General Discussion

General DiscussionAlchemist 6.87

Alchemist 6.87 in General Discussion
registered flex offender

    Why did his winrate go up?

    mom said it's my turn to ...

      Primarily because the previous patches' meta mids got shat on this patch, and his items got buffs. Armlet is really strong on him now. The new abyssal blade suits him like diesel to a diesel engine.


        I think its because of his ability to feed aghs which become really OP with some heroes


          Because previous patches you had OD's, Beastmasters and Invokers ending the game really early before Alch got his shit.

          > Whoops



              cus im playing him elegiggle


                Creeps give less gold so his passive gives him more % gold. also meta shift and shit IDK.

                Gazz   ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

                  I think the best nerf to Alchemist is to disable his Goblin Greed to his illusions. Theres a lot of Alchemist I encounter that GPM is more important for them than winning, ignoring clash eventhough they have BoT, small contribution of Hero Dmg, etc. That way, I think many player will skip Radiance

                  move look

                    Because armlet radiance travels manta is op and people are just now realizing it due to armlet buffs.

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                      Pointy Shoes

                        Yeah, even played against someone who went io mid with armlet later.

                        lm ao

                          Best nerf to alchemist is to disable goblins greed from illusions

                          Wtf thats not even logical


                            hes stronger cause his items got better including armlet abyssal and cheeper soul ring