General Discussion

General DiscussionWhat hero to Spam in New Patch?

What hero to Spam in New Patch? in General Discussion

    So i wanna get to 5 k mmr now what hero is Best to Spam now? Lich slark? Or should i just Spam Medusa?

    lm ao

      fuck all hero spammers

      the recent metas have always been no-skilled fotm abuse


        io jungle


          Omni. Always omni every meta.



            Wait he got nerf nvm


              so far lich is the way to go, but i kinda expect him to get nerfed within the next month.


                ^is the sloow buff really that good? or it is because he is lich.


                  slows interaction buff barely matters, its mostly about melee/ranged creeps exp bounty re-distribution. lich steals a lot of experience from the enemy.

                  me, government hooker

                    lich isnt even good


                      lich is best hero of this patch

                      ALLAHU AKBAR

                        Slark with echo saber and silver edge is a beast. And axe with his pure damage helix. :)

                        lm ao

                          ok ill give legit answers
                          puck ta axe potm slark bane

                          Story Time

                   just check which heros got the winrate increased - axe lifestealer for example are ahead of everyone. ES is picked more often now, but hey - it is mostly for fun :)

                            Dire Wolf

                              how the fuck did naix go up? he got minor str buff, major ult nerf.


                                Probably Axe is a new cancer

                                Farming Simulator

                                  I am assuming LS winrate got up because the heroes who are countered by him are more popular now, aka str heroes like axe


                                    Viper desolator :D
                                    So fucking legit

                                    Zhordz II Wrath

                                      GIT GUD


                                        Omni is and will probably always be the best hero for pubs

                                        Your Wife's Boyfriend

                                          potm with aghs is quite insane, you can go offlane build 20 min aghs and you have like 300 cs in 30 mins, however i always lose these games but idk, you may have better luck

                                          Este comentário foi editado
                                          Eternal Meow


                                            Just spam the top heroes there. It looks like Axe brought the axe.

                                            Is there a way get the trends segregated by skill brackets? That might be more useful.


                                              Axe, lich

                                              And theres always still omni and spec


                                                Void offlane is still a thing. My past games are pretty shit but yeah hes still good.


                                                  Kk ill Spam Medusa for this Weekend lets C what happens

                                                  Este comentário foi editado
                                                  Von Darkmoor

                                                    Potm aghs rly gud !!!!

                                                    "fuck all hero spammers
                                                    the recent metas have always been no-skilled fotm abuse"

                                                    Ever since TI4 big dragshow.


                                                      I dont Spam meta heros actually...
                                                      I think thats ok


                                                        holy nutsack lich+axe offlane cannot lose.


                                                          spamming heroes is a bad idea in the long run. you might gain mmr, but it'll inhibit your ability to learn the game. say you spam slark + spectre to go up 500mmr. next patch they might get nerfed into oblivion, then you'll be forced to play new heroes that you can't play well enough at your new higher-than-before bracket. you'll drop right down again and tilt.