General Discussion

General Discussionhow do you tell a friend politely that he sucks balls so hard at a sp...

how do you tell a friend politely that he sucks balls so hard at a specific hero? in General Discussion
mom said it's my turn to ...

    I have this friend that just plain sucks when playing as pudge. when we party together he always insists he is playing support pudge but he always stays in lane contesting last hits anyway and never roams, nor does he know where and when to put the wards. his hooks - i reckon he's on an average 15% hit rate. his lifetime winrate on the hero is just around 38% across 39 matches(this is a new account because he forgot the password to his old one which I reckon has even worse stats). I don't think my braincells can take any more of this. how do I break it to him that he just plain sucks as pudge and he should just give up playing that rotten heap of walking meat forever?


      Secretly queue into least played...

      Vem Comigo

        -m8 you suck at pudge, i am the best pudge of the world,
        pick pudge and play it the right way.
        I have a friend he plays a better pudge them me, but i always say that i am better than him, them i pick pudge and we win the game, sometimes.

        ASSESS Product

          I think you could demo how to play that hero to him and other stuff like ward location etc.

          Este comentário foi editado
          mom said it's my turn to ...

            I could do ward location, but im just nearly as garbage as he is with pudge that i just gave up on that hero. Also since ranked has new banning mechanics, i ended up playing invoker twice for him when im not ready to play that hero because he couldnt differentiate the ban timer from the picking one and picks invoker instead of banning him. he doesnt play invoker so i had to oblige but i barely practiced the hero myself.


              What brooster said^^^^


                Ban pudge...


                  Why the fuck did you buy drums for invoker?
                  You're so shieet


                    if u have to be polite with ur friends, u rly need to re-think ur life choices

                    < blank >

                      You suck with Invoker

                      Eternal Meow

                        Every time he picks Pudge, you pick Pudge the next game. Imitate his play style. Ask, "How do you like having Pudge on your team?" I'm probably the worst Pudge in the world.

                        Alternatively, you could just ask him to play some hero you think he's good at when you see him hovering over Pudge.