General Discussion

General DiscussionVanguard & Radiance Void -- Too Strong

Vanguard & Radiance Void -- Too Strong in General Discussion

    i was making vlads and maelstrom on void since the beginning of this patch. been trying wagamama's vanguard radiance void. amazing counter to invoker i must say.


      i've used that build countless times since 3 months ago

      i want to point out that it isn't that strong lmao and it's very easily countered. the only reason it works is because people don't know how to deal with it yet, remember badman spectre? when no1 knew about it, it was op as fuck because he'd snowball off the supports every game but now that its been popularized, people know not to pick squishies or will attempt to shut u down early

      it's weak to high sources of dps (sven destroys void going vg rad) and you're very susceptible to silences/stuns/mana drain

      it's not really broken but against certain lineups, they're completely helpless against you

      Mike Wazowski..!

        What's the point of radiance?


          17% dodge, doing aoe damage over a large period of time since you're tanky

          accelerate farm with manta, synergy with octa

          Mike Wazowski..!

            Isn't playing void as an initiator utility better?


              but we're talking about safelane void, which is entirely viable against certain lineups