General Discussion

General DiscussionIs Doto getting in the way of your studies?

Is Doto getting in the way of your studies? in General Discussion

    I feel like it has been for me... Its not that I don't study, I just tend to finish early to have enough time to play a game or two. That's why yesterday I decided to uninstall it, almost 5 years later! I'm going to try and stay off of it for a while and do other stuff(get a life lol).

    Anyone share this story?


      Yes, not only dota but gaming in general dropped my grades from A* to B. I have no time to revise because I am always gaming. Part of me wants to stop but the rest of me knows I never will.


        I was forced to stop for about 2 weeks before as I was waiting to receive my new PC, it was really freeing tbh lol
        I had a ton of time to do other stuff, and I quite enjoyed it. This game reminds me of that alch item, the shackles on his legs xD.
        I'm free! haha

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          yep it has