General Discussion

General DiscussionHow Well Have You Improved? Starting MMR ---> Current MMR

How Well Have You Improved? Starting MMR ---> Current MMR in General Discussion

    Make sure you also leave an opinion on the person's improvement above you.

    Starting Solo MMR = 1559
    Current Solo MMR = 3742

    Starting Party MMR = ~1900~
    Current Party MMR = 2836

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      Your Wife's Boyfriend


        Gratz btw, can't believe you once were 1559 solo ))
        keep on climbing, stick to what you know and gl getting 4k.

        starting solo ~3500
        max solo 5212
        current solo 4908

        starting party ~3600
        max party ~4690
        current party 3919 :(

        I'm kinda climbing down right now :)

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          Calibrated at 2k with about 300 games. Immediately dropped to 12k, and am now sitting at 2.5k.
          Haven't played ranked in a while cuz I am focusing on expanding my hero pool.

          2k pub scrub

            @ David Lynch, MMR is an average, so its completely fine to drift up and down by a few hundred mmr, it must have taken a lot of work to get to 5k and im sure you can get there again :)

            I started at 1.2k solo (when i didnt realize how much i sucked) and it took me about 200 games to reach 2.1k. I have been here for about a month and I expect to climb some more but havent been able to play very much recently. My party started at 1.2 and is at 1.3 because i rarely have friends to play with.

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              Starting Solo MMR - 888 (sep 2014)
              Current Solo MMR - 4028


                April 2015 - 953

                Now - 2368

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                  @Captain Gamb according to my calculations Captain Gamb, you just gained 1650 mmr not 3.2k m8. So your mmr is more like 2k (which it is not since ur very high and high skill) or you calibrated at like 3k-ish mmr. Am I right or am I right?

                  Also i calibrated at 3.2k, dropped to 2.2k then went up to 3.5k. :)

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                    Pretty bad, tbh

                    Starting was 3623, now I'm 3987.

                    It took me 3000 games to get 400 MMR gain, facepalm


                      Took me 110 matches to go from 2000->2750

                      NEMOJ GAAAA HRPO

                        @Captain Gamb started 888 and now u have 4028 and 52.5% overall winrate? 825 ranked games 54% winrate..dunno dude but number saying different story

                        King of Low Prio

                          Starting Solo MMR - 3.3k
                          Current Solo MMR - 4.2k


                            @One last try Yea ikr seems fishy

                            NEMOJ GAAAA HRPO

                              @attackhelicopter he started from 888 to alomost 4.1k overall winrate need to be almot 65% or higher

                              Venus, MBA

                                Starting: 858 (April 2015)
                                Current: 2531

                                NEMOJ GAAAA HRPO

                                  @venusaurus Rex 375 ranked games 60% winrate thats rly nice keep it up ;)


                                    Starting SOLO: 2832
                                    Current Solo: 2601

                                    Starting Party: 3075
                                    Current Party: 3267

                                    I'm climbing down :(. Any tips to climb up? TY


                                      Let me explain

                                      I started this game in sep 2014 as I mentioned earlier, having no experience of mobas. I calibrated as soon as I reached lvl 13 (mistake) and got 888 mmr. Played on that acc for like 4 months and got max 1600 MMR on that account and I dropped to 1.1k on it. After that because of exams and some internet problems I didn't played dota 2 online for like 3 months But still I used to play offline and actually trying to improve by reading dotafire guides, watching videos on YouTube etc. After that when my exams got over and internet probs got solved I decided to make a another acc since i had much better game knowledge than earlier also no patience to increase MMR from 1.1k. And this is that acc made it last year in may 2015 I guess. I calibrated on this acc and got 2.6k and in only 2-3 months i reached 3.6k. But after that I was stuck in the 3.6-3.9k bracket for like 5-6 months. Tried too hard to reach 4k BT it was kinda seeming impossible so I decided to take a break from this acc and play on my main which I havent played on for like a year. Boosted that acc from 1.1k to 2.5k in only 15-20 days. After got back again on this acc and finally reached 4k on this one. Btw I don't call my second acc a smurf since I have like 1200 games on this one and like 600 on main one. True story on ur cancerous SEA. Thanks for reading

                                      Main acc -

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                                        I'm losing hope on SEA server that's why I rarely play ranked solo match. If only I can play in other regions without ping issues, I would.

                                        NEMOJ GAAAA HRPO

                                          then say 1 acc starred from x to x and another acc started from x to x...

                                          stared 3.275 my highest was 4.2 2 month ago and now i am 3.4 and climbing back (last 2 games was party )

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                                            Well op asked starting MMR and current MMR not starting acc MMR and current acc MMR.

                                            Visita Hari Danta

                                              Starting Solo: 2045
                                              Current Solo: 4116

                                              Starting Party: 2125
                                              Current Party: 3000


                                                started from the bottom (2400) now we here (~4600)
                                                was like 5100+ at best, mb even more wast really stressing cuz i thought i will climb to 6k rl ez lolz didnt happen


                                                  SOLO 3.5k --> SOLO 4.2k

                                                  Moon :d

                                                    Starting 600 now 800 party started 600 now 1.2





                                                        Livin' Real Good



                                                            Start 1800 now, 3816

                                                            Rektdalf the White

                                                              Start 2,7 highest 3,5, current 3,1


                                                                Start 3.1k
                                                                Now 2.6k
                                                                I got worse!!! :(


                                                                  Start 1.2k
                                                                  Now 3.1k

                                                                  KGBlue Lives Matter

                                                                    start: 900mmr to 1k
                                                                    Now: 2.1-2.2k


                                                                      Solo :
                                                                      Started 1600 now 2100

                                                                      Party started 1100 now 2000


                                                                        Starting solo ( may 2015 ) = 2071
                                                                        Current solo = 3497
                                                                        Never played dota 1 before, btw


                                                                          3.4k -> 4.3k

                                                                          doja's kat

                                                                            Starting solo: 1.2k MMR
                                                                            Current Solo: 3.6k MMR

                                                                            Starting Party: 1.1k MMR
                                                                            Current Party: 2k MMR


                                                                              "Make sure you also leave an opinion on the person's improvement above you."


                                                                              @pew pew - good now you should raise your low mmr friend's party mmr.

                                                                              My MMRs barely budged up 200 points from 3172 to 3403 since I calibrated. Same deal wtih party, from 3275 to 3604.


                                                                                K, forgot about opinion
                                                                                @goddamn u should either use meta heroes or use high impact heroes, such as death prophet, invoker, sf


                                                                                  starting mmr/party: 4k (2013)
                                                                                  current mmr/party: 4,3 / 4,7 stuck at 4k for three years XD


                                                                                    Starting: 3600
                                                                                    Highest: 3800
                                                                                    Lowest: 2500
                                                                                    Current: 3100

                                                                                    Played DotA Allstars from 2006.. xD

                                                                                    TELL YOUR GIRL TO WASH HE...

                                                                                      Started 2.5k, now flat 3k. I've a really slow pace when it comes to grinding in any game.

                                                                                      Edit: except pokemon. I actually ground hours and hours into that game for IV breeding and EV training my pokemon.

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                                                                                        Party 3.5 now 3.2 aiming to go lower so i throw more


                                                                                          Starting solo 2.2k
                                                                                          Now 2.7k
                                                                                          My highest mmr 3k

                                                                                          Tony Stronk
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                                                                                             . I HAVE A SMURF ACCOUNT .hahahahaha I cant believe Ive play with 3,4,5k Players and Im proud of it :D