General Discussion

General DiscussionHelp a brother, who is stuck in the Gulag, out - Real Talk Tips, mabois

Help a brother, who is stuck in the Gulag, out - Real Talk Tips, mabois in General Discussion
The Epitaph

    Ok, Sup everyone.

    So first of, I'm a skillless-trench fuck who doesn't know how to dota, it seems. I've accepted that. I don't blame my teammates and I try to focus on my own mistakes to improve.

    I've looked at my favorite heroes and decided to focus on a few of them, for any role. I decided to go BH and Omni for support, currently focusing on BH. Sven, Jugg and WK for Carry. Slark, Tide or Timber for solo-lane.

    When I carry, I usually am able to farm well. I know when to takes fights, more often than not and when to run and farm on.
    Mechanically, I'm right now trying to ingrain in myself to gank the midlane when I play support.

    I usually am forced to play support, so I do it. I decided to go BH, since I can carry a arcanes/mek and I simply love to bully enemys out with my "hit-with-the-extradmg-before-the-fade-goes-through"-invis-skill. The tempo-ult, that allowes my team to get more money even if they only kill one hero is a net-gain in my book, aswell.
    I used to play omni put I grew sick of being blamed for everyones death so I stopped, before I simply lost all fun in dota.

    I've noticed a few things. When it works, it works. Even when we start out loseing early-game I usually am able to get farm as Bh and in turn get farm the way of my teammates. But I have problems with one thing.

    I'm in a 2,2k trashbin MMR and everyone and their grandma wants to jungle. However, noone seems to be able to not give kills away on the sololane. So I'm faced with the decision of either going solo with a hero and no support on my team or I go with supporting and am greeted with an instantly fractured team, since the sololane blames the mid for not ganking (of course, no matter it's just min 3-5). Usually the midlane then gets triggered and either trys to bruteforce a gank, either getting soemthing but more often than not, not getting anything just loseing farm.
    I'm at the point where I just suspect that I shouldn't support and play a roaming min 1, but the problem is that I'm pretty much allways faced with pushed up lanes, so I need to first pull one creepwave to control the equilibrium and anounce myself.

    What frustrates me the most though, is that some games are going over like a dream. People comunicate, work together and it just flows.
    Noone gets flamed, if something happens people try to give you tips, defuse the situation.
    And then you get a game where sven skills his stun 3 times and then stats, runing into the fray for the lulz. Or you anounce min 1 that you'll play positon 5 support, and everyone picks a mid or a support.

    I guess, what I'm asking is this:

    - Should I maybe just go carry all game and simply farm out the enemy? I'm ok farming and can usually outfarm the people in my trench-corner when I have to.

    - What should I focus myself on improveng mechanically the most, which has the hugest impact on my games. As I said, I'm right now trying to incorporate smokeganks on mid and ganks on mid in general, but it seems that I either am comeing too late (min 4-5) since my mid is allready feeding or I'm pulling it off, but the enemy-mid is allready so much behind that I'm jsut the last nail in the coffin. The amount of games where I'm entering a balanced midlane and am the cause for a advantage for my mid, is miniscule.

    -Which Heroes should I focus on. I don't have that much problems with mapawareness and farming. I can orbwalk and usually am pretty ok with my mana (there are moments when I'm dry but usually I'm ok in my judgement when to use a spell and when not to).

    - Can anyone give me some tips on how to at least stear people into the direction of heroes they should pick?
    I usually go into game, anounce the role I want to play and tell people that Hero X or Y might work well with my skillset.
    (Or someone instapicks Invoker, followed by 2 randoms and one who just stays black)
    [Also, is it just me or do people simply not know that you can mark down your position on the minimap, it's mindboggling]
    It usually amounts to one or two, when they don't instapick, to at least show my suggestion in their picture, before they choose something else.

    At this point, I feel like I'm just burning out on this game. I allready made a break of 3 months and was now comeing back to "improve".
    But it simply feels like I'm treading water. I win a few games and then lose the same amount. Usually in a big streak of "fuck this, the next game I'll try hard as fuck and win!"
    It's probably just a case of huge Dunning-Kruger, but I feel like simply quiting at this point. Feels like it's simply not worth the time to try anymore, espescially since I allready invested so much fucking time of Life into an absolute meaningless game.

    Should I maybe rethink my strat and just focus on mid-heroes? I usually play support because I kind of enjoy it. I like to be the utilityguy that gives vision, helps people shine and make openings, even when noone sees them or says, thanks for them.
    Carrying I find borring as fuck since it's usually farming and the occasional fight where you go in and kill people.
    I'm probably an abysmal invo, but I guess I could learn it. I like playing Razor mid. I've recently seen axe-mid and it worked out supriseingly. Was that luck or can heroes like Axe or Bristle work out mid, when you just try to get tanky asap and simply pressure the enemy continuesly?

    Any tips would be appreciated. I'm at the end of my wisdom. How to raise my MMR?


      don't play if you're not enjoying it, simple as that

      ASSESS Product

        Go play smurf and feel good again lmao

        Pale Mannie

          Vem Comigo

            - Should I maybe just go carry all game and simply farm out the enemy? I'm ok farming and can usually outfarm the people in my trench-corner when I have to.
            - What should I focus myself on improveng mechanically the most, which has the hugest impact on my games. As I said, I'm right now trying to incorporate smokeganks on mid and ganks on mid in general, but it seems that I either am comeing too late (min 4-5) since my mid is allready feeding or I'm pulling it off, but the enemy-mid is allready so much behind that I'm jsut the last nail in the coffin. The amount of games where I'm entering a balanced midlane and am the cause for a advantage for my mid, is miniscule.
            -Which Heroes should I focus on. I don't have that much problems with mapawareness and farming. I can orbwalk and usually am pretty ok with my mana (there are moments when I'm dry but usually I'm ok in my judgement when to use a spell and when not to).
            - Can anyone give me some tips on how to at least stear people into the direction of heroes they should pick?
            I usually go into game, anounce the role I want to play and tell people that Hero X or Y might work well with my skillset.
            (Or someone instapicks Invoker, followed by 2 randoms and one who just stays black)
            [Also, is it just me or do people simply not know that you can mark down your position on the minimap, it's mindboggling]
            It usually amounts to one or two, when they don't instapick, to at least show my suggestion in their picture, before they choose something else.

            If your team sucks help them, pick a roamer/ganker, set up ganks, say in chat push now use your mic, see when you have a advantage.
            In my last games i been doing that non stop, some people want to get megas, but i say they can outpush us lets mid ancient, and we win.
            Dont gank only mid, gank the scariest carry, make that lane be your lane, make them be afraid of you.
            Play all heros, the meta doesnt matter as much in the lower brackets, be a good player in general, dont be a ___picker, if you want to improve.
            In mmr matches people will never hear you, even if you are 2k better than them, adjust your pick to the team, try to lead them in to teamfights, secure a early rosh, give vision on important places, use the scan ability to track donw a enemy carry farming.
            Picks are important but they dont win the game alone, the players do, we outplayed them so hard without any hardcarry, leading to dcs on minute 20 - - adapt your playstyle to what is needed.
            And Dont play ranked until you know that you mastered 10-20 different heroes, each one of them with 2-3 different play styles(EX :a carry,a roamer, or a utility sup).


              I'm sure no expert as my MMR is only ~600 more than yours, but the thing that stood out to me amognst your stats is that you have a lot of abandons. Whether you have internet problems or are doing it on purpose this is holding you back big time. Take for example your Spirit Breaker game a few days ago. They took that game 51 minutes without you. I don't know at what point the abandon happened, but in that long if a game you can pretty much bet it was close fought, and anything you could have done might have made a difference to swing it.

              Over a long enough period of time, turning just a few loses into wins can make a huge difference. If just once every 50 games you could turn a loss into a win your win rate would go from 48% to 52%. If you have unreliable internet, or a job where you're on call all the time I guess there's not much you can do; you're going to be playing with a disadvantage to everyone else. If it's not a technical or employment issue I would recommend adopting a "no abandons ever" policy. Don't start games if there's any chance of being interrupted or them going too late.

              Granted, a lot of your abandons looked pretty grim already, but I been on both sides of ridiculous comebacks in my time. Too many people are so defeatist. Anything is possible in a game of Dota. ESPECIALLY amateur games, but even pro games are never secure. Just a few weeks ago I saw that MVP vs. TNC game where TNC was up 20k gold (not ultra late either, maybe like ~40 minutes), and they were going for T4s and then the throne. MVP gradually respawned and started contesting and one by one heroes started falling. At the end the throne had ~120hp, and the TNC Jakiro had self eulsed and all he needed to do was attack the throne a single time once he landed to win, but MVP killed him before he could get that long attack animation off. TNC only had buyback on two heros, and MVP stormed mid and win despite being down 20K and a throne so damaged a good strong fart would knock it down. I just about shit my pants when MVP won. I thought they were doomed. ANYTHING can happen as long as your throne is still standing.

              Don't ever give up. Every game is winnable. Sure, maybe you only have like a .01% chance of winning at times, but take the chance dammit! Every day people spend tens of millions of dollars on lottery tickets that have a far smaller chance of winning than the losing team in the most lopsided Dota match.

              I wonder if you might have a tenacity problem. Toughen up, don't get discouraged or frustrated, and just doggedly try to win every game however you can, no matter how grim it looks. There's plenty of time to be pissy after the loss- no need to start before the game is even over. Every extra minute the game lasts is another opportunity to turn shit around. It's a gift- not something to be cast aside so you can start a new game. And whatever you do, don't get impatient when thing start going to shit. I just recently discovered I was doing that; I think that's what's responsible for my very streaky play that so many others also experience. I'd win a bunch of games because I was relaxed and confident, then I'd drop a bunch cause I was upset about losing and desperately trying to force ganks/pushes/fights/whatever to either turn the game around or win after losing the previous game, which all too often resulted in dying... a lot. I THINK that's what was going on anyway... I just started thinking about it and watching for it this week. Instead of trying to force things after losing a game my new motto is gonna be "patience, patience, patience." I wish I would have figured that out hundreds of games ago, but that's Dota...

              Good Luck!

              Swap Commends

                Yo its too long,make it simple here.I didn't read all but judging by ur prof :
                - U have low wr in ranked which is not good.So mb focus on 'HOW TO WIN THIS' than what should u pick.
                - At ur MMR passive supports won't work.Play more agro supports like the bh.I have been their in ur mmr,add venom,jakiro to ur hero pool.They may die in fights buy guarantee ur team will win the fight.
                - Idk if u jungle or not but don't do it.Unless lc jungle and join the lanes when needed.
                - Basically if u play support, its likely u support a retard who can't carry the game.
                - Play 1v5 carries or pick agro supports as I suggested.