General Discussion

General DiscussionPost a Game that finally made you lost faith in humanity

Post a Game that finally made you lost faith in humanity in General Discussion

    Reason: Kunkka claiming he was the sole purpose we didnt loss sooner and team was shit.

    lm ao

      every game i play makes me gradually lose hope in humanity

      looking forward to my 1000th game id probably lose all my morality then

      lm ao




          +1 on that



            Last pick riki to go with our safelane tiny.

            Guy who first pick randoms dazzle announces he doesn't mind -25mmr, buys no support items and goes offlane and steals farm from the Lone Druid.

            No courier bought at the start so I had to buy and upgrade courier and wards etc and it tilted me so hard that I fucked up my laning against the QoP who had randomed (so had a bunch of extra stat items/faerie fires etc) and was able to kill me in lane at level 1 or some shit.



              Lion and PA 2 stack saying they solo carried the game, and I fed like a bitch.

              Swap Commends

                @morph/puck spam till 6.87
                Your first comment
                I am still laughing
                So true yo :)))))))

                Este comentário foi editado
                lm ao

                  im the coolest regular dude right?

                  im so godly wtf im blushing!


                    ^ everytime you post something, i imagine that dog in your DP narrating whatever you wrote :P


                      Reason :
                      Timberthrow decided to right click my point booster when I dropped it in the jungle next to Radiant's fountain.

                      Such hardwork, very fram, no w0w. :(



                        sven, are you building shadow blade, ok fair enough think you'd be better off with blink but no biggie. is that a battlefury you're building now? think you need bkb mate. they have a lot of slows. a second battle fury? for the love of god buy a fucking bkb. oh great you have a ogre club, bkb soon and we'll win. oh, you've upgraded to a silver edge. please sven, get a bkb, we win if you just buy a bkb. mithril hammer! yes! oh, deso. RIP 9 game winstreak.


                          Every game with OD/omni/spec/voker. In other words every game played in the last 3 months.


                            My last game was pretty upsetting.



                              safelane Morph i don't even know what to say. 4.8k I had to explain to him that he could morph str while stunned ;/