General Discussion

General DiscussionThe best hero to spam to raise MMR in 6.87

The best hero to spam to raise MMR in 6.87 in General Discussion
✪ H o p e - ! !  ✪

    The topic above :D. Personally I think Slark, Alchemist and Riki are strong this patch. Ur thoughts?


      S N I P E R S O O P V O L V O N E R F P L Z


        how about pa , meepo , slard for carry
        supp lion .
        offlane tide

        feeder cm , scrub player , toxic , and u

        my wife is fat

          axe, alchemist, naix, omni, necro, wk, slardar, riki

          assuming you are not a scrub, then

          tinker, sky wraith, puck

          >tfw no gamer girl peeing gf

            Slark, LC, Alch, TB, Reekee, Snypur


              Axe is just so strong with the new blademail
              Slark silver edge buff and Echo Sabre
              Tinker if you can play it
              Alchemist is just so strong


                i think templar assasin with the new item ; Axe with the new blade mail,OmnI ; and Slark with echo sabre


                  Only tinker


                    i feel like there's a lot of viable heroes now and i like this patch a lot

                    Guy Riki


                      [Luftwaffe] Pimop3

                        drow ranger :D

                        Optimus Drip

                          Unfortunantly techies is not good this patch. Got indirectly nerfed by the meta of really tanky heroes


                            TB any day

                            ✪ H o p e - ! !  ✪

                              Tinker tips? Item build?


                                Drow and axe


                                  Naga siren

                                  ✪ H o p e - ! !  ✪

                                    Any 1v9 hero this patch?


                                      Yeah Tinker, Slark, Spectre.

                                      Tinker is probably most skill rewarding hero and he is also in meta. If you play him well you can stall pushes, outpush other lanes at the same time and pickoff when enemies are losing patience due to march stall.

                                      Slark stronk as fuck and u doesn't need to be pro with him.

                                      Spec still benefit from fucking rubberband policy, just play tons of games, more than half u will win.


                                        It has to be Slark. Haven't personally tried him in a long time, but he dominates nearly every game I play that he is in.


                                          Anti-mage and spectre like always...

                                          Tony Push

                                            morphling. because no one builds/picks silence pre-5k


                                              Tinker because you can destroy any hero by yourself and if your team is shit then you can stall the game till like 80 mins till all your carries are 6 slotted

                                              JL'o ( MMR IRS )

                                                2 Heroes you can spam to win even if your team is brainded like they are should be ember and meepo I dont see any other heroes that can 1v9 meaning that they feed like shit.


                                                  TBH i prefer playing Tinker only..
                                                  I played tinker 8 games out of 10 caliberation matches and lost 5 and won 3 and still got 3.9k i wud say Tinker

                                                  3 mongooses in a trench coat

                                                    necro, riki, carry slardar, naix, void

                                                    Itachi Uchiha


                                                      Execute Order 322

                                                        Despite high nuking power and insane mobility, tinker also has some negative points:
                                                        -he is quite vulnerable to early ganks due to no escape ability and low hp pool
                                                        -fragile without defensive items
                                                        -steals laning farm from his teammates and pushes the lane, which gives a lot of farm to opponents (that 1 is most crucial imo)
                                                        -it is quite risky to pick tinker when your team has weak manfighting and early game fighting potentional


                                                          Riki > slark


                                                            Tinker is so op now



                                                              2 more games after that, im 19-1 with naix in solo now

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