General Discussion

General DiscussionDota dreams

Dota dreams in General Discussion

    so I just woke up from this stupid dream where I played legion, and fed a divine rapier and eventually lost, more like a nightmare.
    So I realized that me dreaming about Dota in my sleep has been common after my 1000th game or so.
    I would have a dream about a game of dota every 3 to 4 nights, so i wonder if you guys also have this.

    Pale Mannie

      I blinked as batrider to the other side of the map and grabbed some unknown hidden hero from the hero pool and force staffed to the other side back into the t1 dire offlane then i died and woke up


        ^ my god.


          The quality of the threads thesedays. 4head!!!


            Does having sex with female dota heroes count? I mean they were extremely sexy and seductive in my dreams.. of course there was one where suddenly a Legion Commander appeared and her stomach exploded because Life Stealer decided to cosplay as Alien.. that was a nightmare and every time I see a Legion Commander and Life Stealer in a game I avoid them at all cost.. -_-

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            Pale Mannie


                I have a dream one Day i get 4 good Team mates in a 4k game. I know thats super strange but who knows?


                  I had a dream i was 8.6k and spec was my most played hero, wtf
                  it happened before this patch but i still remember it

                  lm ao

                    When i was new to dota i had lucid dreams of pub matvchmaking glory almost every other night. Shit like this seems normal, especially when youre suffering with low self-esyeem problems xaxaxa

                    I rarely do now.


                      ^ So where did you find your self-esyeem? I'd like to avoid it at all cost. I still wanna have my sexy dreams without Legion Commander or that cosplaying maniac.


                        once i had a dream that i had 6k or something

                        also i had a dream where i was singsing and i was playing dota in third person, mixed with gw2
                        and i was reviving one of my teammates (like in gw) and a milisecond before the reviving bar was filled i stood up and was like "oh look, free last hit!" and run away and the guy who was dead was like "i hate you so fucking much" but it was fun for both of us
                        like on sing's dota streams


                          Poker faced