General Discussion

General DiscussionHow does a safelane carry Slark die 17 times and earn less gold than ...

How does a safelane carry Slark die 17 times and earn less gold than the enemy position 5 support in General Discussion

    cuz he went echo

    my wife is fat

      because you queue with sir swirl?


        by not going mjolnir linkens on terrorblade

        hex bkb would have been a different game


          How was it my fault?


            Sir Swirl actually did the best on the team.

            BKB and then what...storm zips away and I've wasted a BKB charge. Great.

            Mjollnir was bought at the end when we were megacreeped.

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              I shouldn't be doing the best on the team if i just recently got 3k


                I shouldn't be doing the best on the team if i just recently got 3k


                you complain about teammates and say this? what the actual fuck


                  the mmr was 400 higher than mine. I'm yet to see improvement in the 3k bracket



                    When you have a safelane slark who ends the game with less gold than a Kotl you can tell how shit the 3k bracket is.


                      i can do the same with very little effort, i can even die more than 17 times if i actually do my best


                        ur bracket is low, so thers a lot of uncertainity on player ability to do well in their heros lol


                          Y do you need to care about the storm



                            When 4ks/3ks don't get objective gaming, I've mained terror blade from safelane to jungle to solo mid ya I know what the fuck I'm saying.

                            Why ask for advice when ur gonna brush it off lmao

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                            lm ao



                                sometimes your best is just not enough, and thats how u improve


                                  Yeah I've seen your terrorblade in action. It was not impressive.


                                    There are many questions without answer, like: "why TB buys Mjollnir?"

                                    Besides, "safe lane" is a myth. 2v2 lane can't be safe.

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                                      They abused the crap out of us, in the early game. All they complained about was mid no gank




                                          Why did you have a Necrophos alone in the offlane against a PA and KOTL? He died 3 times before 10 minutes and honestly I don't blame him.


                                            So I'm significantly higher MMR than you, have more experience on TB and has had extreme success on him POST 6.82 (aka after this nerfs) and I'm not impressive. Is that an extremely roundabout way of mocking yourself?

                                            If this the point of this thread was "I know I'm bad but heres a guy who is way worse," then I have nothing more to say. I was simply assuming you posted this as a "how do I win with this crazy burdens?" to which the case is yes, this match was definitely winnable, especially from your end.

                                            You don't get BKB to kill the Storm, you get it so at clutch situations, you can take objectives. I have no idea why you're trying to justify Linkens against a team full of single target abilities. Soul Rip, Stiffling Dagger, etc etc can all pop it turning that near 5k gold item into some measly stats when you could've gotten BKB for a much lower price and take objectives.

                                            My point about "why care about storm" is not me trying to be funny lmao. A tanky TB and LS can just on rage/bkb and take the towers and back off. What is Storm gonna do? Zip in and hit you guys with your obscenely high armor??

                                            If you're gonna say something like "we could never approach towers cuz kotl", then you could've tried to organize a smoke gank to kill him then take towers. MKB was also a bad choice, yes I know you're thinking its for PA but your team honestly was equipped enough to deal with her that you getting a Manta or early Bfly before her MKB could have gotten you that much needed rax that you could play around.

                                            But like I said, if your point of this thread was not how you could win but just to blame som1 else (lma0) then I guess I walked into the wrong place. You're right, Slark was bad.

                                            lm ao

                                              You're  right,  Slark  was  bad

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                                                why was necrophos alone? because he chose a shitty offlaner! also bottom failed there lane as well so they blamed us

                                                Your Wife's Boyfriend

                                                  cuz of jungler and double enemy off with undying what did you expect, he is not a great player tho but not worse than any of you

                                                  Necrophos shitty offlaner - huehuehue got 60% winrate with this shitty offlaner

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                                                    Do t let storm get so farmed next time, bloodthorn crits and silences with desolator and sheep stick... And you have a linkens...

                                                    >tfw no gamer girl peeing gf

                                                      idk, how does this slark lose the game for us?



                                                        ^Because the draft sucked.

                                                        There were not many damage dealers especially those nukes to reliably get your team kills. All your heroes need some lock down to make the enemies in one place for some time, but none of them can do that either. Sure CM and ES can hold heroes in place but their damage and stuns and big control spell (i.e.: Black Hole) were too much to handle given that your team couldn't respond with damage even if you all survived their initiations.

                                                        Judging from your draft again you could see that approaching late game heavily benefits their team. Again no lock down, kiting your heroes takes little effort; SF, Spectre, even VS scale well into late game especially with items. Your melee heroes aren't the best carries around given there is a Spectre popping her ult to scatter your team off.

                                                        Sure Slark should have done more by ganking earlier and seal the deal as soon as possible. However I don't see him farming too much, but Bristleback did it better. Did you try to convince Slark to gank with you? Did you use smoke? Did you attempt to gank? Did he have hard time farming which resulted in items coming up late?

                                                        BH and you could have done better too. Look at your item choices. That Eul wasn't good for reasons. Sure it can stop Enigma's spell casting but 500 range (correct me if I'm wrong) isn't impressive. Sure it can save you from Spectre but 2k+ gold for a single purpose is too costly. Force Staff, Glimmer, Mekanism are all potential candidates for better payoff in such a draft where you need to end the game early. But if you can't analyze your draft you are going to make the less appropriate choices so lets move on.

                                                        If you were last picking you could have gone DP, DK, Medusa or Warlock but it seems like your draft consists of too many greedy heroes. Supports that are good to respond to (or help) fights can be Warlock, Tidehunter and Silencer, though I doubt Silencer fits into this game since there is a Spectre to catch him out everytime she pops her ult.

                                                        >tfw no gamer girl peeing gf

                                                          I posted the info in another thread lol
                                                          Yes, I could have done better, but the real main reason for the loss was Ember.
                                                          I got slark 3 kills in under 10 minutes and started helping other lanes since they were having trouble. Everything went south since, if I knew slark was going blink first, I would have just ran down mid, feed, and let them end the game faster instead of wasting my time.

                                                          Update: Oh, and I picked second

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