General Discussion

General DiscussionGoing up calibrating higher mmr

Going up calibrating higher mmr in General Discussion

    I'm a Dota 1 player need some suggestion, my friend said that i need to get out of normal skill bracket to get high mmr, so i have done the stacks as a support, do the spit pushing, but still do not get out of the normal skill bracket. Why is this happening. Btw, I,m new to Dota 2. :)


      how to get out of low skill, got to meta find the heroes that stomp then spam. So Ursa, Abaddon, Spectre, and Sven. Learn how to use helm on sven and stack ancients and you will not lose. 53 second mark every stack btw.

      shag bro

        Play your most comfortable hero, get good. Like if you play support, try to make sure the map is constantly warded and de warded, die less and find gold for some items like force staff and glimmer Cape.

        If you play carry make sure you farm efficiently, buy items that benefit you. Adjust to the pace of the game etc etc. Overall, learn what is important to win in a game - Objectives.


          you can always go for the early push np, or drow ranger, normally lower mmr players dont do that.

          Eternal Ember

            You didn't play support, lol. You're always position 1 gamer. Don't smurf if you didn't improved a lot to hit vhs wannabes. As a dota 1 gamer if you transition to dota2 you haven't yet familiar on skill brackets. My friendly advice, don't smurf if your not good enough ,so you will not get disappointed on the result.

            lm ao

              OP if you think youre good enough to play to the next level, youre definitely wrong.

              Being good in dota is not just knowing how to pull creeps, split-pushing and stuff. True, they do jelp you games but actions like are only a small part of composote game sense. If you want to improve, watch pro players tell something about their thought process on certain heroes they play and youll realize, despite your wc3 experience, tjetes still a lot of knowledge needed to be unlock. It opens up a whole new understanding of the game but usually it takes time. If you are truly good, then youll improve in a relatively short amount of time. The slope of a persons learning curve is what usually defines his uniqueness from the rest of the trash xd

              Eternal Ember

                He's a smurf😂 from the title of his post. Big disappointment @OP

                lm ao

                  Lol thanks captain obvious


                    I play Support. Most Games with Invo. GG bro


                      SPIT pushing is enough.....