General Discussion

General DiscussionHow to get 5k?

How to get 5k? in General Discussion

    So guys After my way from 3,2k to 4,5 with like 70% winrate im stuck again. Im 4,5k now and the only things that make me win are farming skills and Item decissions. So now i wanna win what to improve next?


      There is no secret, just grind like u did before !


        You have to learn how to play support. I am very surprised, that you got to 4,5k. You are dying too much dude.


          "The secret is just inside your heart"


            if you are not 5k material u will drop eventually.

            to get 5k u need to have gd understanding of the game and always improve yourself by watching your mistakes @ replay.


              If feed every game dumbassek. Its inclouded in my mmr.

              ghetto superstar

                for what I've gathered playing with 4k shitty players its all about teamfights and winning lanees, most of 4k kids give up after that so stomp the lanes and proceed winning.


                  guys can u predict my mmr




                      i'm 5k and i never watched my replays