General Discussion

General DiscussionWould a new account be worth it?

Would a new account be worth it? in General Discussion

    This is kinda embarrassing but oh well...

    So i calibrated at 949 mmr and this is the first account i ever made and the first account i played a match on. I have only been playing since valentines day, however i feel as if i have improved alot, just look at my recents. But now I am at like 750 mmr and in a few matches it is my fault that we lose but not at all a majority of them. It is almost as if i am playing low priority with dazzle that builds desolator and feeds mid (this has no joke happened to me three times) and a winter wyvern that builds daedalus and manta style. Anyways, I just wanted to ask if making a new account and trying to calibrate higher would be a better decision or if i should just spam pudge, ursa, and OD until i can get to a desired mmr.

    Dire Wolf

      First stop abandoning games. 3 abandons in 4 days... 11 abandoned matches with < 300 played, you abandon at a 4% clip, once every 25 games. My lifetime results are 1.8%, like once every 55 games and those are skewed cus I abandoned a lot before ranked was introduced and there weren't penalties except waiting a half hour to queue again.

      Second stop playing storm. You have a bad win rate on him and he's a weak hero right now.

      Third focus on tower dmg. Your cs in the few games I checked wasn't that bad, but your tower dmg is low. That's what wins games in the end.

      And then maybe consider not picking hard carries, that's a tough one cus they are easiest to win with but holy crap all your games have like four hard carries.


        if u are american u should be rich enough to just buy one


          I'll gladly sell you a new acc that you can jump right into ranked with with a decent rating. Just add me on steam.


            NO, you belong at your mmr. I'm not even saying it to troll youve got an overall 44% winrate and this month 97 games of ranked with a 46%. You deserve your mmr, and its not people holding you back, if you were higher you'd be stomping those games.

            Harsh but true.

            Eternal Meow

              If you are better than your current mmr you should have a good winrate. If you have a good winrate your mmr should go up. You are describing bad plays your team makes as the reason you lose. You know sometimes the main reason you are winning is because the opponent team is making similar bad plays right? You only see your allies bad plays usually. The other team is making lots of bad plays too.


                First buy new keyboard, pc, mouse, wifi etc. so you aren't handicapped by that. Then look at your settings, make sure you are controlling camera with pan, have a hotkey for everything you need and know those hotkeys, can use 6 actives, can micro and make control groups, can control the courier well enough to mindlessly bottle crow, practice stacking every camp and make sure you can double pull on both sides. Make a new account and spam 1v1 mids with every viable mid hero until you win with every one consistently(note that getting the 2 kills is NOT good enough, you MUST win in last hits and denies everytime), should take at least 100 games. If you are having trouble watch pro mid players with the hero you are struggling with and see how they use the heroes skills, abuse creep aggro, ferry regen, etc. Then watch pro games from player perspective of whatever position you want to play.

                Finally you are ready to queue for normals on the new account. Congrats you will calibrate at at least 3k, probably higher.

                This may sound like a lot of work, but it really doesn't take that long, and you will actually improve, compared to playing 100s of meaningless 40 minute games where you don't really improve, in fact they will give bad habits and make you worse.

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                  Dont buy an acc with high mmr than your own. I saw lot of acc buyer, playing in a acc with 4k mmr. When died he in lane or whenever he said look my teammates they didnt help me they just watching, saying like fcking noobs. Hey man, he is a legal 4k and u got there by buying acc. Fck that guy, the people in 4k mmr compare to his main id i think they know when to fight and when they cant. Even though im just a 3k scrub i still understand what is wrong with that guy. I know im jusy not good enough to be in the highest bracket or higher mmr.
                  If u cant raise mmr in 900 dont even dream to get high mmr. Get good 1st.


                    Dan, can you not read stats correctly, i said i am steadily improving my winrate this week is 60 this month is 52 and 3 months is 47 while my overrall is 45. I have been improving and this week completely proves that i am infact higher than the mmr i am at. if not this week then this month, especially since that is still higher than your overall win rate period. I have only been playing since valentines day so mid february. I understand game mechanics, stacking ancients helm of dominator, creep pulling, force attack on creeps tower manipulation hot keys couriers shift queing all that. I am just asking if you think i should continue this acc or start a new one.


                      52% winrate is like an average winrate of someone whos playing consistently. do not consider making a smurf unless u have like 65-79%+ winrate within last months.

                      ASSESS Product

                        If this is your first account and calibrate at 900 mmr, thats actually indicate your skill. So buying new account wont help. Keep practise until you manage to get 60%+ winrate. FYI this is my very frst account and calibrate at 1.6k mmr and have 40% winrate at that time (my mmr now is 2.2k) but now I try to keep improve and try to get at least 60+ winrate b4 smurfing. If you have time, watch some pro plays and learn the current meta bcoz some of hero recommended item in shop are actually outdate.

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                          This week in ranked your winrate is 44%. This month it is 42%. You are still losing MMR which means that you are playing worse than the other players in your games on average.

                          750 MMR is still a bit too high for you. This level of MMR has lots of people who are not seriously trying to win the game. In fact there are frequently players deliberatly trying to lose games below 1k MMR. Intentional losers are likely to be on both teams.

                          If you are really serious about winning you should take advantage of those throwers and feed on them. Also if your skill is too low to compete directly against other players (you keep getting low KDA) then pick pushing heroes and focus on trying to take towers. Try to learn just one aspect of the game at a time.

                          In your case the best thing to do is pick drow and learn how to push lanes and escape when someone comes to stop you. Drow's attack automatically becomes large enough that your early failure at lasthitting disapears once you reach level 6. This means you can have decent items eventually no matter how badly you farm. Remmeber to turn on drows aura when your creeps are ready to hit the tower. And focus on staying alive. The best thing you can do to win the game as drow at sub 1k MMR is never die.


                          If you did get an account with much higher MMR you would lose a much higher % of games. That is what happens to all of the people who buy accounts they could not create themselves by actually winning games.

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                            if you can't win like 95% of games at 750 mmr then it doesn't matter if you make a new account because you're still going to calibrate at a shit mmr. on the off chance that your mmr doesn't reflect your skill, like lets say you're actually 2000 mmr, that's still a god awful skill level regardless that you shouldn't care about the number itself and just focus on improving yourself.

                            and if you were rated higher than the number displayed in game, then you'd reach your "true" skill rating with enough time anyway because you're playing against 5 enemies worse than you.

                            if you have to cherry pick your stats just so you can say that you have above 50% winrate in a certain situation then you can't be improving that fast.

                            ASSESS Product

                              And if you really need so badly to raise the mmr, spam dark seer.


                                Want to give me your account for the weekend danny boy I can raise your MMR for you.
                                Playing on a shitty laptop with lag so cant play at my MMR atm :(


                                  Unless your acc has games in it...Yes.

                                  Alien Righteousness

                                    I would not recommend that you create a new account until you have about 1000 games. You aren't going to calibrate that much higher, trust me. What I would recommend doing is playing a wide variety of heroes and really learning the game well. Then you can re-calibrate and you'll probably be at more like 2-2.5k MMR.

                                    More generally, you shouldn't be focused on MMR at this point. You're just learning the game. Focus on learning as much as you can right now, and don't worry about MMR. The danger of playing in low MMR, however, is that you can reinforce bad habits. For example, Riki might be a pubstomper at your MMR but he isn't in higher MMR. Same with strategies like jungle LC.

                                    Become a better player by using DotaBuff and replays to examine how high-level players play. Also ask questions here and at the Dota 2 Reddit. Don't think you'll become better just by practicing. As I said, you might become really good for 1K tier, but when you play in 2K or 3K, you'll get crushed because the same strategies don't work.

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                                      and anyways the time that you spend playing enough games on a new account so that you can play ranked matchmaking is better spent on self improvement. if you're only getting 52% winrate against other 750 mmr players then you're not going to get significant improvement if you were to recalibrate.


                                        60% winrate this week against 750 mmr players isn't good either. that's like saying you have a 60% winrate playing football against toddlers.