General Discussion

General DiscussionBet offer

Bet offer in General Discussion

    Basically title.
    I challenge everyone who thinks that lich will not be nerfed in the first small gameplay balance-fixing patch valve releases since now.
    If the nerf will be indirect (re-distribution of exp bounty of the creep wave to make ranged creep less viable, f.e.), there will be no winners.
    If the first patch will be not about gameplay (ex. dodge bug fixing, menu re-work or w/e), we will just wait for the next one.
    If the first patch will fix something for other heroes and lich remains untouched, you win. If lich receives a direct nerf, I win.

    The bet I offer is the next random drop I/you get, be it a common sniper hat or lina's arcana; its possible to gift wrap it (before u unbundle it, if it is a set).
    If there will be more than one person willing to challenge me, then the 2nd one will get my 2nd random drop, etc.
    It might take time cz getting items is a rare thing these days, and the drop itself might be shitty or decent, who knows.


    challenger #1 - sam fuckin peckinpah
    challenger #2 - Sand1P
    challenger #3 - Severe-

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      who gives the gift wrap


        the one who wins, gets the item(s)


          was ur question about this, or was it a joke about "wrap"?


            Thers no reason for valve to leave lich.. he just guves his team 1 lane xp more then the enemys nothing haed to see
            This wins all games in 0-8k mmr


              Lich isn't that op... He's very kill able early so he can be zoned out even with a partner.
              Pull the wave and double your XP, lich is good against a team that lets him control the game, he's easily works around, hell pull his wave into a camp.

              < blank >

                Lich -1 armor
                but his spell gets +1 more armor



                  Totentanz to The King: M ...

                    No way he is getting a direct nerf, I'm in.




                        i picked him and lost
                        trash hero


                          I CHALLENGE!!
                          Bt how do u/i be sure that its a random drop??

                          Este comentário foi editado

                            what do u mean? like, when u get something in a game, its always random drop.


                              I mean, u can gift an older item (which was dropped "Randomly"), can't you?

                              Este comentário foi editado

                                well u could, but why would u?


                                  I wouldn't (I play fair) but its a possibility of an event that can happen!!!

                                  Este comentário foi editado

                                    i wont check it out in any case


                                      K! sounds fun anyway ...xD

                                      Este comentário foi editado

                                        i'm sure the possibility of a xp redistribution between the creeps is more plausible than lich getting a direct nerf, sign me up


                                          ok, but as stated in the original post, such an indirect nerf will count as a tie


                                            that's fine


                                              ok cool, just checkin' so that we wont get into trouble later ^_^

                                              p.s. ill close it once there will be 5 challengers, cz the 5th one will have to wait for too long if i lose. the drop is a rare thing these days.



                                                Dota 2 Update - April 29th 2016
                                                Product Update - Valve
                                                * Fixed Hurricane Pike interaction with Gyrocopter's Homing Missile
                                                * Fixed only 4 broadcaster channels being visible in the lobby instead of 6
                                                * Fixed hotkeys on Arc Warden's Tempest Double when reconnecting

                                                * Sacrifice Cooldown increased from 44/36/28/20 to 60/50/40/30
                                                * Sacrifice Mana restore increased from 25/40/55/70% to 30/50/70/90%
                                                * Blade Mail cooldown increased from 13 to 18
                                                * Jinada slow reduced from 25/27/29/31% to 18/22/26/30%
                                                * Armlet's armor bonus is now granted after it is fully activated

                                                Este comentário foi editado

                                                  he gets more mana for sacrifice now so it was really a buff

                                                  jokes aside, i was wrong it seems like, add me later or something for your item i guess


                                                    K seems like you're right. It wasn't a BIG nerf
                                                    , but alright.. ADD ME sometime for your item drop...zz

                                                    Mike Wazowski..!

                                                      Lich did get a nerf in terms of the exp denial in lane..the mana increase isnt that significant.. I guess you can say lich was nerfed and buffed so no one wins r loses.. Everyone keep their items :P


                                                        He's gonna get nerfed 100%. Draws ahead by 1 level in 2 mins, 2 levels by 5 mins and by 10 mins he's 3 levels ahead.


                                                          its a (relatively) huge nerf jointly with a small buff, but if u think its ambiguos and there are no winners, i leave it up to u, cz i admit that it can be interpreted in different ways.


                                                            actually i think u cant gift wrap items to anyone who is your friend for less than 1 year anyways LUL
                                                            correct me if im wrong

                                                            Â INV MENYA LP PARTY

                                                              * Sacrifice Cooldown increased from 44/36/28/20 to 60/50/40/30
                                                              * Sacrifice Mana restore increased from 25/40/55/70% to 30/50/70/90%

                                                              Â INV MENYA LP PARTY

                                                                * Sacrifice Cooldown increased from 44/36/28/20 to 60/50/40/30
                                                                * Sacrifice Mana restore increased from 25/40/55/70% to 30/50/70/90%


                                                                  no winners then? or item exchange?

                                                                  < blank >

                                                                    It's a early game nerf but a late game buff
                                                                    We are talking about a balance tweak here => nerf


                                                                      its clearly an outright nerf

                                                                      Este comentário foi editado

                                                                        @triple u can, u just need to use mobile authenticator.


                                                                          aight, i leave it up to you, sam, sand1p and severe-


                                                                            Looool man !!!!!!


                                                                              Add me first dude...

                                                                              mom said it's my turn to ...

                                                                                Ez rares ez lyf

                                                                                >tfw no gamer girl peeing gf

                                                                                  I say you guys keep this going til the next small patch update :thinking: :smile: :happy: :thinking: