General Discussion

General Discussioni just cant win games whutdefuq?

i just cant win games whutdefuq? in General Discussion

    can someone telll me what am i doing wrong it is so confusing right now
    i always know there is no help in my team but this is getting out of hand.

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    Fee Too Pee

      stop playing for awhile man. when u tilts because losing streaks just stop, u will just mad and lose again. just accept ur lost now


        finally won a game dude.
        havent tried stop playing but will now midterms comin up.


          fixed winrate from your invoker win streak and the one after that.


            Do people actually believe this fixed winrate bs?

            lm ao

              Its all in your mind OP. Come play again if you think youve gotten rid of the tilt. If you play rn and you havent wholly gotten over over your last loss, 1 sf arcana says youre gonna lose no doubt.

              Also see my reply on the other thread :)


                Its kinda true to an extent though Zapp. Dota 2 is the only game i have had an 10 game lose streak on. not even COD, Halo, League of legends, chess, checkers, uno, any other kind of game... monopoly... never.

                Eternal Ember

                  Shit happens😁 look at me . No matter how I tried, Volvo always match me with 1v5 games. RIP OURSMURFS😁 be positive ,don't care winrate. Just focus on your gameplay.


                    Often when you have loss streak it has nothing to do with you and actually IS bad luck that your teamates picked heroes they suck at playing.

                    If you are at a reasonably stable MMR you will win about 50% of your games. Even if you are a bit underated and still win 55% that means you LOSE 45 games in 100 games! The games are mostly decided by the other 9 players not you. You really don't have that much control over the outcome if not vastly superior to the MMR of the game.

                    The reason many people feel that loss streaks are because of their random teamates is because it is often true. However, if you want to improve you can't look at it this way. You have to think about "how could I win despite this sucky team". You have to eliminate your mistakes. You have to find a way to play a higher level game.

                    Having a poor attitude about your team is counter productive during the game. Positive emotions and encourangement are more likely to win games. But outside of the game, keep in mind the reality that 9/10 players are not you. If 3 opposing players play a great game and 3 of your team feed them you are just going to lose and it's not because of any mistakes you made.

                    Overall you have a 56% winrate and 4.79 KDA on invoker. It's a strong hero for you. But recently you lost 4 of the last 5 invoker games. Do you suddenly suck at invoker? No. Your teams sucked.

                    Could you have played an even more amazing invoker game and won this? Maybe. But there is no way you could stop clinkz and BH from feeding like crazy. It looks the game was lost almost entirely by clinkz choice to try to play with no bkb. He has 24k networth and still no bkb - 100% focus on offense, while the enemy qop has a hex and kunka could kill him at will all game long with X.

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                      ^Oh my god someone finally understands the pain i have been going through. this is the problem with sea. you have no control over the other outside variables even though you played your best till the end. Players here are pretty much hardheaded. You can play a decent game or maybe a perfect game but in the end if the other variables have a much stronger impact than yours, well you can count this as a loss. worst feeling ever

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                      lm ao


                        relentless sucky-sucks your dick by praising your invoker stats when in fact his point is super different than as what youve understood it?


                          do you even understand bro?