General Discussion

General DiscussionWhat's the build for axe! I never feel like you can have the 1 sole b...

What's the build for axe! I never feel like you can have the 1 sole build that works all the time in General Discussion

    Small things like armour vs Health. Is it better for armour against melee over Heart or other likewise items

    pipe, lotus orb, all little things depending on the game right?


      Dagon 5 > Ulti > Win.


        tranquils blink vanguard blade mail (in some order)
        boom you won


          ^Does Axe always need to go vanguard?


            no, only tranq blink and blade mail are core imo

            Gazz   ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

              Armor overall increases your "effective health" vs physical damage.

              For Example: Heart vs Shivas guard: which will make you tankier?

              Lets say, your hero is a 1000 HP with 0 armor.

              With heart, your total HP is 2150 with 0 armor.

              With Shiva, only 1000HP but with 15 armor. 15 armor increases your effective health by 52.6% vs physical damage. Your total EHP is 1526.

              But what if your HP is 2000?
              With heart, you have 3150hp.
              With shiva, 2000hp & 15 armor so your EHP is 3052.

              Shivas guard also have bonus INT, a slow aura, and a active blast. Its is also much cheaper than heart 4700vs5500. Hearts regeneration is strong though.

              So bottomline is:
              *Heroes with low HP but high armor should buy HP boost item. Example are Agilities heroes like terrorblade or magina.
              *Heroes with high HP but low armor should buy armor boost item. Example are Strength heroes like Doom or Alchemist.