General Discussion

General DiscussionWexort Invoker?

Wexort Invoker? in General Discussion

    I have never seen an Invoker go wexort. I've tried it out in a bot game and it seems like it would do very well with the right team composition, just not in an uncoordinated pub. Has anyone ever played wexort or seen anyone play wexort?

    Doesent seem as good as qe or qw but it could be situationally useful right?


      well, honestly what's the use of an wex exort invoker?

      invoker isn't chosen solely because of his damage potential, lmao if you want that then why not zeus?

      invoker is chosen because he comes with a huge amount of CC


        quas is needed in early levels to reduce your reliance on bottle and tango for hp


          i remember like 1 year ago i did this while stacking with a 2k friend, ez game

          Your Wife's Boyfriend

            mom alacrity also sb because invoking gw is 2 hard ez pick offs


              What can you do with www eew wwe and eee?
              Wexort is depend on ur teammate, if ur team got stunner,u can set the combo
              Haven't tried wexort but it Might be interesting to play it offlane and www/eee/eew combo with stunner


                Yeah it would be very team dependent. In that case though you would most likely want qe. Wexort is in a weird spot.


                  1 point in wex is enough


                    Phantom riki goes wex exort

                    Dire Wolf

                      I have never played invoker and even I can answer this.

                      -cold snap, one of the best spells early game for solo kills
                      -you need quas for forge spirits, which exort invokers are very reliant on for pushing, farming, dmg
                      -the combo is meatball sunstrike deafening blast which needs quas for the last one


                        I first get 4 lvl on quas and exort for 2 spirit then max wex


                          Invoker is in this game since +- 10 years and wex-exort was never a legit build, that should pretty much answer your question: No it isnt legit at all.
                          QW got the early-mid game symbiosis of Tornado EMP, EQ has Forge Sprits Coldsnap, EW has nothing, also youre just sub-par to other heroes, your Magic dmg is lacking compared to zeus, your physical is weaker than TA,...

                          Este comentário foi editado

                            I use wexort but I add one quas for coldsnap meteor then defening