General Discussion

General Discussionso many games with retards.

so many games with retards. in General Discussion
Granite Lee

    how many games do i have to have with idiots. like i would win 1 game and then its like 5 with the most useless players who should be sub 1k mmr.

    Like my last game. 2 supports no wards. team has one job.. to not feed the spec. they feed the spec.

    When i play spec.. I get no supports... my team is pure useless.
    When other people play spec. they have good supports and good teams who work around it. WTF how the fuck does this fucking happen.
    Why do idiots decide to even play this game

    Granite Lee

      then i get LP for trying to carry these fucking idiots but can't because they are pure fucking shit

      Granite Lee

        I would have so much fun killing every single one of you fucking retarded shits


          good stats bro.

          Granite Lee

            yea who's fault is it that i have shit stats? oh yea my fucking useless fucking team. yea its a 5 person fucking game.

            Yea you're a fucking retard

            lm ao

              Watch chaka khan bro, sexy voice LennyFace


                Ye ur job with am was to hit buildings, but u didn't. Ur just as bad as ur team.


                  Play as Oracle . You will win more games that way.


                    Play heroes that are needed in team, not what you want to play at that moment. If you pick a support like Lich or Skywrath Mage you hacve still great lategame impact, just get the correct balance of buying items and wards. If you don´t have gold, ask your team nicely for buying some wards adding a "thx" after your question. They will be bought by 90%.