General Discussion

General DiscussionLycan play tips: Skill build, item build, and play style

Lycan play tips: Skill build, item build, and play style in General Discussion

    I really want to learn how to play lycan (mostly because DitYaRa just looks amazing on the hero and interests me), however Im unsure what the correct build would be and why (the situational aspects of the build). As well as i am unsure what items to buy and in what order. Also If you use any specific hot keys for micro, that would help alot and just in general, how do you play the hero?


      vlads then necro are the common go-to items as lycan as you can push quickly with them, vlads also allows you to solo roshan early on.

      situational aspects of the build would be your boot choice, which is either treads or travels. some prefer going treads early on for tread switching plus the extra dps, others prefer staying on browns and getting travels often after vlads + necro.

      also getting a medallion early on can help you rosh faster plus helps in early fights, as well as push because you can give the bonus armour to the creep that is being attacked by the tower but it's not mandatory.

      starting items depends on whether you're jungling or laning. if you're jungling, start with iron talon + tangos then go into vlads, if you're safe laning, a safe item build would be ring of protection, salve + tango, then either stout or quelling blade with the remaining gold.

      the common skill build for a laning lycan would be W-E-Q-Q-Q-R-Q by 7, then E-E-E-R for levels 8-11 otherwise as a jungler, Q-E-Q-E-Q-R-Q by 7, then either E-E-W-R or W-E-E-R for levels 8-11.

      howl is generally gotten at 1 as a safe lane lycan because it helps you and your mid last hit the first wave, feral impulse at 2 also for last hitting damage plus your wolves die easily early on and they cost a lot of mana. feral impulse is maxed after wolves cos it has 100% uptime and also costs more mana.

      maxing howl does give more dps than max feral impulse but only for the 10s that it's active which makes you push much slower, farm slower and do rosh slower for the other 25s that it's off cd.

      after vlads + necro, item choices vary depending on whether you want to focus more on fighting or split pushing. ac or deso are good items for split pushing, ac, bkb, basher or solar crest are good items for fighting.

      hotkeys are personal preference. microing wolves isn't as important in the grand scheme of things compared to having the basics down like getting items on time, and making sure you're focusing objectives like pressuing lanes / towers or killing roshan if you could be doing so, rather than farming the jungle. even if you have god tier micro it's not going to win you games if you're an item behind the enemy carry.

      iirc you said you were like 750 mmr so if that's the case you can pretty much just split push your way to at least 3k mmr. there's no advanced tips that you need to know. all you need to do is just hit creeps and get items as fast as possible, and then hit buildings. if theres a fight, ignore it and push out the opposite side of the map.

      try keep lanes pushed out so that if there is a fight, then you can be immediately hitting buildings when a fight starts rather than having to spend extra time pushing the wave towards the tower.

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          make core items like dagon. u know ss > pursue > dagon > ez kill.


            that was really helpful actually

            yung griphook

              Yeah Andro said it all

              One thing he didnt mention is rosh time, and this depends on the game, but if I'm not mistaken (and somebody please correct me if I'm wrong) you should look to rosh around the 8-10 minute mark


                Just go for salve + talon foor start then vlads then treads then deso/necro => deso/necro => bkb => basher/ac => basher/ac => superbash


                  rosh has gotten harder to take, also it's not really worth as much anymore. so maybe skip rosh altogether and farm instead. unless your team is willing to help, so you can take it even faster.

                  Dire Wolf

                    Just make sure you don't over micro in team fights. With your ult up you basically want to stick all your minions on one unit and let them kill it. I constantly fuck up and am controlling everyone with me to hit a target but then I have to move lycan away so he doesn't die or something and all my minions also move with me and target doesn't die X0

                    BSJ. LGD

                      Safe lane lycan: starting items: stoutshield, branch, mangoes, tangoes quelling from sideshop into phase boots echo sabre then u have a choice of necrobook+drums or you go for tank items

                      Skill build: max wolves and howl with 1 value point in passive, max it later. 2, 3,1,1,1,4,1,2,2,2,4,3,3,3 stats

                      Play style: look at what disables are on opponents team to access whether u can gank them in a lane (look at the mal and wait for that disabled to leave before ganking), gank with ult, press howl when u are abt to hit them then phase through ur wolves. If u have the necrobook and drums combo, activate them before u run.
                      Early game lvl 7 u can rotate to enemy jungle when ur ult is off cd and kill their carry(super game winning) or u can kill their mid. After that just keep farming. It's all abt hitting neuts. If you don't have at least 600 gpm you are doing something wrong.

                      This play style is very different from other builds as it exploits lycans fighting and team fight strengths early to mid game
                      Macro: 1 all ur units, 2 just ur minions(wolf and necrobook), you just press 1 and make ur minions aggro on a hero, press f1 and focus on animation cancelling ur main hero's basic attack.
                      Rohan takes too long to solo now, unless u have medallion or help from ur team. I don't think aegis is very good on lycan either.

                      I have a 70%+ win rate on lycan In ranked by laning or jungling

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                        I started playing lycan recently too, do you guys think armlet is viable on him with the recent buff of the item?