General Discussion

General DiscussionWhy you shouldn't max Culling Blade until/unless you've got aghs.

Why you shouldn't max Culling Blade until/unless you've got aghs. in General Discussion

    A buddy of mine kept wondering why I never max Culling Blade until I get my aghs up (much fun against squishy lineups). Basically, it's a waste of mana, for a hero with a limited manapool at best.

    You can either dunk a <250hp guy for 60 mana, a <325hp guy for 120 mana, or a <400hp guy for 180 mana. Is it really worth spending 120 extra mana at lvl 16+ to overcome that 150 extra hp treshhold? Hell no.

    Even if you get the kill because you didn't get that one extra spin needed to get your foe under that sweet 250hp, but you maxed your ult, you'll be rendered useless after the fight, because you're most probably out of mana.

    Aghs solves the mana problem a bit, and gives you the ability to dunk creeps for the bonus MS, chase, and have CB up for your next fight/pickoff.

    Fellow (pre-6.87) Axe spammers, what are your thoughts about this?

    Best Treant EU

      i think thats bullshit

      Miku Plays

        no no no no no no i had that thought in 6.83 and its fcking shit

        Totentanz to The King: M ...

          Mana is an important resource obviously, but you shouldn't risk not getting kills just because you can't manage your mana properly.


            I heard Bloodstone now provides 12 charges.


              What sam said

              this isn't like a lion or crystal maiden where level 2 ulti costs 80% of their mana pool

              if u cant manage a low mana spell on axe who doesn't have to spam that much ur doing smth wrong

              King of Low Prio

                Yea miss kills so you can save your mana for farming creeps.......


                  mana doesnt matter if you get a kill, at least that is the way i see it.


                    unless you get like 400 kills every game then what u said does not apply


                      I have seen a few pro players max their culling, put a point in their ward, the crit, and their ult, then up their stats a few times. Is this not a more reliable solution?


                        ^i think u are talking about another hero here


                          roflmfao. i scrub. 0k mmr.


                            I think I agree with OP. Culling blade just has a retarded mana scaling.