General Discussion

General DiscussionSong playlist

Song playlist in General Discussion

    What kind of song playlist did you play while playing dota?




        Raising fighting spirit so i feel like im the star in the team.


          None, in-game sounds ftw

          Totentanz to The King: M ...

            I play a gigantic mix of mainly Metallica, SoaD and Anthrax with some Slayer, Iron Maiden and other stuff on the side.


              currently have this on repeat

              Your Wife's Boyfriend

                rock - sometimes metal, also some inspiring epic music, depends. Everything but not in-game sounds or hearing voice chat (ez -25).

                >tfw no gamer girl peeing gf

                  or just sounds fx in-game with music off.

                  The music in dota is amazing, it's nice to just have sound effects on though.