job, nothing more, nothing less.

          White Power

            One time I ate salad and forgot to pour a glass of water. Made me sad

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                Im really sorry to read about your health problems man, i hope you get well soon!


                  watch it be menopause lul



                    White Power



                        Hope u get better dude


                          Move to Norway, heja Norge!


                            Set up a just giving page or something to see if you can raise some funds here, I'm sure there are enough people who spend money on hats and in game trash to donate you something that can, if nothing else, help you with your financial strains. I hope you recover as soon as possible, meanwhile, we can play some dota together if you want.

                            Dire Wolf

                              Wait dude have they done catscans mri? Cus you sound like you have some kind of cancer, have they ruled that out?

                              Eternal Meow

                                Post on a medical forum. Sounds similar to gallbladder disease mixed with something else at the same time. I think you may have more than one issue so you cannot try to diagnose just one disorder from your symptoms. Also we have the same birthday.

                                BTW, to people who say don't use the internet to diagnose. You know what my doctor did when I went last? They type my symptoms into google on their tablet PC and search it. Then they just picked most relevant looking diagnosis. Thanks for top notch professional diagnosis, Dr. Quack! I've heard other people say this happened at their doctor's office as well.

                                King of Low Prio

                                  A doctor referencing something online is completely different from a avg Joe diagnosing himself from Google

                                  King of Low Prio

                                    If you think doctors and lawyers know everything off the top of their head you should stop getting all your info from TV. You act like misdiagnosis of apendisitis is the same as mistaking a broken bone for cancer

                                    Eternal Meow

                                      I have had lots of trouble with doctors misdiagnosing things. Several people in my family have died because doctors misdiagnosed them. My father was turned away from the ER while he was having a heart attack with very obvious symptoms and he died soon thereafter. I have low confidence in local doctors and their ability to diagnose even very common issues. Because of personal history, I think using the internet to research your own issues is a good thing. But it is my personal opinion.

                                      When doctors barely put any effort into diagnosis and then your family member dies because of it, I don't see this as being a case of a doctor simply not knowing things off the top of their heads. They barely put any effort into it. I don't see how you think someone using google to help themselves is the same as blinding picking out a diagnosis either. I don't get my information from TV. I got it from years of family members with medical problems being misdiagnosed and suffering very serious consequences.

                                      If someone you know dies from misdiagnosis of a very common issue with very obvious symptoms, you might think like I do.

                                      Edit: Also misdiagnosing "heart attack" as "indigestion" is quite serious and was rather fatal. In this case I would say Dr. Quack wasn't any better than the average Joe using Google.

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                                      King of Low Prio

                                        There is not one symptom for each illness. You expect doctors to test everything at once? You could come out of the hospital with a 20k bill when you have a fever. Multiple illnesses have symptoms that overlap with others and doctors have to make calls on what it may or may not be. You can't go into a ER 'suffering' from a heart attack because it is not a chronic condition, he may have showed symptoms of something that later led to a heart attack but those same symptoms could have been attributed to something completely different. It is easy to diagnose something in hindsight. If my family members die from cancer it does not make me a expert on cancer treatment.

                                        King of Low Prio

                                          You can have your own opinion it does not make it correct

                                          Eternal Meow

                                            It's interesting you assume he must not have had a heart attack until after the ER dismissed him based only on reading what I have written without seeing the full documentation of his case. Or to also assume that his signs and symptoms were not indicative of a heart attack enough for it to be checked. With the list of signs and symptoms he presented with, it was reasonable to expect him to be tested for heart trouble. I expected better care than what as provided. I'm not claiming to be an expert on anything. I am stating I don't trust certain doctors who don't put much thought into their work. And that my history has altered my perspective from someone who hasn't has the same experiences as me. I am only explaining the reason behind why I have my perspective, not claiming to be an expert on medical malpractice. OP may be having issues with poor local doctors as well.

                                            "You can have your own opinion it does not make it correct"

                                            I agree.

                                            Eternal Meow

                                              Actually, in this particular case, the ER doctor admitted later that he fucked up, but oh well, too late.


                                                we should start a kickstarter fund or something for you.. can someone make one please?

                                                Riguma Borusu

                                                  why don't you try goind on alkaline diet?

                                                  Because food does not change your oragnism's pH, and if it did, you'd soon die.

                                                  or even try not to eat hard for some days.. eat light food, that is only fruit and veggies.

                                                  This is okay advice, but it accomplishes nothing unless he has an issue that specifically deals with this.

                                                  apple cider vinegar is good for kidneys... look it up in your local store..

                                                  Zero evidence for this whatsoever.

                                                  and you could also try 1 tea spoon of sodium bicarbonate 3 times a day for 3 days then you reduce to 1 time a day for the rest of the week and see how it goes.

                                                  This can give you some problems. But it is good if you suffer from GERD or have trouble with too much stomach acid. He'd first need to figure this is the kind of a problem he has. It is not a good idea to just randomly ingest baking soda.

                                                  you need to drink fluids a lot unless your doctor said you should not.

                                                  This is a no brainer, but nobody is really dehydrated unless he intentionally does not drink water if he's thirsty.

                                                  and also, stop worring about it. you may introduce problems that was not there in the first place... placebo effects is a real shit...

                                                  No, he should worry, because this is a serious condition. Worry makes you look for a cure or at least a treatment. And this is obviously not a nocebo* effect.

                                                  most of the people getting sick out there is because of these fucking junk food... and also pepsi, coke and other drinks...

                                                  People are getting sick for a lot of reasons, but none of what you suggested is going to randomly end up with his condition by itself.

                                                  i'm no doctor, but i hope these advice can help you :P

                                                  How about you stop giving out really shit advice?

                                                  @смрт доте- natural medicine exist, herbal treatments and other stuffs works,.

                                                  The only things that work are those that already have pharmaceutical versions of themselves. You can go chew willow bark and call it an aspirin, but the reality is that the compound from willow bark is synthesized and put into an aspirin. Most other shit, that does not have a pharmaceutical version, is simply junk.

                                                  believe it or not i would rather go for natural medicine rather than pharmaceutical drugs..

                                                  Yes, I am saddened to believe that fucking dumb people like you exist. Because they have zero understanding of how pharmacy works, and what a pharmaceutical drug is (newsflash, it is mostly derived directly from nature, then synthesized in proper and consistent concentrations without other, unwanted chemicals).

                                                  on the other side, homeopathy maybe works or maybe not... i think it's placebo.

                                                  It is a placebo, there's no chance in hell it works, and it would never help with a serious condition he has, unless he'd try to alleviate symptoms like pain.

                                                  King of Low Prio

                                                    Yea you are right kid the doctors kill people and any idiot can just treat themselves by watching YouTube. Medince is a exact science and one symptom = one disease. Continue treating yourself with your 3rd world education.

                                                    Riguma Borusu

                                                      I can't tell whether you're referring to me or the guy I quoted posting retarded pseudoscience. But I hope it's the latter.

                                                      Your Wife's Boyfriend

                                                        @King of Low Prio

                                                        "Yea you are right kid the doctors kill people and any idiot can just treat themselves by watching YouTube. Medince is a exact science and one symptom = one disease. Continue treating yourself with your 3rd world education."

                                                        assuming the fact that all your games are on NA you are from the US or Canada, how do you even dare to speak about healthcare when you are living in a top tier country and comparing yourself to a guy in eastern europe. You have no idea what you are talking about. This is my last post in that topic and try to seek less attention next time pls u obviously dont have much life experience and ur age is ~20, also u've never been even close to eastern europe, thats for sure.


                                                          I read you live in Slovenia, so why don't you go to Italy. We have some of the best doctors in the world and it is absolutely free!
                                                          If you feel pain go to an E.R. (Trieste is so close to the border). Hopefully they could help you to deal with your sickness.

                                                          Wish you the best


                                                            Tekuro may had give u a good hint.

                                                            I hope your problems will get better by time.
                                                            Yesterday your wrote, u go to a neurologist, maybe there are some good news for you.
                                                            Try to keep a positive attitude anyways.
                                                            gl mate

                                                            Gran Torino

                                                              Hope you can be heathy again and Happy B-Day


                                                                Ok guys, finally some better news! I've been to neurologist - absolutely remarkable woman, who has phd. in Math too and is a computer programmer at the same time - AT AGE 30!) I told her most of my problems (i forgot some, cause i have major issues with brain fog, concentration and other mental stuff too) and she took the time to examine me. My body functionally works great, nothing wrong there! She did complete blood tests again and blood was once again in perfect order. EXCEPT OF VITAMIN B12 SO LOW THAT IT WAS DAMAGING MY NERVOUS, MOTOR AND OTHER BODY SYSTEMS. If it was just a bit lower, they would probably put me into mental hospital for hallucinations, anxiety, severe depression, suicidal tendences and complete shutdown of brain and body functions, cause that usually happens if it drops that low. Some symptoms and damage are ireversible. I also had very low D-vitamin. When i went to search for symptomes of severe lack of B12 MOST OF THEM WERE PERFECT MATCH!

                                                                So, cause it's hard to absorb B12 from food supplements or food itself (especially if your body have problems with that) i will have to take injections daily for some time, till the amount of it normalizes. They gave me the first doze yesterday and i already feel A LOT better! My energy level increased, my muscle strenght is coming back, chills are also dissapearing and my brains are slowly starting to work normally! You wouldn't even believe in how bad condition i was for those good 2 months, maybe even more, cause i had some of those symptomes for a long time. At time i could hardly even walk - i stepped few metres and i couldn't move further. I couldn't think or concentrate, was anxious all the time, really depressed, although i really tried to think positive. My mother so ill was just the tip of the iceberg. Luckily i didn't quit on my health and kept trying, or i would most surelly be in some other (darker) place now.

                                                                I can't say how much of the issues this will solve, but i'm sure around 50% or more of the problems i have will hopefully dissapear! Other stuff i'm dealing with (kidney pain and swollen part in that area, often urination, diggestion problem and noise in the ears) i will start to solve asap. My personal doctor will probably send me to some other specialists, which will hopefully be as helpfull as this young lady.

                                                                Anyway guys, thank you for all the support and good wishes! I will keep fighting and i'm sure something good will come out of this. Much love! <3


                                                                  B12 Deficiency meh, well don't need House M. D. for that I guess.

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                                                                      Well, at least 10 doctors were telling me that i'm ok when my body was malfunctioning so badly and it took only one real specialist in the end (young smart woman) to solve the issue. Maybe it doesn't sound like much, but i'd rather have bursted appendix again, than this shit i went through in last months.


                                                                      Kinda, but it's not that easy. My body is not absorbing it somehow althought i ate lots of food rich with it and i was eating vitamin supplements regullary (B12 too) for more than a month and it didn't work. I'll have to take dailly injections of B12 at the doctor for few weeks and then occasionally for few months, till the serum amount of it normalizes. It absorbes to the body a lot better from injections. I also have other problems which are probably not related to the lack of B12, but at least it's finally going into right direction and i'm feeling better! :)

                                                                      Este comentário foi editado

                                                                        It does sound like diabetes. Try eating less potatoes they're not good for you in case it's really diabetes. Anyways I'm not a doctor.

                                                                        Gl there

                                                                        Dire Wolf

                                                                          So you can drink monsters/energy drinks and/or a ton of beer =D both rich in b12!


                                                                            Nvm read the previous posts, glad it's not diabetes.


                                                                              Ye, the symptomes (often urination - especially at night, dehydration and dry mouth although i drank a lot (no thirst tho), nausea, weak immune system) were really similiar to diabetes, but they took my blood like 10 times+ in total and i NEVER had anywhere close to high sugar. It was in the green zone every single time, i even ate few chocolate croissant before they took the blood yesterday. Same goes for cholesterol and fats in the blood - i even have pretty much same amount of LDL and HDL 1:1 which is super healthy). Blood pressure is 125-70. So no sign of diabetes, it's probably something wrong with adrenal gland or kidney, we'll see. I hope it's nothing serious tho.

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                                                                              Â INV MENYA LP PARTY

                                                                                how can u have a math, computerscience phd and be a m.d. at age 30 how can that work


                                                                                  She has it, don't ask me. Remarkably smart and hard working lady i guess. She studied a program which combines math and programming and has a phd in it, idk the exact name for it tho.

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                                                                                    There is no medicine like hope, no incentive so great, and no tonic so powerful as expectation of something tomorrow. -orisson swett marden

                                                                                    All bad things must come to an end fam,you'll be fine if you stay strong and stay hopeful for the future.

                                                                                    As usual i end my post with a dank meme. Kappa

                                                                                    Hitler did 9/11

                                                                                    Ron Paul for president


                                                                                      Wtf is ROFLUL doing in his games now?! Y is his whole team feeding so hard at the beginning?


                                                                                        OP happy for you. b12 deficiency is not something to be taken lightly. I'm just happy that you found a doctor worthy of such title. Am a medical student and it pains me to read stories like this, we are suppose to serve our patients and I just hope people be fair and give other medical practitioners a chance to prove to you that we are here to serve. Not every doctor are assholes. Happy ur doing better. I hope your trust has been renewed even just a bit.

                                                                                        King of Low Prio

                                                                                          So it wasn't cancer? That's what web MD said.


                                                                                            Happy belated OP! wish you health and happiness in your future! If you have no one and just want to talk, add me on steam. Sorry I was 3 days late.

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                                                                                              nice la! glad you found the cause of your sickness mate!

                                                                                              onward with recovery now :)

                                                                                              >tfw no gamer girl peeing gf

                                                                                                Yeah, happy belated OP.
                                                                                                I'm very glad to read that you are slowly doing better.

                                                                                                Your thread bringing the dota community a little closer :happytears:
                                                                                                Have a nice day, family :happytears:


                                                                                                  I'm glad to hear you were able to start figuring out your illness and take a step towards good health! I'm so happy that this is turning around for you, keep us posted!


                                                                                                    My condition is getting worse again... i was feeling quite ok for a day or two, but today it started again. B12 vitamin injections helped to solve some issues, but there is still something really wrong with my body. I get this feeling of insane thirst, dry mouth and skin and dehydration usually accompanied with pain in the kidney area and nausea. I drink more than enough water, but none stays in my body and i keep urinating like 20 times per day (at least few times in the night too). Also i cant lie on my back for long, cause it starts to suffocate me and i start coughing and i get this weird feeling in the heart area. I also get this feeling of heat all over my back. I have ultrasound hopefully in 3 weeks, but honestly i don't really know how to hold on for so long... Tried to sleep, but can't since of the pain and nausea. I need to give another urine sample tomorrow, luckily they find out something more although i think they wont cause urine was fine every single time so far. I hope they will do the ADH test and kidney examination soon so they see if they could be responsible for some of the problems. I'll try to sleep now, good night lads.

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