General Discussion

General DiscussionInvoker nerf 6.87

Invoker nerf 6.87 in General Discussion

    So what does this actually mean ?

    -Invoked Spells[?] cast point increased from 0 to 0.05


      It take you 0.05sec longer to cast your spells except orbs and invoke

      Pale Mannie

        all his skill have now a cast time


          aint a big diff b/w 0 and 0.05?

          So like hes shit now?


            I think he's shit now because of the int nerfs, but cast point does make a difference too.

            shag bro

              In a 1v1 scenario, maybe a little change in cast point might give you more chances to escape and possibly turn on him but in a full out team fight, this minor nerf will hinder him from literally dropping 10 skills + refresher and wiping the whole team out before they can do anything.