General Discussion

General DiscussionThe best heroes in 6.87

The best heroes in 6.87 in General Discussion

    What do you think the best heroes are for:


      Carry = Slark , Axe , Storm , TA
      Support = Wisp because of the Axe+Wisp combo. Or Omniknight as usual
      Offlane = Don't really know , patches don't really affect this role
      Semicarry = Dragon Knight , Pudge , Mirana

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        carry axe and storm




          @EmperorPenguin. Carry Axe. Rofl.

          I haven't played many games in this patch but from what I've seen so far, this is what we have to look forward too.
          Carry: Slark
          Support: CM
          Offlane: Axe
          Mid: TA and SF

          What is going to be experimented with, and will be annoying:
          Carry ES, and Carry WW


            Hopefully TB It's been years....


              carry AM, slark, alchemist, morphling


                Doesn't think Axe is offlane! K


                  Dude are you all serious? Lich is beast right now with the exp change to creeps, eat the ranged creep and there goess the biggest chunk of xp and money from the wave right there


                    Slark and Riki and the two top carry picks this patch.

                    It's actually fucking insane. Like why would you make the two biggest snowball/pick off carries in the game the two biggest threats of the patch. They are the abolsute worst heroes to play against a position 5 support since they can pick off you off wherever you are without any warning. So if your team ever falls behind because the 4 morons who picked carries are getting shat on by a super strong early game riki you literally can't do anything except end up level 8 40 minutes into the game because riki will just go around 3 shotting you while you are stuck in smoke cloud. He even nerfed gem's sight vision, and didn't make sentries cheaper. All this in an effort to get riki picked by a professional team in a competition.

                    Fee Too Pee

                      Nobody mention huskar :(


                        why riki

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                              what are your opinions on bananslamjamma kitrak?


                                well i just tested carry mirana with agha its working good . And in late game WR with BLOODTHORN is just monster . Sf is getting good on mid i think becuz voker , zeus , od nerfed little but its give so much advantage to sf .! For carry role slark is good with that echo sabre . Actually that echo sabre is good item on tiny , lc , slark , slardar etc... . For offlane that axe might be work but hard to win agains 2 hero if he has 1 support he can rape ez and his 3rd skill gets to PURE its making so annoying right now oo yea with blademale he just rape the carry's TOO EZZ . !!

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                                    Carry:no lich


                                      Timbers pretty good again i think


                                        Axe is back bois. lich is crazy good as well.

                                        Miku Plays

                                          Echo saber Lc? KYS PLS


                                            party is right lich is very Best hero on all Position hes just too op.


                                              spec still a sure win on my bracket




                                                  sf is still shitttttt


                                                    Visage OP


                                                      I hate fighting against lich in lane now. Before it was a minor inconvience, but now it's just straight up rigged for offlaners

                                                      lm ao

                                                        Blech playing lich is boring

                                                        Madame President Kamala H...

                                                          Lich is imba as fuck right now. No way he isn't touched in the mini balance updates this patch.

                                                          Axe, Riki, and Slark will be pub cancers as well. Playing support is not gonna be fun


                                                            Offlane: Lich, Timber, Axe, Slardar
                                                            Jungle: Axe, Enigma
                                                            Mid: Zues, SF, TA
                                                            Carry: WK, Lifestealer, Riki, Slark, Spectre, Sven
                                                            Support: Omni, necro & Dazzel

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                                                            stupid fuck 2000

                                                              Offlane: lich, timber, axe, batrider, enchantress, magnus.
                                                              Jungle: enigma. chen is still fine
                                                              Mid: storm (bloodstone buff is way too good), invoker is still good, windranger, puck, ta, ember spirit, dragon knight, viper
                                                              Carry: slark, sven, juggernaut, pl, clinkz, terrorblade
                                                              Support: ancient apparition, dazzle, lich, lion, bane, oracle, cm, shadow shaman, almost all of them honestly
                                                              Roamers: earthshaker, tusk, bounty, ebola spirit, mirana


                                                                Usually I disagree with the account buyer, however, Riki will not be picked in the pro scene, not for sometime. He isn't even at the pub stomping level yet.
                                                                Fv however is slowly making his comeback though.


                                                                  ebola spirit? might as well pick mirana with that boulder kick speed


                                                                    I think weaver also good now as semi carry with aghanim.


                                                                      what about zeus rigth now?


                                                                        ^ He is still viable mid for sure!

                                                                        so so fresh

                                                                          Carry: riki
                                                                          Support: riki
                                                                          Offlane: riki
                                                                          Semicarry: riki

                                                                          Carry: Slark, Sven, Lifestealer
                                                                          Support: Lich, Disraptor
                                                                          Offlane: not sure, I usually play offlane as semicarry, dislike casual off guys like tide or beast. Maybe axe.
                                                                          Semicarry: mirana, slardar, bristleback, kukka, riki


                                                                            Riki best roamer this world's ever seen. This purple goat is also the best utility hero this world's ever seen.


                                                                              Carry : Gondar
                                                                              Support : Gondar
                                                                              Offlane : Gondar
                                                                              Semicarry : Gondar
                                                                              322 kappa

                                                                              Livin' Real Good

                                                                                Storm nigga, Brewmaster is also ridiculous now that the spirits have hero damage, level 1 and 2 primal split early game OP.


                                                                                  Slark is crazy atm

                                                                                  Livin' Real Good

                                                                                    Well Slark isn't been nerfed or buffed in ages, it makes sense that he would eventually become good cause everyone around him is just getting nerfed every patch, especially the AOE magic heroes.