General Discussion

General Discussionget the same retard 3 times in one day

get the same retard 3 times in one day in General Discussion
Granite Lee

    How can this happen?

    Like seriously. The retard picks invoker and sucks at it. bloody annoying


      Retard logic... These people keep trying the same thing and expect a different outcome. In your case... If I keep trying a hero that I suck at eventually I will win with it.

      Granite Lee

        haha yea. i played with the same fuckers again. and guess what they fed. and i lost. I go 10/2/7 gyro and get rewarded with idiots who don't know how to fucking play. great

        Lets do Science

          you came to this forum what? a day ago? and how many threads have you opened just to bitch about your teammates?


            Make new account

            Lose ranked games

            Post about how shit teammates and stacks are



              Seems like the best solution for retard smurfs

              lm ao

                I remember a few days ago when i was against this dumb guy who kept flaming us his enemies dumb teen shit and stuff.

                Worse part of it is that I went against him THREE FUCKING TIMES. Guess what, I lost to him THREE FUCKIN TIMES as well. The guy mustve been so proud of his od spam lolol.


                  Just looked at your drow Ranger game.

                  Shadow Blade into Aghs?

                  Fukin wat? Not even in 3k is that considered a good idea on drow.

                  Not to mention that you died the same ammount as the aftermention "Retards" you claim to ruining your game, so I say that the only retard on your team is you.