General Discussion

General DiscussionBan in all pick ranked

Ban in all pick ranked in General Discussion

    No one fucking remebers that you can now ban heroes lol
    I always end up banning what i want :D

    >tfw no gamer girl peeing gf

      It's stupid, they should really take it out all pick ranked and make Captain's the main mode.

      Dire Wolf

        they need to double the time to 20seconds is all if they want people to ban. 10 you have no time to browse, you have to consider going in and kind of know where the hero is on the board.


          Barely have time to scroll to a hero or think! You need too think before your game even starts


            Just plan to spam a hero and always ban the counter of course.


              U need to wait till we find out who's the new cancer and ban it evritim

              Pale Mannie

                If i would play ranked which im not, i would ban cm/slark all the time


                  the interface is indeed weird but i think they'll change it a bit