General Discussion

General DiscussionSuggestion for good solo offlane.

Suggestion for good solo offlane. in General Discussion
ASSESS Product

    Any hero beside dark seer and faceless void? I have little tournament next week. These 2 heroes always get banned.

    Fee Too Pee

      slardar? or LC ?

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        beast master, tide, bat, brood, ench, nyx...

        ASSESS Product

          ok ty guys. so any suggestion what should i build on beast like after finish necro and dagger?


            bot's, vlads, refresher, ac, idk anything that ur team needs.

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              usually vlads and BoTs, followed by AC


                meast baster, hide tunter, mrood bother, ayx nssassin, rat bider, done lruid etc

                ASSESS Product

                  Oh I forgot about lone druid. Ok he will be my list for tour.


                    ld,bm,doom,bat,tide,np,ns ...


                      Typically any viable offlane, is one who can just sustain the offlane and keep the enemy carry busy, while gaining levels, and a bit of farm. I mean, Zeus can offlane. Voker can offlane. Lone Druid can offlane(and he should tbh) Silencer can offlane, heck even solo ES can offlane.

                      But if u want actual offlanes, and not that load of bullshit of what I said.

                      The offlanes include Tide, BM, Enchantress, Dark Seer, BB, Necro, Tiny(I guess), Timbersaw, Doom, and probably some others I miss.
                      But the best IMO, depending on various situations of course, are Tide, BM, and Enchantress. Tide is tanky, and can harass if melee supports and carries, and can just stomp the lane if they are. BM is more utilized 'cause of his beasts, he can scout, harrass, and farm all the same time, even stack the offlane neut camp. Enchantress stomps enemy carries and prevent farm, and renders supports nearly useless who rely on physical harassment even if they're range, due to untouchable + Nature's Attendants.

                      Haven't seen much offlanes in the spotlight recently that caught my eye, so this is all I can tell you.

                      Dire Wolf

                        dual lane the offlane, go like sven and slardar and stun their asses into oblivion


                          noone ever plays bat but he fucking owns, at least in 4k

                          ASSESS Product

                            I did play solo offlane timbersaw and went pretty well. But still I confused if i should buy crimson guard or just rush other item. Usually my item for him go like this: soul ring > magic wand > arcane boot > bloodstone > either blademail or crimson > either shiva or pipe if there are magic dmg spammer like zeus, od, invoker > scepter > octarine core


                              People in normal skill playing tourneys while I still here looking at my pathetic MMR fking 4Head

                              lm ao

                                Does offlane puck still own?


                                  My favorite offlane : batrider and tidehunter

                                  ᕦ(◣_◢)ᕤ PMZ ᕦ(◣_◢)ᕤ

                                    I been using centaur and it works great, especially against melee carry, once you get traquil boots, you double edge him, and then regen, then repeat......

                                    ASSESS Product

                                      @Raymond in tournament, it doesnt matter how much your mmr. It only matter if captain can draft good and make sure you have big hero pool.

                                      My team consist of below 2k mmr. The lowest is 500+ mmr.

                                      We actually pretty reckt this 3k-4k mmr team. Unfortunately we only manage go to 2nd round upperbracket (my team got 2nd place in group stage while the frst place team were 2nd in tour) and forfeit the tour bcoz my mental cant handle too much game per day (as I mention in yesterday post).

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                                        Pale Mannie

                                          Meanwhile in russian 2k:

                                          AM offlane wins solo

                                          >tfw no gamer girl peeing gf

                                            Do Enchant offlane

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                                              ASSESS Product

                                                @Mocha Bloke enchant offlane need to max up 1st or 3rd?
                                                @Kitrak yeah, just watch my friend play, refresher is so good on beast.

                                                >tfw no gamer girl peeing gf

                                                  Max Q first.
                                                  If you see magic spam heroes in your lane like Zeus, Skywrath, Windranger (espeically when she gets her ult) your Q isn't going to help you a lot.

                                                  Depending on who you face will depend on W and E.

                                                  I max Q and W first if I see heroes that can't deal with my passive, as for the W use it on heroes to slow them so you can kill them faster with your ult.

                                                  I usually go brown shoes, then Dragon Lance. But remember to change it up depending on line-ups. Hope that gives you some insight. GL, man.