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People in General Discussion

    Ppl that blaming other ppl even they own mistake. Why ppl like this exist?


      u are also like this, its just human nature


        blaming someone else makes u feel better about urself. also, on average this habit is a bit stronger for females.


          inb4 feminist


            wait are we all not feminists?

            feminism, noun - the advocacy of women's rights on the grounds of political, social, and economic equality to men.

            Â INV MENYA LP PARTY

              feminism is retarded

              >tfw no gamer girl peeing gf


                Tell me this game was my fault.
                I will admit, I make mistakes constantly, but seriously, there are some games where it is 90% one person's fault.

                Â INV MENYA LP PARTY

                  this game was ur fualt

                  >tfw no gamer girl peeing gf


                    How about this game?
                    Please tell me it's my fault.
                    There are seriously people that just need to die.
                    Everyone else in the team was doing okay, but at least they were doing something. The Ember was just plain useless. He could have done so much, but he decided to stick to split push and afk, then got a divine and STILL could not get a kill.

                    Your Wife's Boyfriend

                      Dude it's always CMs fault. And yea, blaming others makes you feel better and you are trying to convince yourself that you are not a bad player but deep inside you know how bad you actually are. At least I admit that there are a lot of games I lost 100% because of me. :))

                      Viva feminism. The white goddess is cruel, must obey!

                      >tfw no gamer girl peeing gf

                        The cm was fine. The slark was utterly retarded. Yeah, sure the Ember was useless and afk, but at least he split pushed, and slark went blink first.... I don't mind slark's building blink, but as your first item? Are you fucking with me? He could have made so much more, but decided "You know what? I like losing, so I'm going to build a fucking BLINK and do no damage all game, and get cucked, cuz I get turned on by being anally raped for 30+ minutes"
                        He even had safe lane alone, literally just farming for like 20 minutes, and showed nothing for it.

                        Everyone else on the team did fine and I thought they were awful, but I realized it's not their fault that slark and ember are fucking retarded and making the game 100x harder than it needs to be.

                        Your Wife's Boyfriend

                          Sometimes a certain member of the team contributes more to the loss but it is a team game anyway, in the first game slark was rly awful, like 90 cs for 35 mins, he is supposed to have much more. You can get 90 in the first 10 mins if you are free spamming dark pact on wave + small camp, but still you can't say everyone else played flawless. Especially this ember and bh were rly bad as well. Also dagger is ok sometimes, mb he didnt go for lothar because of the necro 3 vision, idk, he is still bad tho.

                          And I noticed this CM has 81 cs, which makes me a bit curious :) we need slark and his point of view, wonder what he is going to say about that game and lane :)

                          >tfw no gamer girl peeing gf

                            Blink first item on slark = ez game for enemy.
                            If he had sb he would be way more effective. It's not like he should worry about track since he can just purge it.
                            I will admit, he did fine when I laned with him, he pounced, and frost bite, I got him like 3 kills in under 10 mins, then I go help out other lanes, I ward everywhere and start roaming, suddenly constant team fighting, no communication, and I was chill. I was calm. I died, and we were clashing but I saw slark was free farming, so I was like "Oh sweet! The boi slark is free farming, we got this!" Then it's 18 minutes in the game, and I see how his farm is doing, he only has like 1850 gold by that time and I think to myself "Wait.... is this fucking idiot seriously going BLINK FIRST? Are you fucking with me? I'm supporting this shit?" He got his blink all right, and literally tickled the enemy for the rest of the game.

                            This shit depressed me. Such an ez win, and we had the advantage, but people like playing farmville.

                            No one is flawless, agreed, but there is doing shit, okay, or great in a game, and everyone else did okay.
                            I could have stacked or been more productive myself, but I was so distracted by how stupid this slark and ember were. BH had pieces of silent stick built, and I kindly told ember "Yo, Ember, you're a bit behind, and you're trying to farm, and you have your bf now which is nice, so try getting a bkb so bh doesn't put it in your butthole and you can run away if you need to"
                            He utterly ignored the advice, and constantly got raped, even after making linkins.

                            What slark would probably say is what bristle and slark himself said in team chat "You have a divine rapier and stilll can't get a kill"

                            Overall, shit game, I'm still 2.9, and this reminds me of why I'm waiting til 3kish to support again.
                            It's amazing how the 100 mmr makes a huge difference.

                            Este comentário foi editado
                            Your Wife's Boyfriend

                              "Oh sweet! The boi slark is free farming, we got this!"

                              Yea, somehow finished the game with 90 cs for 35 mins, totally free farming, I can get more with my monitor turned off just by pressing Q and moving randomly. Mb he was just afk, that is not what I'm trying to say.

                              Still it is just 1 game, you can't win every game, even if you are the best player ever at some point something weird is going to happen and you will lose. You can just reduce the amount of losses by playing better. Like that kitrak guy (or idk if it was him) once said, don't compare yourself to the 90 cs slark but to the enemy support (in this case). As long as you ve played better than him you are fine and your mmr is going to increase in the long run? I mean the opponents can't be much better than your teammates because they are .the same mmr and it is a ranked game, so the only one who can change the 50/50 outcome is you


                                KappaPride 4Head

                                You won't know how shitty these people last hitting is even if they play carries. I usually do well when under the circumstances of 1v3 against 2 enemies and 1 teammate (no kidding) to contest for last hits and unless my base damage absolutely sucked ass, I will get my items fairly quick.

                                Everytime I see my carries farm under no pressure but creeps and miss a single last hit when I am support, I feel depressed but now I learned to only look at allies when I need to know about their cooldown or items. In your situation I assume this is the case where he just auto attack everything he sees and sucked with Blink+Pounce combo.

                                >tfw no gamer girl peeing gf

                                  That quote, I mean what the hell? May be he was afk. I think he even got a double kill before 30 seconds of the game. 1 kill before the rune spawned, and a kill after the rune spawned, then I got him 3 kills in our lane. That is 5 kills, in normal skill bracket, if I were that slark, I would control the fucking game.

                                  But that is very great advice. And anyone can farm more than that. I don't mind a loss, I accept, nothing you can do it about it obviously, but to lose stupidly just pisses me off.

                                  I'm not fretting over loss, it's just 25 mmr, and as you can see I won a ranked, lost one, won another, loss another (that slark in my game) and then I just pub matched after that since that match made me very stressed, and I know the odds are higher to lose if you stress out lol

                                  Thanks for that refreshing though, I should look at the other team more and stop focusing on the players in my team that play like shit. :smile:

                                  Kitrak is pretty cool, not sure why everyone makes fun of him. Jealousy probably.

                                  I hope other people share certain games like this to break it down.


                                    just wanted to say that all men are pigs
                                    now im out

                                    Lets do Science

                                      I don't get why people go onto a board to whine about their teammates in 1 single game. Like omg, someone didn't perform admirably in a single game of dota! Everyone please collectively take a dump on him so i feel better! Its unbelievable that you guys waste so much energy on a loss, and not even in a productive way. You're just throwing out insults at everyone who you perceive as losing the game and telling everyone its not your fault. What the hell does that accomplish? You know what everyone else on your team did after that loss? They went on with their fucking lives. Why can't you?