General Discussion

General DiscussionBattlefury Phantom Assassin?

Battlefury Phantom Assassin? in General Discussion

    I don't normally build bf on pa but I see a lot of people build it across skill brackets. Anybody have input? Is it good? Thanks.


      It is the best option for PA in 60% of games. She will just have no farm otherwise and will not be able to keep up to the enemy carry without a farm advantage from blink + battlefury


        Of course its fucking good when you kill someone you can kill 2 more mofos without even knowing.
        And Its also good for farming or defending


          The damage from bfury is great
          And ofc mana and health regen and farm

          Your Wife's Boyfriend

            I think its trash like bf in general, but im not a pa player, meta s too fast for such items on her and the new items and item changes make bf more and more useless. I'll go s n y + something retarded like new abyssal, solar, skadi.

            I guess its personal choice and depends on the game u are playing (like every other hero build)


              "meta s too fast for such items on her and the new items and item changes make bf more and more useless."
              Its not useless
              Dont spit nonsence that u have no idea abou them
              U just randomly say some shitty things to dissapoint ppl
              Always Negative as hell


                asdf is right, though.


                  Just get Magnus on your team and get a real item


                    I mean the damage, farm speed up and regen from BF is nice and all, but I think for the gold there are far better items, especially after the dagger buff. Even desolator comes to mind, basher, but definitelly for the money I'd rather go s&y. HoD, S&Y, BKB imo core items, phase boots probably for the chase.

                    stupid fuck 2000

                      I think its way too slow. I agree with the S&Y build.

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                        Zaywop dont talk mr.normalskillnoob

                        Hold on I see it now

                          If you can rush it fast, why not. PA is a difficult carry to bank on since she has zero flash farm and the meta now is all about carries coming online faster. Bfury solves that problem but 4k gold is no laughing matter and if your enemies are smart they'll glance at your inventory every now and then to see what you're up to. If they see nothing after a few minutes they'll figure out what your trying to do and make your life a living hell.
                          SnY is the shortcut. It costs a lot of gold as well but the component items are useful. You'll sacrifice creep clearing but your hero killing potential is much better, plus the overall extra tankiness (hp + armor). After bfury you'll still end up farming a secondary item to make you more dangerous, but with sny you can jumo straight to the hero killing business.

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                          Dire Wolf

                            Battlefury is for afk farming but PA falls off a cliff at about 30 mins when other team has two silver edge's on supports and mkbs on carries so you need to secure victory around 20 mins and snowball. That's why I hate battlefury.

                            However it's not that shitty of like a 4th or 5th item cus you can jump into a team fight and actually 2 shot supports off cleave crits. Maybe something like treads/phase, aquila, vlads, deso, ac, bkb, battlefury.


                              But if PA gets like Sny or bkb from safelane farm then she will get nothing afterwards. Unless she gets a lot of kills like in 0k MMR she will be stuck with that 1 - 2 item for ever. Also PA can farm quite fast with bf maybe only inferior to ~5 safelane carries.

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                                Bf in passive games, but in most cases sny over bf


                                  BF is love, BF is life!


                                    BF is a farming item. If you feel you can farm without getting ganked much and their pick won't own you during late game - go for it. Otherwise, there are plenty other choices for damage.

                                    Miku Plays

                                      Rush divine, make them think you're going bf.

                                      Swap Commends

                                        Bf => farming style
                                        S&Y => right click rape

                                        Guy Riki

                                          Dagon is good on pa


                                            ^^ LUL that really wasn't obvious at all :d


                                              true build is vg/hood diffu idk wtf u guys talking bout

                                              Mike Wazowski..!

                                                You should build her like this


                                                  The same arguments were being discussed over juggernaut. Even though he is also weak late game in most games you want to build battlefury and juggernaut even benefits more from the slow and ms of sny.

                                                  >tfw no gamer girl peeing gf

                                                    Hmm, I will have to do this more often. I have to admit my recent pa/jugg games (from like weeks/months ago at this point) I noticed that battlefury was just time consuming. I obtained it in under 15 minutes (Usually play pa and get brown shoes, poor man's, magic wand) and noticed I found myself farming more than fighting and wasn't ready til around the 30 minute mark which is terrible. If I saw the enemy building mkb I would go for AC and more armor-based (Helm of Dom) items to last longer in fights.

                                                    Bf is definitely a good item, but not worth rushing when you can build a yasha in 10 minutes and start doing shit.

                                                    Thanks dota reddit.

                                                    ✪ H o p e - ! !  ✪

                                                      How bout getting echo sabre and sny followed by basher,bkb,abyssal? Like this:


                                                        Echo sabre is horrible on PA.

                                                        >tfw no gamer girl peeing gf

                                                          No lmao
                                                          I tried echo sabre (in an unranked game since I'm not an idiot to test things in ranked and potentially throw) on pa and it was shit. The mana was nice, but it didn't do anything, and I had to farm even more. We lost by a close-game, and I take about 80% of that responsibility for building sabre on her when I could have built so much different and farmed far more efficiently had I gone anything than sabre.
                                                          For shit sake, I could have gone arm on pa and even that would have been better than sabre.
                                                          I highly discourage that item on pa, unless you like losing, then sure, go right ahead if you're not on my team.


                                                            Just get an Invoker, Mag, Sven, Venge/Lycan and an alpha wolf on your team. All for 1 and 1 for all.


                                                              Too legit to quit ^

                                                              lm ao

                                                                Go phase midas mom hood sny

                                                                Phase for ms across farming neut camps

                                                                Midas self explanatory

                                                                MoM for farming and ms

                                                                Hood cause the active rocks

                                                                SnY if ur playing offensively, manta if u need dispels


                                                                  You can get away with bf in solo games almost always. You just need to focus on farming a bit more than with other builds. Don't be like those 3k retards who buy bf on antimage and then proceed to fight for some reason.