General Discussion

General DiscussionI Become a toxic.

I Become a toxic. in General Discussion

    I love this game, I do.

    But sometimes I can't help it like when I play Weaver last game and my Lion didnt buy anything but dagger and aghs...ends up I bought and dk...luckily we have spectre to save us..

    Well, usually I am really patient but lately I am raging..I dunno man.. the last 2 games they dont ward and deward while I play core and while I play supp the carry fail...i think I deserve better... I watched streams and read guides guys... or should I just play unranked and learn how to play Invo or Meepo? Lol so stress.

    Don't look much at my unranked that's for fun and experimenting.

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      less than 10% player on normal game can be a decent support , bear with it . if you play core , try ward yourself , carry dust when you have invisible enemy , practice more thats all i can say

      Eternal Meow

        Lion was playing a support hero as a carry. He didn't see himself as support. It's a trick. You thought you had a support, but he was really another carry. It would be nice if they would at least say, "I'm carry lion. Not support!" at hero selection screen so you at least know what you're getting into.


          When ever you think your team mates suck, just look at your opponents. 95% of the time, they have a couple teammates that are just as bad.

          I feel like most pub matches end up being more of a 2v2 or 3v3 then a 5v5.

          Also. If your support sucks and doesn't respond to your requests-> realize he is just going to be an easy bot all game. Your opponents probably have the same problem.

          Cosmic Power

            brooster77 sometime is 3 vs 5, 2 vs 4. Dont argue with that suport he cann be wery sklful and useful. Lion in teamfights have 2 diseables. And if you are toxic to them he will problably troll game and you will loose that suport in teamfights.

            Professor Dog

              Brooster is right. Sure your team might have been questionable but so was theirs. Stat first doom, no bkbs, 2 ac? Have to learn that normal skill isn't about being better, but being less worse - which lion was.


                You aren't the only one.
                I don't think I have ever been saltier in my life. My team was terrible, and the other team was talking shit, of course.


                  I tell my team I'm not a support KOTL. I'm a carry KOTL. They are too dumb to realize how the game has been going and that I'm most farmed on my team. They start blaming me for their failures. Sometimes it's inflexibility of Normal skill minds and false expectations of how other players should play that sets u up for failure


                    Buy ur own damn wards idiot. When I play core and supports are not playing as they should I buy wards and place them in good spots myself because they sure as hell don't know how to. If u can't do it yourself then u shouldn't expect others to

                    mom said it's my turn to ...

                      ^I wouldn't be surprised at all if they start flaming you for playing KOTL carry because obv he doesn't scale well into later stages of the game AND he is really good at stealing last hits from true carries that need them, which should explain that economy gap youkeep pointing out between you and your "supports".

                      I'm glad I'm not playing sub-normal skill, shit retarded games with you on SEA.

                      Pale Mannie

                        I becoms a toxiks tuu

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                        lm ao

                          its just normal op, just remember, if this game is changing your psychological disposition (i.e. you scream at your parents more, or you start kicking things when youre pissed) try to relax, find something youll genuinely have fun


                            Why every goddamn braindead OP plays in SE asia?

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                              I tried to play in Japan, and I obviously ticked Japan but I dunno how it end up in I braindead? I have education dude.

                              @fishballs I wrote I bought the wards along with DK cant u read? Its not about my game or ppl who dont buy ward...its a thread about being toxic.


                                And i have over 50 percent wr against ppl over 1k games yeah u can say they are bad but they have much more experience than account is still young but im beating them... how can u say im braindead?


                                  43.56 % winrate?


                                    You play in normal skill like I do plus you play in SE asia enough said.


                                      Play more ranked matches you dogshit player


                                        Its for experimenting you fucking dogshit you fuckface


                                          Playing your server is harder u mean? Sorry then I am more brain dead than you...shown from your 43.56% wr


                                            Keep getting carried shitstain chingchong


                                              Back in the days britney was hot as fuck


                                                Ya I remember she was all the rage for a bit . I remember thinking all the dads were perverts lol . I am 27 so was still a kid when she was big deal .


                                                  Jokes on you. I love that song

                                                  Millicent of Scarlet Aeonia

                                                    I'm so tired of this threads, man If you can't carry them in a normal skill bracket (no matter the wards or whatever) you deserve that MMR, try to improve yourself. and If you think you could do it better (as suport) play suport, and win the game. I mean If your teammates don't know how to play as suport, what the hell are you waiting for to pick a suport?


                                                      @Op - Gratz


                                                        fucking dogchit left and right.